1940 U.S. Federal Census of Shepherd, Yellowstone, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Yellowstone County > 1940 Census of Shepherd

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AmmannJohn Dborn about 1880
AmmannVina born about 1881

B Surnames

BattConrad born about 1927
BattDaniel born about 1922
BattFred born about 1884
BattFred Jr born about 1920
BattMarion born about 1929
BattMary born about 1886
BattRuth born about 1925
BenhamAnna Mayborn about 1899
BenhamMaxine born about 1923
BenhamPern born about 1890
BenhamRoy born about 1892
BenhamWayne born about 1926
BennettElouise Mborn about 1915
BickfordChester Aborn about 1886
BickfordDonald born about 1935
BickfordHelen born about 1903
BickfordJack born about 1930
BickfordRobert born about 1928
BirdBilly born about 1913
BirdCarolyn born about 1878
BirdEma born about 1920
BirdEsther born about 1898
BirdJo Annborn about 1940
BohesBarbara born about 1911
BohesBarbara Aborn about 1936
BohesBernard born about 1933
BohesSherman born about 1909
BurtonBee Zborn about 1910
BurtonBee Z Jr Oborn about 1939
BurtonEvelyn born about 1915

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D Surnames

Deleeuw??? born about 1923
DeleeuwAnnie born about 1901
DeleeuwAntenna born about 1930
DeleeuwJacob born about 1925
DeleeuwPeter born about 1922
DeviresBruce born about 1937
DeviresCarol born about 1935
DeviresJake born about 1909
DeviresLovella born about 1910
DoshCharles born about 1874
DoshNora born about 1877
DrangeClarence born about 1914
DrangeClary born about 1926
DrangeElmer born about 1921
DrangeMarie born about 1884
DrangeRaymond born about 1923
DurhimeAlbert born about 1920
DurhimeArthur born about 1924
DurhimeBetty Janeborn about 1937
DurhimeEster born about 1931
DurhimeHarry born about 1928
DurhimeLawrence born about 1939
DurhimeLeon born about 1934
DurhimeLydia born about 1900
DurhimeNyeme born about 1929
DurhimeTheobold born about 1894
DurhimeVerna born about 1929
DurhimeViolet born about 1923

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F Surnames

FolkertGolbertha born about 1893
FolkertJohn born about 1891
FolkertWilliam Henryborn about 1916

G Surnames

GerringaJoyce born about 1936
GerringaMargarete Ellenborn about 1909
GerringaPete born about 1910
GerringaRaymond born about 1932
GerringaRobert born about 1934
GrosskopfConrad born about 1898
GrosskopfMagedelena born about 1907
GroveElizabeth born about 1929
GroveFrancis born about 1925
GroveGerald born about 1931
GroveHelen born about 1927
GroveJean born about 1892
GrovePhylis born about 1936
GroveWilliam born about 1893

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H Surnames

HarrBertha Lborn about 1895
HarrJohn Lborn about 1889
HeidemaAgnes born about 1926
HeidemaAnora born about 1935
HeidemaBettey born about 1930
HeinleAgnes Rborn about 1939
HeinleAnna Rborn about 1934
HeinleLeona Aborn about 1937
HeinleMartha Mborn about 1939
HeinleMatilda born about 1902
HeinleOscar born about 1898
HeinleRobert Rborn about 1933
HinlkeBetty Annborn about 1939
HinlkeClara born about 1934
HinlkeDorothy Mayborn about 1937
HinlkeEva born about 1909
HinlkeFreda born about 1929
HinlkePeter born about 1904
HuvaereCyriel born about 1902
HuvaereEdna born about 1915
HuvaereElsie Janeborn about 1937
HuvaereMarjory Annborn about 1939
HuvaereWilliam born about 1934

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J Surnames

JohnsonFrances born about 1926
JohnsonGladus born about 1920
JohnsonJune born about 1921
JohnsonLaina born about 1888
JohnsonNiles born about 1887
JohnsonNorman born about 1932

K Surnames

KamrathAlfreda born about 1903
KamrathBert born about 1903
KamrathHulda born about 1914
KamrathLouise born about 1932
KamrathRamond born about 1938
KamrathWilliam born about 1910
KempElsie born about 1913
KempFrank born about 1911
KempGerald Leonborn about 1938
KempRobert Jonesborn about 1937
KlineAlvin born about 1919
KlineEmma born about 1894
KlineG??? born about 1891
KlineHarold Hborn about 1917
KlineKeneth Cborn about 1930
KlineWilliam born about 1916
KoberCarl born about 1911
KoberLuella born about 1915
KoberMarlene Carolborn about 1938
KoberMarvin Carlborn about 1939
KramlichBarbara born about 1889
KramlichHarold born about 1907
KramlichJacob born about 1888
KranzlerEddie born about 1938
KranzlerEdna born about 1927
KranzlerJacob born about 1887
KranzlerM??? born about 1895
KranzlerMarjory born about 1932
KranzlerOrven born about 1930
KranzlerRichard born about 1922
KranzlerRoland born about 1931

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M Surnames

MacrowAlfred Pborn about 1893
MacrowGladus born about 1922
MacrowHerbert born about 1919
MaiCathryn born about 1911
MaiEugene born about 1932
MaiJohn born about 1906
MartinezEfelia born about 1917
MartinezMarcus born about 1910
MartinezMary born about 1940
McMakenJeannette born about 1918
MeirdingDora born about 1889
MeirdingGlenda born about 1930
MeirdingGloria born about 1930
MeirdingHerman born about 1904
MeirdingRalph born about 1924
MillDeanna born about 1934
MillHenry Dborn about 1882
MillMaryliss born about 1884
MillRonald born about 1927
MolendykAdriannus born about 1868
MolendykApolonia Winnieborn about 1921
MolendykJenny Lenaborn about 1878
MolendykTony born about 1910
MunyunCharles born about 1898
MunyunCharles Rborn about 1921
MunyunHughs born about 1918
MunyunJean born about 1925
MunyunOdessia born about 1898

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O Surnames

ObanionDora born about 1912
ObanionEl??? born about 1905
ObanionFrancis born about 1938
ObanionIrene born about 1937
ObanionJohn born about 1933
ObanionJoyce born about 1939
ObanionLavone born about 1934
ObanionLouise born about 1936
ObanionMary born about 1932
ObenchainR Mborn about 1899
OostemaAlbert born about 1885
OystermillerBetty Annborn about 1937
OystermillerHenry born about 1914
OystermillerLydia born about 1917
OystermillerShirely Mayborn about 1938

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R Surnames

RenshlerCarrie born about 1878
RenshlerFreddie born about 1927
RenshlerJacob Fborn about 1874
RiemersAlbert born about 1937
RiemersAmelia born about 1871
RiemersDuane born about 1939
RiemersGrace born about 1929
RiemersHenry Wborn about 1901
RiemersHenry Jr born about 1934
RiemersJulius born about 1870
RiemersMay born about 1909
RiemersMildrid born about 1906
RientenbergerAdolph born about 1921
RientenbergerHerbert born about 1918
RientenbergerHilda born about 1916
RientenbergerMargaret born about 1894
RientenbergerSamuel born about 1892

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S Surnames

SchroberAmeil born about 1881
SchroberClara born about 1920
SchroberCristina born about 1897
SchroberEarnest born about 1919
SchroberRuben born about 1922
SchrotenboerD??? born about 1910
SchrotenboerHenrietta born about 1868
SchwadArnold born about 1912
SchwadArnold Renoborn about 1939
SchwadFlorence born about 1922
SchwadGeorge born about 1904
SexeCurtis born about 1900
StantonHattie born about 1876
StantonJesse born about 1866
StearHenrietta born about 1900
StearRing born about 1897
StrauchDorothy born about 1921
StrauchJohn born about 1914
StrickerAlla born about 1915
StrickerEsther born about 1928
StrickerFreda born about 1921
StrickerJohn born about 1880
StrickerMary born about 1884
StrickerWilliam born about 1924
StubkjareBell born about 1882
StubkjareJoe born about 1872

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T Surnames

ThutAdam born about 1897
ThutAnna Elizebethborn about 1897
ThutCarl born about 1925
ThutClara born about 1920
ThutEdward born about 1924
ThutGeorge born about 1922
ThutHerman born about 1932
ThutJohn Williamborn about 1934
ThutLoraine Mayborn about 1935
ThutRuth Ireneborn about 1929
ThutShirely Annborn about 1937

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V Surnames

VanderhadeClarence born about 1929
VanderhadeJanice Mborn about 1936
VanderhadeJohanna born about 1897
VanderhadeJohn born about 1918
VanderhadeLouise born about 1926
VanderhadeMillie Janeborn about 1922
VanderhadeWilliam born about 1889
VanderwarkH Oborn about 1889
VanderwarkOpali born about 1887
VanderwarkWessly born about 1920

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W Surnames

WeigelDanial born about 1934
WeigelGeorge born about 1926
WeigelJoe born about 1917
WeigelKathryn born about 1885
WeigelMartha born about 1923
WeigelMartine born about 1925
WhitakerCharles born about 1918
WhitakerMargaret born about 1920
WillhelmElvera born about 1906
WillhelmSam born about 1906

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Z Surnames

ZierAmelia born about 1922
ZierGeorge born about 1909
ZierJake born about 1913
ZierKathryn born about 1883
ZierLoretta Jeanborn about 1939

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