1940 U.S. Federal Census of Elysuim, Yellowstone, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Yellowstone County > 1940 Census of Elysuim

A Surnames B Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllesArthur Gborn about 1919
AllesGene Kborn about 1939
AllesJacob Hborn about 1894
AllesJennie born about 1899
AllesJoice Rborn about 1920
AllesJoseph Gborn about 1923

B Surnames

BaconegraBenjaman born about 1919
BaconegraErma Lborn about 1897
BaconegraGoveno born about 1921
BaconegraManul Rborn about 1920
BaconegraMartha born about 1923
BaconegraRaymond born about 1927
BaconegraRomona born about 1929
BaconegraToni born about 1885
BenderClarence born about 1915
BernhardtDonald born about 1935
BernhardtElizabeth born about 1899
BernhardtElsie Eborn about 1926
BernhardtEster Mborn about 1923
BernhardtGeorge born about 1905
BernhardtHannah Rborn about 1930
BernhardtHarold Bborn about 1919
BernhardtJohn born about 1899
BernhardtKatherine born about 1901
BernhardtLydia born about 1912
BernhardtRaymond Wborn about 1928
BernhardtRufus Bborn about 1921
BrubckerMollie Mborn about 1899

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E Surnames

EckhardAlice Kborn about 1937
EckhardArthur Eborn about 1932
EckhardBetty Jborn about 1930
EckhardClara born about 1922
EckhardFreda born about 1919
EckhardIrene Mborn about 1928
EckhardJake born about 1887
EckhardKatherine born about 1894
EckhardLeo born about 1920
EckhardMae Lborn about 1925
EckhardMary Dborn about 1934
EckhardRobert Tborn about 1927
EckhartRichard born about 1918
EckhartTillie born about 1916

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F Surnames

FoxClara born about 1922
FoxConey born about 1878
FoxElmer Eborn about 1928
FoxEva born about 1876
FoxGeorge Hborn about 1923
FoxHerman Lborn about 1932
FoxJohn born about 1900
FoxJoke born about 1923
FoxManuel born about 1919
FoxMary Eborn about 1902

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G Surnames

GableConrad born about 1873
GableEdmund born about 1915
GableElizabeth born about 1877
GableElvera born about 1919
GableFloyd born about 1916
GlantzClara born about 1915
GlantzDarlene Jborn about 1936
GlantzDorothy Wborn about 1922
GlantzEmma Eborn about 1894
GlantzJames Hborn about 1919
GlantzJohn Jr born about 1920
GlantzKenneth Hborn about 1929
GlantzRalph born about 1917
GlantzWilma Lborn about 1931

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H Surnames

HammondDaniel Dborn about 1934
HammondHarris Hborn about 1933
HammondHenry Jborn about 1906
HammondNancy Jborn about 1937
HammondVera Lborn about 1911
HardtAllen Pborn about 1932
HardtGeorge born about 1917
HardtGeorge Sr born about 1877
HardtHulda born about 1912
HardtKatherine born about 1914
HardtLydia born about 1912
HardtPhilip born about 1910
HartAlvin Hborn about 1932
HartArthur Jborn about 1936
HartDorothy Mborn about 1928
HartElizabeth born about 1900
HartGeorge Jborn about 1898
HartGeorge Rborn about 1923
HartHarvey Cborn about 1939
HartJohn Rborn about 1926
HartKatherine born about 1930
HartRose Mborn about 1925
HartRuth Eborn about 1922
HartSusan born about 1874
HebnerGeorge born about 1895
HebnerIrene Hborn about 1924
HebnerKatherine born about 1899
HeimbecherDorothy Mborn about 1930
HeimbecherEleanor born about 1932
HeimbecherJake born about 1906
HeimbecherJames Wborn about 1928
HeimbecherKatherine born about 1869
HeimbecherLorraine born about 1936
HeimbecherMarie born about 1908
HillDavid Bborn about 1900
HillMary Oborn about 1864
HofferberDonald Eborn about 1932
HofferberErma born about 1913
HofferberGerald Nborn about 1937
HofferberHoward Lborn about 1934
HofferberJacob born about 1910
HoganAnna Mborn about 1905
HoganBenjiman Hborn about 1905
HoganEdwin Mborn about 1897
HoganMaryhelen born about 1908
HoganWayne Gborn about 1937

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlbert Jborn about 1892
JohnsonStella born about 1904

K Surnames

KahlAnton born about 1926
KahlCecila born about 1920
KahlIsabelle born about 1935
KahlJoseph Eborn about 1930
KahlKatherine Eborn about 1923
KahlKenneth Kborn about 1937
KahlKorby born about 1895
KahlMarian born about 1933
KahlRose born about 1899
KahlRose Rborn about 1922
KromBarbara born about 1925
KromFrank born about 1882
KromHelen born about 1891
KromHugh Tborn about 1918
KukesAnna born about 1917

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L Surnames

LinseJean Mborn about 1939
LinseJulia Eborn about 1908
LinseMartin Pborn about 1900
LinseRobert Mborn about 1933
LinseRoy Aborn about 1936

M Surnames

ManweilerAlex born about 1917
ManweilerRobert Aborn about 1938
ManweilerRosie born about 1919
MaresClara born about 1936
MaresDorothy born about 1934
MaresEloyas born about 1913
MaresFloyd born about 1933
MaresPeter born about 1932
MaresSteven born about 1939
MaresThimothy born about 1911
MaresTimothy Jr born about 1930
MaresViolet born about 1935
McKittrickAlan Bborn about 1938
McKittrickGlenn Eborn about 1897
McKittrickKathleen Bborn about 1897
McKittrickLeward Wborn about 1904
McKittrickMargaret born about 1906
McKittrickRobert Tborn about 1924
MillerJohn Aborn about 1863
MillerMary Gborn about 1871
MossArthur Aborn about 1914
MossMariam born about 1919
MossStanley Dborn about 1940
MullowneyCarrol Aborn about 1938
MullowneyDonlin Eborn about 1929
MullowneyEdith Aborn about 1909
MullowneyEdward Dborn about 1905
MullowneyElizabeth Sborn about 1931
MullowneyElizebeth born about 1908
MullowneyMary Eborn about 1933
MullowneyNoro Kborn about 1937
MullowneyT Michaelborn about 1939
MullowneyTimothy Vborn about 1906

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O Surnames

OstermillerBernice born about 1931
OstermillerEmma born about 1911
OstermillerHarold born about 1919
OstermillerJohn Georgeborn about 1909
OstermillerMarian born about 1930

P Surnames

PopelkaAlice Vborn about 1928
PopelkaEdna Lborn about 1892
PopelkaHenry Hborn about 1883
PopelkaMavis Bborn about 1922
PopelkaRichard Hborn about 1920
PoppEdward Rborn about 1920
PoppSarah born about 1922
ProppGilbert born about 1924

Q Surnames

QuarnbergArthur Jborn about 1909
QuarnbergHilda Cborn about 1911
QuarnbergOscar Cborn about 1875
QuarnbergRalph Sborn about 1937
QuarnbergVerna born about 1914

R Surnames

ReichenbergArmin born about 1919
ReichenbergElmer born about 1932
ReichenbergGust born about 1893
ReichenbergHelen born about 1918
ReichenbergJone born about 1930
ReichenbergLydia born about 1897
ReichenbergRaymond born about 1925
ReichenbergRuth born about 1928
ReichenbergWalter born about 1923
RestadFelix born about 1917
RestadFredricka born about 1880
RestadJohn born about 1925
RestadLawrence born about 1919
RestadLeroy born about 1921
RestadOle Eborn about 1877
RoybalNicholas born about 1904

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S Surnames

SantyAndrew born about 1878
SantyMargaret born about 1879
SchodtFred born about 1917
SchodtGeorge born about 1915
SchodtGloria Aborn about 1938
SchodtJean Vborn about 1921
SchoesslerAdam born about 1894
SchoesslerAlvin Hborn about 1918
SchoesslerE Alvera Dborn about 1928
SchoesslerKatherine Mborn about 1896
SchoesslerLeon Dborn about 1921
SeiffertJohn born about 1893
SnyderGeorge born about 1900
SnyderHarry born about 1915
SnyderHilda Fborn about 1915
SnyderJohn Jborn about 1935
SnyderMarian born about 1901
SpomerEmil born about 1922
SpomerFred born about 1915
SpomerJohn born about 1889
SpomerLorentine born about 1926
SpomerMagdalena born about 1896
StewartFrancis born about 1876
StewartJames Tborn about 1905
StewartJohn Sborn about 1870
StieberEffie born about 1894
StieberGeorge born about 1870
StieberHenry born about 1892
StieberHenry Jr born about 1931
StrokHenry Gborn about 1894
StrokKatherine born about 1896
StrokSolomon born about 1922
SundEdward born about 1909
SundHelma Mborn about 1882

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W Surnames

WalkerEdna born about 1933
WalkerElizabeth born about 1910
WalkerMelvin born about 1939
WalkerMildred born about 1931
WalkerReinholt Cborn about 1907
WalkerThomas born about 1937
WalterAdam born about 1896
WalterAlma born about 1924
WalterAlvin Sborn about 1919
WalterBarbara Jborn about 1937
WalterDaniel born about 1903
WalterDarlene Jborn about 1939
WalterDonald Eborn about 1928
WalterDoris Lborn about 1932
WalterEileen born about 1922
WalterEldora Maborn about 1932
WalterEugene born about 1904
WalterGeorge Cborn about 1909
WalterGordon Eborn about 1939
WalterHannah Eborn about 1923
WalterHarold Dborn about 1925
WalterHelen Nborn about 1929
WalterHerman born about 1921
WalterIvan Dborn about 1938
WalterJames Aborn about 1934
WalterJosephine born about 1932
WalterKatherine born about 1876
WalterKatherine born about 1912
WalterKenneth Eborn about 1937
WalterLeroy Jborn about 1935
WalterMarie Eborn about 1912
WalterMartha born about 1911
WalterMollie born about 1900
WalterMollie born about 1902
WalterNorma Jborn about 1933
WalterRalph born about 1935
WalterRuth Eborn about 1927
WalterWilliam born about 1897
WaltersArthur born about 1917
WaltersEsther Hborn about 1918
WaltersLarry Eborn about 1937
WaltersRonald Rborn about 1939
WeberJames Aborn about 1939
WeberM Joanborn about 1934
WeberMarie born about 1908
WeberWilliam born about 1911
WeberWilliam Jr born about 1933
WeilAnna Mborn about 1876
WeilBetty Jborn about 1933
WeilDonald Jborn about 1938
WeilElmer Eborn about 1921
WeilErvin Jborn about 1938
WeilGeorge Hborn about 1914
WeilGeorgia Lborn about 1912
WeilJohn Jr born about 1897
WeilJohn Sr born about 1873
WeilLydia born about 1900
WeilMargaret born about 1914
WeilMarion Rborn about 1931
WeilMartha born about 1918
WeilRachel born about 1916
WeilRichard Gborn about 1939
WeilRobert born about 1927
WeilRuben born about 1922
WeilWalter born about 1925
WeilWilliam born about 1929

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Y Surnames

YostBetty Jborn about 1931
YostE Leonard Jrborn about 1939
YostElizabeth born about 1903
YostIrvin Jborn about 1929
YostJ Georgeborn about 1900
YostJean born about 1934
YostJohn Hborn about 1937
YostLeonard born about 1906
YostMary born about 1901
YostMary Aborn about 1927

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Z Surnames

ZeilerAnna born about 1875
ZeilerBarbara Nborn about 1935
ZeilerBenjiman Pborn about 1917
ZeilerCarl born about 1904
ZeilerDaniel born about 1914
ZeilerDaniel born about 1922
ZeilerDorothy Hborn about 1919
ZeilerElizabeth born about 1890
ZeilerEmma born about 1914
ZeilerErnest born about 1913
ZeilerG Jeneborn about 1931
ZeilerGerry Eborn about 1937
ZeilerGrace Oborn about 1905
ZeilerJacob born about 1888
ZeilerJoice Cborn about 1938
ZeilerLorraine born about 1924
ZeilerPaul born about 1875
ZeilerRaymond born about 1927
ZeilerRichard Dborn about 1933
ZeilerSolomon born about 1920
ZeilerW Jamesborn about 1931
ZielerGeorge born about 1886
ZielerIrene born about 1925
ZielerJohn born about 1920
ZielerKatherine born about 1887
ZielerRuth born about 1923
ZielerWillis born about 1916

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