1940 U.S. Federal Census of Custer, Yellowstone, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Yellowstone County > 1940 Census of Custer

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertzAnna born about 1892
AlbertzOtto born about 1886

B Surnames

BartzBernard born about 1911
BasslerCarl Jborn about 1909
BasslerClaud born about 1936
BasslerDorothy born about 1911
BeansErnest born about 1882
BeltsDarlene Dborn about 1940
BeltsErnestine Hborn about 1915
BeltsFrank Hborn about 1937
BeltsGeorge born about 1915
BeltsGeorgene born about 1938
BenderAnn Eborn about 1936
BenderArthur Lborn about 1897
BenderArthur L Jrborn about 1931
BenderDonald born about 1937
BenderEthel born about 1911
BenderH Carylborn about 1934
BenderHelen born about 1908
BenderJoseph born about 1932
BenderJuanita Mborn about 1933
BenderPaula Iborn about 1929
BenderRonald born about 1937
BenderWalter born about 1934
BenderWalter Wborn about 1899
BerensMargaret Bborn about 1907
BerensMary Louborn about 1935
BerensP Gilbertborn about 1931
BerensWilliam Pborn about 1906
BergumArthur born about 1911
BergumEarl born about 1920
BergumEvan born about 1885
BergumGena born about 1885
BergumJohn born about 1925
BergumKaren born about 1889
BergumLyle born about 1922
BergumMargit born about 1922
BiggsAmelia born about 1902
BiggsBurns born about 1892
BiggsBurns Lborn about 1924
BiggsJane born about 1926
BonillaBertha born about 1908
BonillaClemente born about 1905
BonillaGregorie born about 1933
BonillaMaria Elenaborn about 1935
BottAnnie born about 1900
BottDelores Aborn about 1932
BottDoris Aborn about 1932
BottFreda born about 1912
BottJake born about 1898
BottJohn born about 1904
BottJohn Dborn about 1930
BottMilbur born about 1939
BottsAlta born about 1893
BottsByron born about 1924
BottsC Elmerborn about 1885
BottsDe Mar born about 1916
BottsEugene born about 1927
BottsFleeta born about 1889
BottsJess Jborn about 1890
BottsJess J Jrborn about 1930
BottsMary Bobborn about 1920
BowdishDonna born about 1938
BowdishHelene Eborn about 1932
BowdishHomer Nborn about 1930
BowdishIvan Gborn about 1926
BoyerD Lborn about 1913
BrantRobert born about 1870
BrooksBertha born about 1919
BrooksCatherine Eborn about 1909
BrooksJack born about 1915
BrooksJames born about 1939
BrooksJames Eborn about 1883
BrooksJo Ann Mborn about 1934
BrooksJoseph Nborn about 1905
BrooksMarie born about 1883
BrooksRobert Hborn about 1937
BuckRobert Dborn about 1924
BucknerCoral born about 1910

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C Surnames

CalvinAgnes Lborn about 1898
CalvinArthur born about 1927
CalvinAzalla born about 1939
CalvinDuane born about 1938
CalvinFrancis born about 1939
CalvinJack Aborn about 1889
CalvinJohn Cborn about 1917
CalvinLois born about 1923
CalvinRuby born about 1916
CassityCharles born about 1883
ChaseArthur Nborn about 1910
ChaseDolores born about 1930
ChaseIra born about 1906
ChaseRoy born about 1936
ChavezAbe born about 1920
ChavezElias born about 1889
ChavezFrances born about 1920
ChavezJoe born about 1921
ChavezJunior born about 1933
ChavezLee born about 1917
ChavezLouie born about 1936
ChavezLouisa born about 1891
ChelbergArlene born about 1928
ChelbergCharles born about 1932
ChelbergDan born about 1898
ChelbergEsther born about 1924
ChelbergGladys born about 1900
ChelbergJo Annborn about 1930
ChelbergJoyce born about 1934
ChristensonAlfred Cborn about 1891
ChristensonArlene born about 1925
ChristensonEmmett born about 1921
ChristensonHelen Sborn about 1892
ClintonBonnie Fborn about 1886
ClintonJames Eborn about 1878
CollinsFloyd Wborn about 1890
CollinsJennie Eborn about 1894
CominskiAdolph born about 1913
CrossAnna born about 1893
CrossBertha Oborn about 1866
CrossBill born about 1929
CrossBob born about 1929
CrossJames Eborn about 1891
CrossJohn Lborn about 1921
CrossMarjorie Aborn about 1923
CrossRalph Eborn about 1926

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D Surnames

DanielDennis Mborn about 1879
DanielJessie Cborn about 1880
DavisJohn Cborn about 1900
DobleInez Eborn about 1906
DobleMerville Eborn about 1898
DoemAlbert born about 1916
DoemJoy born about 1922
DoemLois born about 1918
DoemMary born about 1879
DoemOscar born about 1884
DoemRobert Jborn about 1911
DoemRobert Wborn about 1936
DumlerEsther born about 1922
DumlerGeorge born about 1894
DumlerGeorge born about 1924
DumlerHerman born about 1919
DumlerMollie born about 1901
DunbarDuane Aborn about 1924
DunbarErwin Dborn about 1931
DunbarLoretta Mborn about 1905
DunbarMarvin Gborn about 1929
DunbarSteven Aborn about 1925
DunbarSteven Wborn about 1904
DunnSarah Jborn about 1918

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E Surnames

EckertLeonard born about 1867
EvartsGertrude Eborn about 1919

F Surnames

FaltinClifford born about 1933
FaltinIda Eborn about 1905
FaltinJack born about 1937
FaltinJack Eborn about 1900
FaltinShirley born about 1939
FeatherstoneDella born about 1874
FeatherstoneElmer Cborn about 1868
FullerCharles Hborn about 1859

G Surnames

GaleCharles Hborn about 1867
GaleLillie Eborn about 1871
GambillDonald born about 1932
GambillMartin born about 1926
GambillOleta born about 1902
GambillWilliam Cborn about 1895
GambillWilliam C Jrborn about 1929
GanssleGilbert Wborn about 1894
GansslePearl Dborn about 1893
GovaertsJoseph Wborn about 1883
GrammensAlbert born about 1913
GrammensEdward born about 1929
GrammensFrank born about 1926
GrammensMorris born about 1923
GrammensNathalie born about 1891
GrammensPaul born about 1921
GrammensRene born about 1887
GrammensRobert born about 1927
GreeneCharles Lborn about 1872
GreeneEdna Mayborn about 1917
GreeneHenry Aborn about 1922
GreeneLogan Jborn about 1917
GreeneMarjorie Jborn about 1927
GreeneNina Bborn about 1888
GreeneSharon Leeborn about 1939
GreeneTheodor Dborn about 1924
GremmerElsie Marieborn about 1935
GremmerEmma born about 1895
GremmerJohn born about 1885
GuerreroCledis born about 1927
GuerreroDaniel born about 1935
GuerreroHelen born about 1929
GuerreroJeromea born about 1923
GuerreroLaurie born about 1892
GuerreroManael born about 1915
GuerreroRay born about 1925
GunnMyrtle Aborn about 1901
GunnWilliam Aborn about 1893
GunnWilliam Mborn about 1922
GuptillArnold Wborn about 1874
GuptillCatherine born about 1899
GuptillDavid Wborn about 1935
GuptillDonald Wborn about 1918
GuptillLester Rborn about 1900
GuptillLester R Jrborn about 1929
GuptillW Fredborn about 1921
GuptillWallace Aborn about 1924

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H Surnames

HallAileen born about 1909
HallBarney born about 1909
HallBarney Eborn about 1934
HallRuby born about 1937
HallThelma Gborn about 1928
HallowellSadie born about 1882
HallowellThomas born about 1877
HaynieMarie born about 1919
HeberleAdeline born about 1902
HeberleClarence Hborn about 1930
HeberleElmer Eborn about 1936
HeberleErwin Lborn about 1925
HeberleFred Hborn about 1939
HeberleKarl born about 1898
HeberleKarl Rborn about 1933
HeberleLillian Aborn about 1928
HeberleRaymond born about 1927
HeiserMartin born about 1871
HeiserMinnie born about 1871
HernandezJoe born about 1919
HernandezJohn born about 1914
HernandezNellie born about 1921
HernandezPatricia born about 1890
HillBetty Lborn about 1934
HillEarl Nborn about 1901
HillEdward Eborn about 1927
HillElmer Lborn about 1890
HillGerald born about 1925
HillIra born about 1898
HillJack Eborn about 1922
HillLeland born about 1930
HillLenora born about 1904
HillMartha Eborn about 1903
HillMary Vborn about 1929
HillVina Eborn about 1925
HillWilton born about 1932
HolbertHoward born about 1896
HopkinsCora born about 1871
HopkinsHarold Lborn about 1904
HopkinsLois Vborn about 1926
HopkinsUna Wborn about 1905
HopkinsWilliam Hborn about 1868
HornerElizabeth born about 1921
HornerFrank Sborn about 1907
HornerLorrene born about 1939
HortonCharles Rborn about 1915
HortonCharles Sborn about 1884
HortonDean Rborn about 1922
HortonKatherine Eborn about 1925
HortonMabel Iborn about 1891
HortonRuth born about 1919
HyattClifford born about 1928
HyattDonna Mborn about 1930
HyattHarriet born about 1892
HyattHarvey born about 1884
HyattMarie born about 1938
HyattThelma born about 1914

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J Surnames

JacksonLola born about 1923
JayErnest Rborn about 1880
JayOna Mborn about 1893
JenningsHenry Lborn about 1895
JenningsLois born about 1923
JenningsMary born about 1896
JohlDan born about 1927
JohlMarvin born about 1926
JohlNorma born about 1929
JohnsonDana Lborn about 1934
JohnsonEdith born about 1917
JuhlAlbert born about 1888
JuhlEdward born about 1918
JuhlIra born about 1924
JuhlSophia born about 1886

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K Surnames

KemphFloyd born about 1928
KemphJoe born about 1921
KemphJohn born about 1921
KemphKathleen born about 1920
KemphLaurel Leaborn about 1923
KemphMabel born about 1891
KemphOlive born about 1919
KemphRobert born about 1918
KemphThomas Lborn about 1890
KemphThomas L Iiiborn about 1939
KemphThomas L Pborn about 1914
KingT Wileyborn about 1858
KnechtFred born about 1907
KochAl born about 1917
KochAndy J Aborn about 1920
KochEunice born about 1922
KochHelen born about 1929
KochLillian born about 1920
KochMath born about 1896
KochMath Jr born about 1918
KochRose born about 1900
KorberAlbert Hborn about 1886
KorberCliffordn Wborn about 1919
KorberEugene born about 1922
KorberGlen born about 1928
KorberHarold born about 1920
KorberL Cborn about 1884
KorberMary Eborn about 1925
KorberMyrtle born about 1894
KoschelRaymond born about 1919
KrumholzRuth Mborn about 1914
KuntzAdam born about 1898
KuntzEdwin born about 1927
KuntzElizabeth born about 1867
KuntzJeannette born about 1938
KuntzJerome born about 1906
KuntzMartha born about 1908
KuntzMary Lborn about 1905
KuntzPhilip born about 1913
KuntzRegina born about 1912
KuntzShirley Dborn about 1939
KuntzVincent born about 1863

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L Surnames

LarsonGeorge born about 1919
LarsonHoward born about 1921
LarsonJennie Oborn about 1882
LarsonMartina born about 1858
LarsonPeter Jborn about 1888
LaylanLeone Mborn about 1887
LaylanPearl Rborn about 1881
LingelbachAugust born about 1906
LingelbachGrace born about 1903
LingelbachHarold Dborn about 1935

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M Surnames

MalekHerman Aborn about 1911
MalekMable born about 1913
MalekMarsha Leeborn about 1939
MaleyEdith Cborn about 1908
MaleyOrville Eborn about 1928
MaleyOrville Lborn about 1901
MartensJames born about 1939
MartensMildred born about 1914
MartensPatricia born about 1937
MartensRene Gborn about 1909
MartinThomas born about 1875
MartinsHelen born about 1920
MartinsRobert Dborn about 1939
MartinsRobert Hborn about 1918
MartinsVictor born about 1875
MartzCharles Fborn about 1901
MascheraCarl born about 1887
MascheraFrances born about 1890
MascheroHarry born about 1915
MascheroHelen born about 1911
MaursAline born about 1911
MaursSteve born about 1899
McPheeIsabel born about 1936
McPheeJohn Jborn about 1913
McPheeMargaret Eborn about 1916
McPheeNona Jborn about 1935
McPheePatricia born about 1938
McVeyBlanche born about 1899
McVeyJohn born about 1924
McVeyPatricia Jborn about 1926
McVeyPatrick born about 1897
MeadStellman Aborn about 1873
MedinaClovis born about 1916
MedinaDelfino born about 1897
MedinaEdubeje* born about 1899
MedinaJoe born about 1923
MedinaMary born about 1926
MedinaNora born about 1930
MedinaTrinidad born about 1923
MedinaViola born about 1940
MillerBarbara Jborn about 1928
MillerDave born about 1903
MillerEarl born about 1920
MillerEmma born about 1906
MillerHelen Eborn about 1925
MoeAdeline Fborn about 1905
MoeSigurd Pborn about 1903
MoerkerkeAlbert born about 1927
MoerkerkeFrank born about 1922
MoerkerkeGeorge born about 1932
MoerkerkeJulia born about 1896
MoerkerkeMorris Jborn about 1892
MoerkerkeMorris Jr born about 1930

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N Surnames

NelsonPhilp Cborn about 1916
NelsonVenita born about 1917
NissonMarie born about 1901
NissonRobert Eborn about 1933
NissonSam T Sorenborn about 1879
NorstromCarl Eborn about 1906
NorstromCharles Eborn about 1930
NorstromDorothy born about 1905
NorstromNels Wborn about 1894

O Surnames

OlsonChrist born about 1888
OwensCharles Hborn about 1879

P Surnames

ParkerAdeline born about 1918
ParkerAndrew Bborn about 1920
ParkerGrace Mborn about 1887
ParkerJoseph Gborn about 1881
ParkerShirley born about 1940
PeggMary Aliceborn about 1922
PeilRichard born about 1914
PenaBenjamin born about 1913
PenaVena Maeborn about 1916
PerezCarmen born about 1877
PerezIrene born about 1931
PerezJess born about 1907
PerezLadislada born about 1917
PerezMary born about 1908
PerezVictor born about 1909
PerrinEdward Kborn about 1870
PerrinKenneth Eborn about 1913
PerrinMarie born about 1893
PetersonIna Eborn about 1918
PfisterEugene Aborn about 1912
PondJimmie born about 1937
PondLydia born about 1916
PondWillie born about 1917
PottsHarold born about 1910
PottsIcy Aborn about 1882
PottsJames Dborn about 1883
PottsWilliam born about 1927
PughFred Aborn about 1901

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R Surnames

RandallEarl born about 1912
RayDorothy Lborn about 1938
RayHarry Eborn about 1908
RayHarry E Jrborn about 1935
RayHazel born about 1918
ReichardsD Cborn about 1876
ReichardsDulcena born about 1881
ReichardsJ Coodborn about 1920
ReichardsWilson Jborn about 1923
RhoadsFrank Hborn about 1897
RiceL Wyleneborn about 1908
RiceSidney born about 1916
RichardsDon Yborn about 1914
RichardsOrpha born about 1915
RileyCurtis Dborn about 1910
RileyCurtis Dborn about 1937
RileySusan Lborn about 1936
RileySusan Mborn about 1918
RoachChristopher Wborn about 1899
RoggeClarence born about 1917
RostesPerry born about 1921
RoybalAndy born about 1918
RoybalLeonard born about 1918
RoybalRoy born about 1938
RuffJames Wborn about 1931
RuffJoseph Hborn about 1900
RuffJoseph H Jrborn about 1929
RuffMary born about 1905
RuffVirginia Mborn about 1933
RuntzThomas born about 1894

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S Surnames

SabeAnnie born about 1933
SabeArthur born about 1930
SabeAugusta born about 1905
SabeEileen born about 1927
SabeFrank born about 1925
SabeJulia born about 1926
SabeMary born about 1924
SabeRegina born about 1931
SabeRichard born about 1937
SchachererFrank born about 1907
ShannonWm Rborn about 1868
SjostromCalvin Lborn about 1925
SjostromCecil Lborn about 1919
SjostromHilda Iborn about 1919
SjostromLars Jborn about 1890
SjostromLeo Gborn about 1918
SjostromMilton Gborn about 1940
SjostromOpal Sborn about 1928
SjostromSadie Lborn about 1898
SmithAlvina born about 1922
SmithBetty Janeborn about 1923
SmithCyril born about 1906
SmithGeorge born about 1895
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1916
SmithGeraldine born about 1929
SmithJames born about 1936
SmithKatherine born about 1922
SmithMarie born about 1911
SmithPaul born about 1917
SmithRay Dborn about 1919
SmithRobert born about 1920
SmithRoberta born about 1926
SmithRoy born about 1915
SmithWilhemenia born about 1898
StevensHarold born about 1898
StewartWilliam born about 1870
StjohnDora born about 1902
StjohnEdgar Eborn about 1926
StjohnMildred born about 1922
StjohnWilliam Cborn about 1932
StjohnWilliam Eborn about 1886
StorkAlice born about 1928
StorkLenna born about 1906
StorkMarjean born about 1930
StorkRichard born about 1903
StorkRichard born about 1932
StuleWilliam Eborn about 1920
StuleWilliam Jborn about 1887

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T Surnames

TerryJames Rborn about 1921
TerryLloyd Hborn about 1896
TerryM Kathrynborn about 1896
ThatcherClyton born about 1922
ThatcherFrances born about 1935
ThatcherHope born about 1897
ThatcherJoe born about 1928
ThatcherMary Juneborn about 1939
ThatcherMay born about 1926
ThatcherMiller born about 1890
ThatcherRichard born about 1933
ThatcherRose born about 1924
ThatcherUriah born about 1936
ThatcherWesley born about 1930
ThomaGeorge born about 1893
TookeHarriet Lborn about 1914
TookeStanley Jborn about 1913
TookeWilliam Aborn about 1926
TremmerEdwin born about 1917
TrudeanLawrence born about 1884
TurbettBurton Dborn about 1916
TurbettEmma born about 1885

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U Surnames

UrsethC Aborn about 1898

V Surnames

VanduzerFreda Mborn about 1905
VanduzerNellie Eborn about 1870
VanhoutenGladys born about 1894
VanhoutenLoar Jborn about 1891
VanhoutenMargaret Eborn about 1918
VictoriaGuadalyie born about 1904
VingGalen Aborn about 1879
VingIrene Mborn about 1934
VingJessie born about 1878
VingLa Vanne Aborn about 1932
VingLeon Dborn about 1907
VingStacia born about 1905

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W Surnames

WaddellEmma Eborn about 1879
WalkerDarlene born about 1929
WeberFred born about 1897
WebsterEdna Mborn about 1878
WebsterHerman Jborn about 1878
WeidemannBetty Louborn about 1928
WeidemannDonald born about 1931
WeidemannDorothy born about 1934
WeidemannHarold born about 1933
WeidemannHenry born about 1888
WeidemannKatherine born about 1894
WeidemannRay born about 1921
WeidemannRaymond born about 1924
WeidemannRobert born about 1926
WeinzetlJulian born about 1912
WeinzetlJulian born about 1939
WeinzetlJuliet born about 1939
WeinzetlMagdalena born about 1919
WelbornCaptola Mborn about 1908
WelbornJoy Mborn about 1936
WelbornR Daleborn about 1924
WelbornRussell Jborn about 1929
WelbornStanley Rborn about 1932
WelbornWilliam Deanborn about 1930
WelbornWilliam Rborn about 1901
WeltonJeannette Aborn about 1930
WeltonJohn Aborn about 1926
WeltonJohn Tborn about 1888
WeltonLawrence Eborn about 1927
WeltonVeda Vborn about 1906
WertzDoris born about 1934
WertzGeorge born about 1902
WertzHenry born about 1938
WertzLaura born about 1905
WertzLucille born about 1929
WertzRobert born about 1939
WertzThelma born about 1933
WetschHelen born about 1914
WetschJoseph born about 1910
WetschLawrence born about 1936
WetschLeroy born about 1934
WetschMary Louborn about 1932
WetschRaymond born about 1939
WhistlerAgnes Mborn about 1888
WhistlerJay Fborn about 1888
WhiteEdwin Mborn about 1872
WhiteMildred Bborn about 1912
WhiteMilton Aborn about 1907
WhiteNellie Mborn about 1873
WilliamsonKate born about 1876
WilliamsonWilliam Fborn about 1873
WinterBillie Lauborn about 1932
WinterEdna Jr born about 1904
WinterHenry Aborn about 1886
WinterJuanita Mborn about 1927

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Y Surnames

YankoskeAnton born about 1886
YankoskeGertrude born about 1894
YankoskeLeon born about 1919

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