1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ensigne, Renville, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Renville County > 1940 Census of Ensigne

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAdolph born about 1915
AdamsPauline born about 1892
AdamsRobert born about 1923
AitkenAlbert born about 1878
AitkenRose Cborn about 1882
AllenJames born about 1923
AllsupHarriett born about 1918
AllsupIrrie Fborn about 1913
AndersonAnn Bborn about 1908
AndersonClara Lborn about 1918
AndersonDale born about 1905
AndersonGuy Dborn about 1930
AndersonVera Aborn about 1931
ArnesonGladis born about 1923

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B Surnames

Backer??? born about 1905
BackerArlin born about 1936
BackerEstella born about 1928
BackerHarold born about 1932
BackerLenard born about 1899
BackerMerle born about 1930
BackerRichard born about 1926
BackerRoger born about 1937
BlomerArlex born about 1910
BlomerClara born about 1920
BradleyEtta born about 1885
BradleyGilbert born about 1927
BradleyJake Hborn about 1880
BradleyLarine born about 1913
BrodersonElizabeth born about 1886
BrodersonMildred born about 1926
ButtsAdla Cborn about 1884
ButtsEarn Oborn about 1880

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C Surnames

CaldwellTheodor born about 1862
CalemanEarn born about 1886
CalemanGrace born about 1890
CarlsonEmily born about 1880
CarlsonHarry born about 1906
CarlsonKenneth born about 1919
CarrallJohn Hborn about 1877
CauthersEda Mborn about 1881
CauthersMayetta Fborn about 1910
CauthersRobert Eborn about 1880
ChrisainGeorge Cborn about 1894
ChristenHanry Mborn about 1886
ChristianAgusta born about 1882
ChristianArthur born about 1910
ChristianGilbert born about 1878
ChristianHelmer born about 1918
ChristianMabel born about 1916
ChristianNorris born about 1927
ChristopherFred born about 1890
ChristopherHaze Aborn about 1902
ClapperAllen Rborn about 1926
ClapperCecil Gborn about 1901
ClapperEulamay born about 1925
ClapperJoyce Eborn about 1927
ClapperMattie Jborn about 1907
ClarkIva born about 1915
ClarkMaude Jborn about 1878
ColcordClayton Eborn about 1871
ColcordLouise Mborn about 1877
CrismanFrank born about 1883
CrismanJannice Mborn about 1939
CrismanMarie Cborn about 1914
CrismanNiman born about 1907
CrismanSarah born about 1886
CulbertsonFlorance born about 1900

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D Surnames

DenisonChancey born about 1879
DenisonMyrtle born about 1900
DonilsonJoe born about 1877

E Surnames

EugelhardAlvin born about 1937
EugelhardAnita born about 1927
EugelhardArvin born about 1931
EugelhardDennis born about 1938
EugelhardEugene born about 1899
EugelhardEvelyn born about 1931
EugelhardLena born about 1907
EugelhardMerlin born about 1935

F Surnames

FirringAlice born about 1925
FirringAnton born about 1891
FirringClara born about 1894
FortuneChrist born about 1875
FortuneLena born about 1876

G Surnames

GermanAlma Hborn about 1892
GermanArden Dborn about 1930
GermanArdis Dborn about 1930
GermanClarence Eborn about 1923
GermanGeorge Jborn about 1925
GermanHarold Fborn about 1926
GermanMaybell Hborn about 1928
GidleyMary born about 1873

H Surnames

HaabyEmma Mborn about 1868
HaabyWilliam Hborn about 1870
HakeJohn Hborn about 1873
HalmesHellen Mborn about 1917
HalmesLaura Hborn about 1886
HalmrastLena born about 1922
HamiltonAda born about 1914
HamiltonAddie born about 1873
HamiltonTed born about 1905
HamiltonVera born about 1895
HartmanAnna Mborn about 1887
HartmanBurton Hborn about 1873
HartmanGwen Tborn about 1917
HartmanIre Eborn about 1921
HartmanJoe Lborn about 1910
HartmanJulia Mborn about 1914
HartmanLola Mborn about 1925
HartmanRoy Wborn about 1912
HealyCaryl Gborn about 1934
HealyEsther Lborn about 1911
HealyJames Rborn about 1933
HealyRosco Dborn about 1900
HeningEdith Eborn about 1876
HeningWilliam Hborn about 1876
HudelsonDale born about 1918
HulbertWalter born about 1913
HumbergerLilda born about 1873
HuntAndy born about 1890
HuntMarjore born about 1924
HuntMildred born about 1927
HuntWilda born about 1894
HuntWilliam born about 1922
HutchinsonDarman born about 1920
HutchinsonDuglas born about 1919
HutchinsonDwane born about 1922

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J Surnames

JensenGorden Hborn about 1919
JensenJames Wborn about 1916
JensenJim Iborn about 1886
JensenMarion born about 1924
JensenMartha born about 1886
JensenMarton Dborn about 1921
JensenWinona born about 1928
JerdeMartin born about 1870
JohnsonAgnes born about 1909
JohnsonAlma Jborn about 1929
JohnsonBeverly Jborn about 1927
JohnsonCaryl Mborn about 1927
JohnsonCharles born about 1904
JohnsonEdna Rborn about 1891
JohnsonEdward Jborn about 1886
JohnsonGarth Rborn about 1933
JohnsonMarie Aborn about 1896
JohnsonNeltha Gborn about 1900
JohnsonNorma Lborn about 1930
JohnsonRochel Busterborn about 1882
JohnsonRoland Dborn about 1901
JordreElizebeth born about 1915
JordreThea born about 1875
JurgensonRobert Eborn about 1935
JurgensonRoberta Bborn about 1916
JurgensonRuben Bborn about 1904

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K Surnames

KallFrank born about 1880
KallRose born about 1887
KeesEleanor Eborn about 1893
KeesJohn Aborn about 1877
KelleyTerry born about 1923
KimmeyNillie born about 1869
KlostermanCelia Aborn about 1898
KlostermanCl??? born about 1894
KlostermanDoris born about 1929
KlostermanEarl Cborn about 1920
KlostermanEunice born about 1922
KnudsonMarie Eborn about 1880
KnudsonRunte Oborn about 1880
KunkelAdline Jborn about 1939
KunkelAlma Aborn about 1922
KunkelAlvin Wborn about 1928
KunkelAnda born about 1908
KunkelDelbert Wborn about 1926
KunkelEdward Fborn about 1886
KunkelEdward Jborn about 1919
KunkelFred born about 1921
KunkelLeary Cborn about 1935
KunkelLenard Rborn about 1933
KunkelLester Hborn about 1930
KunkelMabel Eborn about 1924
KunkelRobert Gborn about 1937

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L Surnames

LarsonCora born about 1911
LarsonElaine born about 1935
LarsonJoe Lborn about 1905
LarsonRichard born about 1929
LaugenHenry Bborn about 1889
LaugenThea born about 1895
LeatherAlbert born about 1882
LeatherAndrey born about 1938
LeatherGrace Eborn about 1915
LeatherPatricia Sborn about 1939
LeatherPearl born about 1896
LeatherPervey Aborn about 1913
LoselandEvert born about 1908
LunderGilber born about 1903
LunderGilbrt Jr born about 1927
LunderLosina Bborn about 1905
LunderNorton Dborn about 1935

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M Surnames

MartinClarence born about 1901
MartinClifford born about 1928
MartinKathryn born about 1900
MarumArthur born about 1898
MarumDelbert born about 1927
MarumLena born about 1895
MarumRobert born about 1929
McIlroyBruce Eborn about 1932
McIlroyCaryle born about 1938
McIlroyDean born about 1903
McIlroyDean born about 1932
McIlroyEdwin Gborn about 1867
McIlroyHellen Cborn about 1904
McIlroyIda born about 1862
McIlroyJean Lborn about 1932
McIlroyJoyce Mborn about 1934
McIlroyNellie Mborn about 1906
McIlroyRobert born about 1937
McIlroyRobert born about 1937
McIlroyTed Rborn about 1906
MillesIrine born about 1922
MolentharesEmma born about 1879
MolentharesGust born about 1873
MoxnessJames Gborn about 1935
MoxnessKenneth Lborn about 1933
MoxnessMargarett Cborn about 1897
MoxnessOscar born about 1902

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N Surnames

NelsonAlbert born about 1891
NelsonCarye born about 1906

O Surnames

OlearyJoseph born about 1870
OlsonArthur born about 1890

P Surnames

ParkTheodor Pborn about 1869
PearsonPeter born about 1869
PfauBeullah Eborn about 1914
PfauHarvey Aborn about 1938
PfauMarvin Oborn about 1910
PhillippsBeverly Jborn about 1933
PhillippsJack Dborn about 1935
PhillippsJerry Lborn about 1936
PhillippsJoe Dborn about 1901
PhillippsMily Gborn about 1906
PhillippsNorma Gborn about 1931
PickJohn Eborn about 1902
PickMarian born about 1935
PickMildred born about 1911
PreskeyAnnie born about 1869
PreskeyEvert born about 1924
PreskeyGeorge born about 1904
PreskeyHarald born about 1914
PreskeyHazel born about 1933
PreskeyIva born about 1922
PreskeyJulia born about 1893
PreskeyLeo born about 1894
PreskeyMarjin born about 1939
PreskeyNera born about 1906
PreskeyOpal born about 1899
PreskeyRichard born about 1929
PreskeyRobert born about 1935
PreskeyRonald born about 1933
PreskeyVirgil born about 1895
PreskeyWillis Lborn about 1891

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R Surnames

RandallHarold Eborn about 1939
RandallHazel Eborn about 1917
RandallHoward Lborn about 1906
RandellClaud born about 1874
RandellHattie born about 1879
RandellSylvie born about 1910
RandellWarren born about 1918
ReedGeorge Aborn about 1891
ReedLeo Mborn about 1902
ReedWallice Cborn about 1928
ReiquamAnnette born about 1925
ReiquamClifford Eborn about 1922
ReiquamHannah born about 1883
ReiquamHarvey Nborn about 1922
ReiquamIrine born about 1908
ReiquamJoyce Oborn about 1920
ReiquamLois Gborn about 1935
ReiquamMaynard Eborn about 1912
ReiquamMinnie Eborn about 1891
ReiquamOscar Nborn about 1889
ReiquamSam Nborn about 1878
ReiquamSherman Lborn about 1905
RetzloffHasey born about 1918
RhoadasKathrine born about 1916
RhoadsAda born about 1883
RhoadsAlusta born about 1880
RhoadsCaryl Jborn about 1925
RhoadsClarence born about 1903
RhoadsClarice Eborn about 1928
RhoadsDoloris born about 1932
RhoadsDore Zborn about 1880
RhoadsDotty Eborn about 1927
RhoadsEmma Bborn about 1896
RhoadsEmroy Cborn about 1902
RhoadsEva born about 1909
RhoadsFrances born about 1901
RhoadsGeo Wborn about 1899
RhoadsGeorge Joborn about 1903
RhoadsGlenn Wborn about 1923
RhoadsHellen Lborn about 1927
RhoadsIrvin Aborn about 1919
RhoadsJulia born about 1913
RhoadsLester born about 1914
RhoadsRussll born about 1939
RieqnanChrist Mborn about 1881

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S Surnames

SalaegAle Sborn about 1913
SalaegGarden Hborn about 1928
SalaegGunder Bborn about 1926
SalaegJans born about 1868
SalaegKenneth born about 1931
SalaegRoselina Mborn about 1888
SchafferAmma Cborn about 1885
SchafferFrancis born about 1926
SchafferFred Wborn about 1884
SchafferKathryn born about 1917
SchafferMarcellus born about 1922
SchafferTherse born about 1929
ScharfeAnna Eborn about 1880
ScharfeGust Aborn about 1880
ShayJohn Fborn about 1883
ShayLouise Gborn about 1921
ShayNainnie born about 1882
ShayRichard Cborn about 1928
SheyCharles Wborn about 1852
SimpkusNannie born about 1871
SmithLawike Lborn about 1895
SmithLola born about 1938
SmithRuth born about 1917
SmithSarah born about 1899
SpraigElizabeth Mborn about 1867
StetzelDorsey Dborn about 1893
StoweClifton Lborn about 1917
StoweJohn Eborn about 1889
StoweLucy Mborn about 1888
SutherlandCharles Wborn about 1934
SutherlandDelores Lborn about 1937
SutherlandErelyn Fborn about 1910
SutherlandJune Mborn about 1932
SutherlandLyle Gborn about 1903
SutherlandVern Rborn about 1936
SwansonKakthryn born about 1913

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T Surnames

TalleyBasil born about 1930
TalleyJoshna Wborn about 1860
TalleyLettie Jborn about 1870
TalleyRose born about 1906
TalleyWilliam born about 1901
TarkilsonMartha born about 1866
TreusdellGeorge Vborn about 1862
TreusdellRachel born about 1873

W Surnames

WaltonLyle Rborn about 1921
WatlerEffie Vborn about 1865
WebesCathern born about 1883
WengelErnest born about 1874
WiberKenneth Gborn about 1938
WiberLyle Vborn about 1858
WiberMarie born about 1910
WilcxHarriet born about 1931
WilcxLucey Mborn about 1892
WilcxLynn Fborn about 1889
WilliamsAnbrey Cborn about 1899
WilliamsIda Fborn about 1902
WilliamsMerideth Jborn about 1936
WilliamsPhyliss Hborn about 1939
WindrelCora Bborn about 1883
WindrelGertrude Rborn about 1919
WindrelHarald Wborn about 1924
WindrelJohn Jborn about 1877
WinterDaisy born about 1883
WinterDale Vborn about 1922
WinterFrancis Jborn about 1917
WinterNina Mborn about 1920

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