1940 U.S. Federal Census of Alex, McKenzie, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > McKenzie County > 1940 Census of Alex

B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

B Surnames

BartramElemar born about 1874
BartramFrancis born about 1903
BergeHelga born about 1888
BergePaul born about 1884
BottheErving born about 1903
BottheJeannette born about 1911
BottheMarguerite born about 1938
BottheWilliam born about 1936
BrighamEarl Eborn about 1893

C Surnames

ChildsNelson Tborn about 1888
ChildsSigrid born about 1881

D Surnames

DaumChristian born about 1868
DaumHannah born about 1878
DaumHilmer born about 1916

E Surnames

EricksonChristine born about 1881
EricksonOle born about 1882

F Surnames

FiringElla born about 1886
FiringMartin born about 1884
FjelstadArlene born about 1928
FjelstadAverd born about 1923
FjelstadDonald Rborn about 1919
FjelstadDorma Maeborn about 1931
FjelstadGunda born about 1897
FjelstadJean born about 1929
FjelstadLeland born about 1926
FjelstadMargaret born about 1921
FjelstadMarlyn born about 1933
FjelstadMartin born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HellingTheodore born about 1881

J Surnames

JamesEythl born about 1929
JamesFred Kborn about 1885
JamesFrederick born about 1927
JamesIona born about 1908
JennerArdyth born about 1937
JennerClark born about 1897
JennerDonald born about 1931
JennerHarry born about 1926
JennerHerbert born about 1925
JennerLena born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KonudteonAnton born about 1881

L Surnames

LaryHarold born about 1913
LaryWilliam born about 1906
LeerAnna born about 1880
LeerOle born about 1881

M Surnames

MosbyCharles born about 1936
MosbyDona born about 1934
MosbyGertrude born about 1915
MosbyRoy born about 1904

O Surnames

OesterAlpha born about 1932
OesterAudry born about 1930
OesterFred Gborn about 1885
OesterLucy born about 1889
OesterSigrid born about 1923

R Surnames

RobertsArthur born about 1914
RobertsAvis born about 1917
RobertsDe Loris born about 1938
RobertsRichard born about 1939

S Surnames

SundbyAlbert born about 1885
SundbyCarl Sborn about 1922
SundbyIngeberg born about 1894
SundbyJerome Aborn about 1932
SundbyMildred born about 1919
SvoreHedrig born about 1886
SvoreLuther born about 1916
SvoreOlaf Rborn about 1877
SvoreRuth born about 1925

T Surnames

ThirudEdward born about 1920
ThirudFred Vborn about 1885
ThirudLeon born about 1927
ThirudLillian born about 1924
ThorsonCarrie born about 1879
ThorsonJalmar born about 1886

V Surnames

VanallenAndria born about 1884
VanallenArthur Wborn about 1884

W Surnames

WeberAmosa born about 1890
WeberArthur born about 1932
WeberDonald born about 1933
WeberDorothy born about 1929
WeberEffie born about 1920
WeberEthel born about 1928
WeberFrancis born about 1921
WeberFrank born about 1886
WeberGladys born about 1924
WeberJoseph born about 1932
WeberLorraine born about 1926
WeberMargary born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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