Watertown Genealogy (in Middlesex County, MA)

USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Middlesex County (10,092) > Watertown (282)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Watertown are also found through the Middlesex County and Massachusetts pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records Tax Records

Watertown Birth Records

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Births, marriages, deaths, 1630-1823 FamilySearch Library

Massachusetts vital records. / Watertown 1630-1915 WorldCat

Vital records, 1630-1851 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records, 1850-1905 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Watertown Birth Index, 1892-1926 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Births, 1851-1919 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1757-1850 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Vital Records 1630-1915 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1630-1693 Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1693-1822 Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts town record printouts, births, early to 1822 FamilySearch Library

Watertown Cemetery Records

Arlington Street Cemetery Cemetery Find online

Catalogue of lot owners in the cemetery of Mount Auburn, 1891 FamilySearch Library

Catalogue of the lots in Mount Auburn Cemetery : with names of the proprietors and representatives of deceased proprietors (Watertown and Cambridge) Ancestry online

Catalogue of the lots in Mount Auburn Cemetery : with the names of the proprietors and representatives of deceased proprietors; the charter, by-laws, etc. FamilySearch Library

Catholic Mount Auburn Cemetery Find a Grave online

Catholic Mount Auburn Cemetery Billion Graves online

Common Street Cemetery Find a Grave online

Common Street Cemetery Billion Graves online

Common Street Cemetery Interment online

Common Street Cemetery Cemetery Find online

Epitaphs from the old burying ground in Watertown FamilySearch Library

Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts and Watertown records WorldCat

Gravestone inscriptions from Mount Auburn Catholic Cemetery, Watertown, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Gravestone inscriptions from Mount Auburn Catholic Cemetery, Watertown, Massachusetts WorldCat

Old Burying Ground Ancestry online

Old Burying Ground / Arlington Street Cemetery Interment online

Old Burying Place Find a Grave online

Old Cemetery Epitaphs (with notes) Jane Devlin online

Ridgelawn Cemetery Interment online

Ridgelawn Cemetery Cemetery Find online

Ridgelawn Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Patrick Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Patricks Cemetery Find a Grave online

The Old Burying Place (Arlington Street Cemetery) Billion Graves online

Watertown Census Records

1855 and 1865 Massachusetts state censuses for Watertown FamilySearch Library

Watertown Church Records

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A Record of the First Parish in Watertown, Massachusetts (includes list of members) Ancestry online

An ancient parish : an historical summary of the First Parish, Watertown, Mass LDS Genealogy online

An ancient parish : an historical summary of the First Parish, Watertown, Mass Internet Archive online

An ancient parish: an historical summary of the First Parish, Watertown, Massachusetts Ancestry online

Covenant, 1709 Oct. 12, First Church (Watertown, Mass.). Archive Grid

Fiftieth Anniversary of the St. James Armenian Church Watertown Free Public Library online

First Parish Records Jane Devlin online

Historical and Souvenir Program to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of St. Patrick?s Parish Watertown Free Public Library online

History of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church in Watertown, 1836-1936 LDS Genealogy online

History of St. John's Methodist Episcopal Church in Watertown, 1836-1936 Internet Archive online

Memorial history of the First Baptist Church : Watertown, Massachusetts. 1830-1930. LDS Genealogy online

Memorial history of the First Baptist Church : Watertown, Massachusetts. 1830-1930. Internet Archive online

Three discourses preached before the Congregational Society in Watertown : two, upon leaving the old meeting-house, one, at the Ancestry online

Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the First Parish of Watertown, Mass. : Sunday, November 28, 1880. Ancestry online

Watertown, Mass. West Church Records (1709) Congregational Library and Archives online

Watertown, Massachusetts, East Precinct Records, 1697-1737 and Pastors' Records, 1686-1819 Ancestry online

Watertown City Directories

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City Directories, 1890 Census Substitute Ancestry online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1871-1872 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1871-1872 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1877-1878 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1877-1878 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1880 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1880 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1882 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1882 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1884 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1884 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1886 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1886 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1888-1889 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1888-1889 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1890 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1890 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1893 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1893 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1895 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1895 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1897-1898 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1897-1898 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1899 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1899 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1901 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1901 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1905 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1905 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1907 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1907 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1909 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1909 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1910 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1910 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1912 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1912 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1914 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1914 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1915 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1915 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1917 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1917 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1919 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1919 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1921 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1921 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1923 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1923 Internet Archive online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1923-1924 LDS Genealogy online

Directory of the inhabitants, institutions, manufacturing establishments, business, societies, etc., etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown 1923-1924 Internet Archive online

Greenough's Directory of in the Towns of Waltham and Watertown, 1877-78 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Brighton, Waltham, and Watertown 1871) Ancestry online

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Waltham and Watertown 1886 and 1915) Ancestry online

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Watertown 1868-1931 selected years) Ancestry online

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Watertown and Belmont 1890) Ancestry online

Newton (Massachusetts) city directories FamilySearch Library

Resident Lists, 1939-2017 Watertown Free Public Library online

Waltham (Massachusetts) city directories FamilySearch Library

Waltham/Watertown MA 1903-1935 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Watertown (Massachusetts) city directories FamilySearch Library

Watertown City Directories (1869-1942 selected years) Massachusetts State Library

Watertown City Directories (1912-15, 1917-21) Boston Public Library

Watertown City Directories 1869-1939 (various) Watertown Free Public Library online

Watertown City Directories 1907-1935 Boston Public Library

Watertown City Directories Containing a House Guide (1926-1942 selected years) Massachusetts State Library

Watertown City Directory 1899 MyHeritage online

Watertown City Directory 1912 MyHeritage online

Watertown City Directory 1915 MyHeritage online

Watertown City Directory 1924 MyHeritage online

Watertown City Directory 1927 MyHeritage online

Watertown City Directory 1930 MyHeritage online

Watertown City Directory 1931 MyHeritage online

Watertown, MA 1907-1930 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1886 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1889 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1890 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1907 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1909 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1921 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1927 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1928 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1930 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1931 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1933 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1935 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Death Records

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Births, marriages, deaths, 1630-1823 FamilySearch Library

Massachusetts vital records. / Watertown 1630-1915 WorldCat

Vital records, 1630-1851 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records, 1850-1905 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Watertown Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1757-1850 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Death Index, 1851-1962 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Deaths, 1851-1919 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Vital Records 1630-1915 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1630-1693 Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1693-1822 Ancestry online

Watertown Histories and Genealogies

An historical sketch of Watertown, in Massachusetts Ancestry online

Crossroads on the Charles : a history of Watertown, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Crossroads on the Charles: A History of Watertown, Massachusetts Watertown Free Public Library online

Divided we stand : Watertown, Massachusetts, 1630-1680 FamilySearch Library

Early records of Watertown Ancestry online

Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts : including Waltham and Weston, to which is appended the early history of the town FamilySearch Library

Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts and Watertown records WorldCat

Great Little Watertown, 1630-1930 Watertown Free Public Library online

Great little Watertown : a tercentenary history Ancestry online

Great little Watertown : a tercentenary history FamilySearch Library

Historical sketch of Watertown, in Massachusetts, from the first settlement of the town to the close of its second century LDS Genealogy online

Historical sketch of Watertown, in Massachusetts, from the first settlement of the town to the close of its second century Internet Archive online

Historical sketches of Watertown, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Historical sketches of Watertown, Massachusetts Genealogy Gophers online

Historical sketches of Watertown, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Historical sketches of Watertown, Massachusetts Internet Archive online

History of Watertown, Massachusetts, to 1900 Watertown Free Public Library online

Waltham and Watertown, their representative business men and points of interest FamilySearch Library

Waltham, past and present, and its industries : with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1738 FamilySearch Library

Watertown records Genealogy Gophers online

Watertown records, Vol. 8 Genealogy Gophers online

Watertown records; v. 02 Genealogy Gophers online

Watertown, Massachusetts Genealogies and History Ancestry online

Watertown Land Records

Abstract of a list of the polls and of the estates, real and personal, of the several proprietors and inhabitants of the town of Watertown in the county of Middlesex taken, pursuant to an act of the legislature of this commonwealth, passed in this year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, entitled, "An act to ascertain the rateable estate within this Commonwealth", by the subscribers, assessors of the said Town of Watertown duly elected and sworn, 1811 Digital Public Library of America online

Land Allotments & Misc. (list of names) Jane Devlin online

Taxable valuation of the real and personal estates with the amount of tax in the town of Watertown Genealogy Gophers online

Watertown Town Grants and Possessions (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Lands, Grants, and Possessions 1894-1928 Ancestry online

Watertown Map Records

Insurance maps of Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 1916 State Library of Massachusetts online

Map of Watertown, Mass : surveyed by order of the town, 1850 Library of Congress online

Map of Watertown, Mass. : surveyed by order of the town, 1850 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Mar 1889 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, May 1894 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Sep 1884 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Sep 1899 Library of Congress online

View map of Watertown, Mass., 1879. Library of Congress online

View of Watertown, Mass , 1879 Library of Congress online

Watertown Maps from Watertown Free Public Library Digital Commonwealth online

Watertown Marriage Records

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Births, marriages, deaths, 1630-1823 FamilySearch Library

Massachusetts vital records. / Watertown 1630-1915 WorldCat

Vital records, 1630-1851 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records, 1850-1905 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Watertown Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1757-1850 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Marriage Index, 1844-1936 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Marriage Intentions Index, 1851-1890 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Marriages, 1823-1843 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Marriages, 1851-1890 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Out-of-Town Marriages Before 1800 Intentions, 1824-1844 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Vital Records 1630-1915 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1630-1693 Ancestry online

Watertown, Massachusetts Records of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1693-1822 Ancestry online

Watertown Military Records

Bond's List of Soldiers (includes brief biographical information of soldiers) Jane Devlin online

Civil War Soldiers, Part I (includes some biographical details) Jane Devlin online

Civil War Soldiers, Part II (includes some biographical details) Jane Devlin online

Watertown Civil War Veterans (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown G.A.R. Civil War Records, 1861-1865 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Rebellion Record, 1861-1865 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Soldiers Record, 1861-1865 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown's military history Ancestry online

Watertown's military history FamilySearch Library

Watertown, Massachusetts' Military History (before 1907) Ancestry online

Watertown Miscellaneous Records

Annual report of the officers of the town of Watertown FamilySearch Library

Medical records, 1864-1875 [Watertown, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Record of the West Precinct of Watertown, Massachusetts, 1720 to 1737-38 Internet Archive online

Watertown Register of Voters (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Town Assessor Street Books 1909-1916 Watertown Free Public Library online

Watertown Town Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Town Records, 1792-1850 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Town Reports (1856-1994 selected years) Massachusetts State Library

Watertown Town of Watertown Records, 1730-1735 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Valuation Reports 1893-1927 Watertown Free Public Library online

Watertown Voter Register, 1884-1890 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown Voters Lists (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Watertown early town records, vol 1 LDS Genealogy online

Watertown early town records, vol 1 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 2 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 3 LDS Genealogy online

Watertown early town records, vol 3 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 4 LDS Genealogy online

Watertown early town records, vol 4 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 5-6 LDS Genealogy online

Watertown early town records, vol 5-6 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 6 LDS Genealogy online

Watertown early town records, vol 6 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 7 Internet Archive online

Watertown early town records, vol 8 Internet Archive online

Watertown records : comprising the seventh book of town proceedings, 1792 through 1809 : includes public town meetings and sele Ancestry online

Watertown Newspapers and Obituaries

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Armenian Mirror-Spectator (1968) Boston Public Library

Baikar (1939-1962) Boston Public Library

Baikar Armenian Weekly (1982-1993;1978(Ja-Jn);1962-1976) Boston Public Library

Boston Gazette, or, Country Journal 06/05/1775 to 10/28/1776 Genealogy Bank online

Chronicler of Societies and Businesses... (1911-1914) Boston Public Library

Chronicler, the (1914-1918) Boston Public Library

Pequossette (1873-1878) Boston Public Library

Tribune, the (1902-1903) Boston Public Library

Tribune-Enterprise (1903-1915) Boston Public Library

Tribune-Enterprise (1921-1923) Boston Public Library

Watertown Enterprise (1879-1903) Boston Public Library

Watertown Press (1870-1875) Boston Public Library

Watertown Press (1958-1997) Boston Public Library

Watertown Sun (1991-1996;1921-1969) Boston Public Library

Watertown Tab and Press (1997-2006) Boston Public Library

Watertown Tribune-Enterprise (1915-1921) Boston Public Library

Watertown Tribune-Enterprise (1923-1947) Boston Public Library

Offline Newspapers for Watertown

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Watertown Press. (Watertown, Mass.) 1870-1875

Watertown School Records

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Rosary Academy - Veritas Yearbook (Watertown, MA), 1948 E Yearbook online

Rosary Academy yearbook, 1948 Classmates online

Rosary Academy yearbook, 1948 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Rosary Academy yearbook, 1948 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Saint Patrick's High School yearbook, 1955 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

St Patrick High School - Shamrock Yearbook (Watertown, MA), 1955 E Yearbook online

St Patrick High School yearbook, 1955 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

St. Patrick's High School yearbook, 1953 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

St. Patrick's High School yearbook, 1953, 1955 Classmates online

St. Patrick's High School yearbook, 1953, 1955 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Watertown High School - Annual Yearbook (Watertown, MA), 1937, 1940, 1946, 1951, 1974, 1975 E Yearbook online

Watertown High School Yearbook, The Annual, 1925 Internet Archive online

Watertown High School yearbook, 1937, 1940, 1946, 1951, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1979 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Watertown High School yearbook, 1940, 1946, 1951, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1979 Classmates online

Watertown High School yearbook, 1940, 1946, 1951, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1979 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Watertown Yearbooks Watertown Free Public Library online

Watertown Tax Records

Abstract of a list of the polls and of the estates, real and personal, of the several proprietors and inhabitants of the town of Watertown in the county of Middlesex taken, pursuant to an act of the legislature of this commonwealth, passed in this year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, entitled, "An act to ascertain the rateable estate within this Commonwealth", by the subscribers, assessors of the said Town of Watertown duly elected and sworn, 1811 Digital Public Library of America online

East and West Precinct tax lists : property inventories and assessments, Watertown (Mass.). Assessors Archive Grid

List of persons reported for the assessment of a poll tax Genealogy Gophers online

Poll Tax Reports, 1897-1929 Watertown Free Public Library online

Tax lists, property inventories and assessments, Watertown (Mass.). Assessors Archive Grid

Taxable valuation of the real and personal estates with the amount of tax in the town of Watertown Genealogy Gophers online

Watertown Tax Valuations 1783 Massachusetts State Library

Watertown Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

Watertown Tax Valuations 1792 Massachusetts State Library

Watertown tax lists : West and East precincts Archive Grid

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