Swanquarter Genealogy (in Hyde County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Hyde County (466) > Swanquarter (60)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Swanquarter are also found through the Hyde County and North Carolina pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Swanquarter Cemetery Records

C.E. Cahoon, Sr. Cemetery Find a Grave online

C.F. Benson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Carawan Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Carawan-Sadler Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cason-Credle-Jones Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cason-Raburn Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chester-Mason Cemetery Find a Grave online

County Home Cemetery Find a Grave online

Credle-Watson Mann Cemetery Find a Grave online

Credle-Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

D. E. Harris Cemetery Find a Grave online

D.M. Carawan Cemetery Find a Grave online

Donnell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Emory-Harris Cemetery Find a Grave online

Farrow-Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

G.H. Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

G.V. Credle Cemetery Find a Grave online

George Harris Cemetery Find a Grave online

George W. Hodges Cemetery Find a Grave online

Greenhill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harris-Jarvis Cemetery Find a Grave online

J. L. Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

J.C. Ballance Cemetery Find a Grave online

J.M. Jennette Cemetery Find a Grave online

J.N. Jarvis Cemetery Find a Grave online

James Edward Bridgman Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jarvis-Overton Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jesse M. Mason Cemetery Find a Grave online

John Credle Cemetery Find a Grave online

John Emory Cemetery Find a Grave online

L.C. Jarvis Cemetery Find a Grave online

L.M. Swindell Cemetery Find a Grave online

M. F. Mason Cemetery Find a Grave online

Martin Howard Cemetery Find a Grave online

McGowan Cemetery Find a Grave online

Midyette-Williams Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rhoda Farrow Cemetery Find a Grave online

Riley Carawan Cemetery Find a Grave online

S.R. Sadler Cemetery Find a Grave online

Soule Cemetery Cemetery Census online

Soule Cemetery Billion Graves online

Soule Cemetery Find a Grave online

T. F. Jarvis Cemetery Find a Grave online

W. H. Mason Cemetery Find a Grave online

W.A. Jarvis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Warner Cemetery Find a Grave online

William M. Hodges Cemetery Find a Grave online

Swanquarter Church Records

Filter By Year:

Job's Chapel Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records (microform) 1909-1975 Archive Grid

Job's Chapel Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records, 1909-1975 Digital Public Library of America online

Old Richmond Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records (microform) 1871-1975 Archive Grid

Old Richmond Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records, 1871-1975 Digital Public Library of America online

Rose Bay Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records 1922-1974 Archive Grid

Rose Bay Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records, 1922-1974 Digital Public Library of America online

Swan Quarter Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records 1910-1975 Archive Grid

Swan Quarter Baptist Church (Swanquarter, N.C.) records, 1910-1975 Digital Public Library of America online

Swanquarter Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Swanquarter

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Coastal Observer. (Belhaven & Swan Quarter, N.C.) 1987-1990

Hyde County Record. (Swan Quarter, N.C.) 1927-1933

Swanquarter School Records

Mattamuskeet High School yearbook, 1966, 1974, 1977 Classmates online

Mattamuskeet High School yearbook, 1966, 1974, 1977 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Mattamuskeet High School yearbooks, 1966, 1974, 1977 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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