1940 U.S. Federal Census of Centerville, Silver Bow, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Silver Bow County > 1940 Census of Centerville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AmbrosettiElizbeth born about 1909
AmbrosettiJohn Eborn about 1907
AmbrosettiJoy Annborn about 1933
AmbrosettiWilliam Dborn about 1935
AttfieldAnne born about 1895
AttfieldMajorie born about 1931
AttfieldRalph born about 1892

B Surnames

BarnicoatAmelia born about 1883
BarnicoatMarjorie Twinsborn about 1921
BarnicoatOxenberry born about 1890
BarnicoatPhyllis Twinsborn about 1921
BarnicoatThomas Eborn about 1923
BaroneVicci Lborn about 1939
BeckerMargaret born about 1920
BeckerPaula Jborn about 1940
BeckyFannie born about 1908
BeckyJoseph born about 1900
BenishFrank born about 1903
BenishMary born about 1910
BennettDonna born about 1929
BennettEsther born about 1910
BennettThomas born about 1886
BerkyJoseph born about 1926
BerkyJoyce born about 1935
BerrymanMyrtle born about 1908
BerrymanWilliam Hborn about 1878
BertrandElva born about 1907
BertrandWilfred born about 1903
BonnerCatherine born about 1883
BonnerCatherine born about 1917
BonnerEdward born about 1883
BonnerEdward Oborn about 1913
BoyleJoseph born about 1869
BoyleTheresa born about 1906
BrusatiDolores born about 1926
BrusatiElis born about 1905
BrusatiFlorence born about 1928
BrusatiJohn born about 1902
BrusatiRosalie born about 1929
BuddBetty born about 1924
BuddFred Fborn about 1897
BuddInfant born about 1940
BuddIrene born about 1903
BudellGertrude born about 1893
BudellGertrude born about 1917
BudellRaymond born about 1930
BudellRobert born about 1881
BuhlFred born about 1891
BuhlKenneth born about 1924
BuhlMare born about 1893
BuhlMerlin born about 1925
BuhlMertis born about 1930
BuhlOrphus Twinsborn about 1929
BuhlOrvil Twinsborn about 1929

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C Surnames

CaddyAlice born about 1878
CaddySamuel born about 1907
CameronAddie born about 1882
CarneyEdward Jborn about 1897
CarneyFrank Jborn about 1873
CarneyGlenn Eborn about 1901
CarneyKathleen born about 1913
CollinsArthur born about 1886
CollinsErnest born about 1911
CollinsEthel born about 1892
ComboAlice born about 1907
ComboCatherine born about 1924
ComboClaire born about 1934
ComboDaniel born about 1934
ComboJames born about 1900
ComboJames born about 1928
ComboJames born about 1935
ComboJames Eborn about 1893
ComboJerry born about 1938
ComboJohn born about 1923
ComboKathleen born about 1930
ComboMary born about 1898
ComboMary Jborn about 1926
ComboShirley born about 1929
CongdonMargaret born about 1915
CongdonWilliam born about 1911
CookJames Tborn about 1907
CookMary Eborn about 1908
CoxEizebeth born about 1855
CoxHazel born about 1893
CoxRobert Jborn about 1896
CrowleyAgnes born about 1907
CrowleyDaniel Hborn about 1870
CrowleyGertrude born about 1910
CrowleyJohn born about 1887
CrowleyJohn born about 1922
CrowleyJoseph born about 1914
CrowleyMargeret born about 1872
CrowleyMarie born about 1918
CrowleyMarjorie born about 1906
CrowleyMary born about 1889
CrowleyNellie born about 1901
CuffeCatherine born about 1890
CuffeMary born about 1895
CuffeWilliam Jborn about 1880

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D Surnames

DarraghEdna born about 1919
DarraghEdward Hborn about 1896
DarraghHelen born about 1899
DarraghHelen born about 1924
DarraghShirley born about 1928
DaurisJean born about 1930
DaurisJohn Jborn about 1893
DaurisLaura born about 1898
DaurisLorena born about 1932
DavisEdgar Mborn about 1890
DavisEugene born about 1922
DavisMadge born about 1897
DavisNeal born about 1937
DavisRobert born about 1924
DavisThomas born about 1921
DavisWayne born about 1926
DeloneyJames born about 1923
DeloneyJane born about 1886
DeloneyJohn Sborn about 1927
DeloneyMary born about 1924
DeloneyWilliam born about 1923
DorlisGeorge born about 1886
DorlisJohn Gborn about 1926
DorlisMarion born about 1935
DorlisMary born about 1894
DoyleChristie born about 1900
DoyleLyllis born about 1928
DoyleRobert born about 1925
DuffAlice born about 1880
DuffBeverly born about 1936
DuffEffie born about 1915
DuffFrank born about 1915
DuffMichael born about 1877
DuffThos born about 1914

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E Surnames

EllerHarriet Aborn about 1938
EllerHilda Oborn about 1894
EllerMitford Cborn about 1887
EllerRussell Bborn about 1931
EllerVirginia Pborn about 1926
EphlinJosephine born about 1908
EphlinMelvin Jborn about 1895

F Surnames

FarthingCleo born about 1937
FarthingDiane born about 1938
FarthingHilda born about 1908
FarthingJoseph Hborn about 1906
FonkinCarol born about 1939
FonkinLois born about 1917
FonkinPaul born about 1915
ForestAda born about 1893
ForestArthur born about 1892

G Surnames

GannonFrances born about 1931
GannonFrancis born about 1899
GannonFrancis born about 1905
GannonJohn Fborn about 1870
GannonLucille born about 1900
GannonLucille Mborn about 1929
GannonMary born about 1935
GannonRose born about 1864
GannonRosemary born about 1903
GarbarinoAlberta born about 1936
GarbarinoAlfred born about 1909
GarbarinoDorothy born about 1913
GeorgeClifford Cborn about 1913
GeorgeHilda born about 1889
GeorgeIrene born about 1917
GeorgeLeonard born about 1920
GeorgeRonald Cborn about
GeorgeRonald Cborn about 1887
GillisHugh Pborn about 1906
GillisMary born about 1909
GillisMary Annborn about 1937
GleasonWilliam born about 1905
GreenFred Lborn about 1895
GreenHelen born about 1898
GreenJohn Fborn about 1928
GreenKelly born about 1933
GreenMartha born about 1866
GreenWilliam born about 1934
GrunertFlorence born about 1865
GubbinsPatricia born about 1930
GustisinFlorence born about 1902

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H Surnames

HamAudrey born about 1922
HamDoreen born about 1921
HamEnida born about 1899
HamThomas Jborn about 1892
HarringtonB??? born about 1908
HarringtonDaniel born about 1938
HarringtonJohn Tborn about 1902
HarringtonJulia born about 1876
HarringtonNora born about 1910
HarrisLilian born about 1904
HarrisSusan born about 1876
HarrisSusan born about 1884
HarsmanCharles born about 1900
HarsmanMyrtle born about 1915
HarsmanSylvia born about 1939
HarveyArthur born about 1923
HarveyEdith born about 1892
HarveyMary born about 1932
HavienAlice born about 1898
HavienErnest born about 1895
HavienLois born about 1926
HelenThomas Sborn about 1890
HemmingJohn born about 1886
HillAnna born about 1899
HillEsther born about 1924
HillJoseph born about 1930
HillMary born about 1926
HillWilliam born about 1900
HitchinsFred Cborn about 1878
HitchinsRussell born about 1915
HoganConnie born about 1930
HoganJohn born about 1906
HoganJohn born about 1928
HoganMae born about 1906
HoganMargaret born about 1937
HoganMickey born about 1934
HoganNellie born about 1874
HollandDaniel born about 1918
HollandMargaret born about 1920
HollandMargeret born about 1884
HollowBetty Jborn about 1933
HollowJames Tborn about 1893
HollowJames Tborn about 1932
HollowJohn Eborn about 1937
HollowStella born about 1910

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J Surnames

JacobsonElizbeth born about 1894
JacobsonGeorge Aborn about 1884
JacobsonGeorge Jborn about 1933
JacobsonJames Fborn about 1935
JacobsonMary born about 1931
JenkinsMargaret born about 1917
JenkinsMary born about 1915
JenkinsSamuel born about 1891
JenkinsSarah born about 1882
JimensAdriana born about 1939
JimensGladys born about 1920
JimensMax born about 1914
JohnsonMinnie born about 1862

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K Surnames

KarvonenAlbert born about 1903
KarvonenSenia born about 1905
KellowFred born about 1895
KellowFred born about 1928
KellowMaud born about 1891
KellowShirley born about 1932
KellyJohn Rborn about 1923
KellyMarion born about 1919
KellyMercedes born about 1925
KellySarah born about 1887
KellyTimothy Sborn about 1883
KenneallyHannah born about 1866
KenneallyJohn born about 1865
KnoyleDavid born about 1913
KnoyleDavid Nborn about 1939
KnoyleElizabeth born about 1916
KnoyleRobert Sborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LavelleJean born about 1925
LavelleMildred born about 1895
LavelleVirginia born about 1923
LavelleWilliam Jborn about 1893
LeddraCatherine born about 1878
LeddraJames born about 1878
LesterAnn born about 1903
LesterElizebeth born about 1876
LesterJames born about 1926
LesterJames born about 1937
LesterJohn born about 1916
LesterMary born about 1919
LesterThomas born about 1905
LesterWilliam born about 1915
LesterWilliam born about 1927
LesterWilliam Jborn about 1901
LivelyJohn born about 1915
LivelyMary born about 1880
LukeBeatrice born about 1891
LukeThomas Bborn about 1891
LynchEdwin born about 1914

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M Surnames

MackeyAnne born about 1912
MackeyFanny born about 1914
MackeyMarie born about 1940
MacmillanDonald born about 1932
MacmillanLeonard born about 1904
MacmillanMargeret born about 1904
MacmillanRobert born about 1930
MagonBridget born about 1892
MagonJames born about 1916
MagonThomas born about 1883
MakiMarie born about 1870
MakiWaino born about 1902
MaloughneyAnn born about 1913
MaloughneyJohn born about 1910
MaloughneyJohn born about 1939
MaloughneyNancy born about 1938
MartinBetty born about 1926
MartinDonald Rborn about 1925
MartinLouisa born about 1891
MartinMargeret born about 1927
MartinMary born about 1899
MartinOra born about 1879
MartinOscar Rborn about 1891
MartinWilliam born about 1899
MartinWilliam born about 1925
MartynHarry born about 1893
MartynMyrtle born about 1897
MathenyIsobel born about 1906
MathenyKenneth born about 1904
MaxwellBeverly born about 1928
MaxwellClayton born about 1902
MaxwellGladys born about 1902
MaxwellGladys born about 1935
MaxwellJessie born about 1932
MaxwellLowell born about 1932
MaxwellPaul born about 1933
MaxwellReva born about 1907
MaxwellThomas born about 1904
MaxwellThomas born about 1936
McCallFay born about 1880
McCallJane born about 1887
McCarthyElizebeth born about 1890
McCarthyKevin born about 1922
McCarthyRaymond born about 1918
McCoolAugustine born about 1894
McCoolColeen born about 1925
McDonaldJames born about 1896
McGawElizabeth born about 1902
McGawFrancis born about 1897
McLeodJanet born about 1922
McLeodMary born about 1889
McLeodNeil Gborn about 1881
MeadeCyrilla born about 1915
MeadeHelen born about 1913
MeadeKatherine born about 1917
MeadeMary born about 1882
MeadeWilliam born about 1872
MeesnerHelen born about 1914
MeesnerHugh born about 1884
MeesnerMayme born about 1889
MeesnerRobert born about 1916
MelvinRachael born about 1879
MonahanAlvey born about 1916
MonahanJohn Aborn about 1939
MonahanJohn Pborn about 1904
MorroccoClarice born about 1934
MorroccoLeola born about 1907
MorroccoRobert born about 1931
MorroccoWarren born about 1909
MulhollandCatherine born about 1903
MulhollandWilliam born about 1904
MullhollundEdith born about 1897
MullhollundMargeret born about 1918
MullhollundThomas born about 1924
Murphy born about 1936
MurphyDaniel Fborn about 1891
MurphyDennis born about 1885
MurphyFrancis Jborn about 1903
MurphyGladys Eborn about 1908
MurphyIrene born about 1916
MurphyLois born about 1919
MurphyMary born about 1885
MurphyMary born about 1894
MurphyRaymond born about 1914
MurrayLeona born about 1921
MurrayMary born about 1894
MurrayWilliam born about 1895
MurthaEdward born about 1904

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N Surnames

NoonanAgnes Cborn about 1905
NoonanDaniel born about 1940
NoonanEdward Jborn about 1923
NoonanLeo Jborn about 1902
NoonanLeo Jborn about 1937
NoonanMarion born about 1898
NoonanMarion Fborn about 1932
NugentFrederick born about 1861
NugentMary born about 1873
NulfDonald born about 1930
NulfJohn born about 1926
NulfJohn Fborn about 1904
NulfLee born about 1932
NulfLenore born about 1903
NulfRobert born about 1939

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O Surnames

ObrienJulia born about 1879
OconnorCatherine born about 1878
OconnorCharles born about 1900
OconnorEleanor born about 1913
OconnorIsabella born about 1912
OconnorMary born about 1915
OconnorMary born about 1940
OconnorPaul born about 1920
OconnorRobert born about 1911
OconnorRoberta born about 1936
OconnorThomas Eborn about 1915
OconnorThomas Jborn about 1876
OconnorThos born about 1937
OlsonIra born about 1898
OlsonLouise born about 1930
OlsonMadge born about 1902
OlsonMarjorie born about 1922
OlsonStanley born about 1920
OneillDonald Sborn about 1914
OneillGerealdine born about 1932
OneillJohn Fborn about 1893
OneillJohn Pborn about 1920
OneillMargaret born about 1880
OneillMarie born about 1907
OneillRaymond Jborn about 1907
OneillShirley Rborn about 1935
OneillTimothy Jborn about 1873
OniellAlice born about 1917
OniellAlice Mborn about 1898
OniellJohn Aborn about 1894
OniellMarie born about 1921
OniellNellie born about 1915
OniellPatsy born about 1937
OpieElizebeth born about 1892
OpieGeorge born about 1924
OpieRobert born about 1927
OpieWilliam born about 1918
OpieWilliam Jborn about 1888

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P Surnames

PackerAnna born about 1891
PackerCatherine born about 1932
PackerJohn Fborn about 1891
PackerJohn Jborn about 1918
PackerMary born about 1923
PaullEthel born about 1898
PaullHarry Oborn about 1892
PaullWilliam born about 1919
PevellFrank born about 1876
PhillipsJoseph born about 1878
PhillipsMaude born about 1879
PollardAlice born about 1869
PollardJames born about 1899
PollardMargeret born about 1902
PowersMary born about 1875
PrendergastJohanna born about 1882
PrendergastJohn Jborn about 1910

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Q Surnames

QuiltyFlorence born about 1893
QuiltyRobert Eborn about 1890

R Surnames

RaffertyCatherine born about 1930
RaffertyHelen born about 1900
RaffertyTerrence born about 1896
RalphBetty born about 1923
RalphCharlotte born about 1921
RalphFrancis Eborn about 1910
RalphFrancis Pborn about 1886
RalphHonor Jborn about 1887
RalphMuriel born about 1908
RanballDan born about 1894
RichardsEarl born about 1920
RichardsJohn Hborn about 1889
RichardsJoseph born about 1934
RichardsMarie born about 1904
RichardsMarie born about 1937
RichardsMary born about 1891
RichardsPhillip Tborn about 1907
RichardsValarie born about 1922
RichardsWilliam born about 1891
RickeyElizabeth born about 1919
RickeyLawrence born about 1939
RickeyLester born about 1915
RobertsMary born about 1888
RobertsPhillip born about 1882
RoganCharlotte born about 1921
RoganJohn born about 1895
RoganLester born about 1889
RoganLottie born about 1892
RoganThomas born about 1887
RoganVirginia born about 1922
RogersAngeline born about 1900
RogersDonald born about 1939
RogersEdith born about 1920
RogersEllis born about 1913
RogersJames Wborn about 1902
RogersLanord born about 1901
RogersMary born about 1879
RolettoHarry born about 1924
RolettoJohn born about 1891
RolettoMae born about 1899
RoosBetty born about 1926
RoosMargaret born about 1897
RoosMary born about 1919
RoosWilliam born about 1920
RudersonJohn born about 1902
RudersonJohn Rborn about 1939
RudersonJosephine born about 1908
RyanCatherine born about 1871

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S Surnames

SemlonMildred born about 1921
SemlonWilliam born about 1914
ShafferCarol born about 1935
ShafferHarry born about 1905
ShafferJuanita born about 1909
ShafferPatsy born about 1932
ShafferSandra born about 1937
ShaskeyCatherine born about 1905
ShaskeyJohn born about 1902
ShaskeyJohn born about 1924
ShaskeyJoseph born about 1928
ShaskeyMary born about 1937
ShaskeyRita born about 1925
ShaskeyWilliam born about 1930
SheaBart born about 1932
SheaBart Eborn about 1901
SheaDonald born about 1931
SheaFlorence born about 1911
SheaHelen born about 1936
SheaJoseph born about 1910
SheaMary born about 1938
SheaYvonne born about 1939
SheehanElla born about 1909
SheehanMary born about 1875
ShieldsEdith born about 1876
ShieldsElizabeth born about 1918
ShieldsEugene born about 1871
ShofferJoan born about 1929
ShofferJohn Wborn about 1881
ShofferPegg Rborn about 1927
ShofferRobert born about 1936
ShofferRose born about 1905
SmithEliza born about 1882
SmithJames Gborn about 1905
SmithJohn born about 1877
SmithLillian born about 1911
SmithLowell born about 1939
SpringAllan born about 1925
SpringBetty born about 1928
SpringGordon born about 1934
SpringLeo Eborn about 1884
SpringLillian born about 1894
StanawayCaroline born about 1873
StanawayElijah born about 1868
StanswayCarol Mborn about 1937
StanswayFred born about 1902
StanswayMamie born about 1905
StantonHelen born about 1906
StantonJames Lborn about 1901
StantonJames Lborn about 1939
StantonJohn Eborn about 1933
StantonMary Eborn about 1935
StarkeyGenevieve born about 1931
StarkeyJane born about 1930
StarkeyJennetta born about 1904
StarkeyWilla born about 1939
StarkeyWilliam born about 1904
SteedAlberta born about 1920
SteedElizabeth born about 1890
SteedWilfred Jborn about 1916
SteedWilliam Jborn about 1880
StimpsonPoearl Hborn about 1886
StimpsonWilliam Rborn about 1915
SullivanBernard born about 1920
SullivanDaniel born about 1913
SullivanFrancis born about 1923
SullivanKate born about 1883
SullivanMargeret born about 1928
SullivanMary born about 1914
SullivanQuinn born about 1880
SullivanRaymond born about 1916
SuttonCatherine born about 1911
SuttonKaren born about 1937

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T Surnames

TallonEva born about 1875
TarpyAlice born about 1926
TarpyHelen born about 1917
TarpyMary born about 1882
TarpyMary born about 1922
TembyAlena born about 1876
TembyErnest Aborn about 1901
TembyHarry born about 1876
TembyHarry Lborn about 1898
ThomasClive Jborn about 1908
ThomasDorothy born about 1938
ThomasEliza born about 1880
ThomasGertie born about 1890
ThomasHazel born about 1920
ThomasHenry born about 1904
ThomasMarjorie born about 1908
ThomasThelma born about 1910
ThomasWilliam Dborn about 1890
ToddDorothy born about 1917
ToddIrene born about 1920
ToddJames born about 1892
ToddJames born about 1922
ToddLillie born about 1894
ToddPearl born about 1918
ToomeyHannah born about 1892
ToomeyHugh born about 1885
ToomeyMarie born about 1923
ToomeyMarjorie born about 1924
TooneyEdna born about 1901
TooneyHenry born about 1893
ToyAlbert Cborn about 1899
ToyGrace born about 1864
TrewhellaHoward born about 1909
TrewhellaMary born about 1877
TrewhellaWilliam born about 1934

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W Surnames

WarnePearl born about 1898
WarneSamuel born about 1894
WarrenTim Jborn about 1867
WebberThos born about 1867
WelshViolet born about 1924
WhitingtonEva born about 1891

Y Surnames

YorkEllen born about 1888
YorkJoseph born about 1917
YorkLois born about 1918

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