1940 U.S. Federal Census of Harrison, Ward, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Ward County > 1940 Census of Harrison

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamsonClarence born about 1911
AbrahamsonClarence Jr born about 1937
AbrahamsonJerry born about 1935
AbrahamsonRobert born about 1933
AbrahamsonViola born about 1916
AleshireBeverly born about 1932
AleshireHarold born about 1926
AleshireHerbert Lborn about 1891
AleshireMarjorie Maeborn about 1929
AleshireNeva born about 1899
AmesElvin born about 1901
AmleyLillian born about 1926
AnnisAlice born about 1913
AnnisDorothy born about 1916
AnnisJames Jr born about 1930
AnnisJames Sr born about 1911
AnnisMimie born about 1877
AnnisNora Mborn about 1931
AnnisRay born about 1914
AsplundCora born about 1909
AsplundPaul born about 1906
AsplundRobert born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackedahlJohn Mborn about 1878
BackedahlMerrellia born about 1878
BackedahlRoy Eborn about 1908
BakkenAndrew Jr born about 1911
BakkenAnn born about 1912
BakkenMavis Nborn about 1938
BakkenOrville born about 1937
BallBarbara born about 1904
BallGeorge born about 1882
BallJean born about 1928
BallOmer born about 1880
BallPearl Eborn about 1888
BallRobert born about 1924
BarchengerArthur born about 1903
BarchengerDavid born about 1932
BarchengerEdgar born about 1902
BarchengerEdith born about 1903
BarchengerEva born about 1905
BarchengerForest born about 1931
BarchengerIda Maeborn about 1937
BarchengerRaymond born about 1933
BarchengerRobert born about 1930
BarchengerRosella born about 1930
BarchengerTheodore born about 1935
BarchengerVera born about 1927
BeaverHenry born about 1887
BeckmanHarris born about 1927
BeckmanNeil born about 1924
BehmDorothy born about 1915
BehmMary born about 1938
BehmNeiman born about 1908
BennettAgnes born about 1879
BensonBernell born about 1913
BensonGordon Bborn about 1939
BensonMargaret born about 1914
BergdahlMelvin born about 1916
BergetElvin Sborn about 1922
BergetPercy Rborn about 1930
BergetPeter born about 1876
BergetRagna Eborn about 1892
BergmanBruce born about
BergmanLillian born about 1912
BergmanMarlene born about 1935
BergmanSelmer born about 1909
BlomElizabeth Oborn about 1922
BlowigsDarlene born about 1933
BlowigsGertrude born about 1910
BlowigsHelen born about 1930
BlowigsJennings born about 1907
BlowigsJennings Jr born about 1935
BlowigsMyron born about 1937
BodienCatherine born about 1922
BodienInez born about 1897
BodienOscar Eborn about 1899
BodienWilfred born about 1918
BoomhowerElnora born about 1938
BoomhowerEvelyn born about 1913
BoomhowerPaul Jborn about 1906
BoomhowerPaul J Jrborn about 1937
BoschertBarbara born about 1932
BoschertHobert born about 1895
BoschertKatherine born about 1934
BoschertRobert born about 1937
BoschertRose born about 1908
BuckholzBruce Eborn about 1925
BuckholzEdward born about 1891
BuckholzIva born about 1885
BuckholzJune born about 1926
BuettnerAnna born about 1883
BuettnerBernard Mborn about 1928
BuettnerDonald Jborn about 1939
BuettnerEileen Kborn about 1935
BuettnerJohn Gborn about 1896
BuettnerLawrence Fborn about 1931
BuettnerLeo Eborn about 1932
BuettnerLyle Mborn about 1933
BuettnerMarie Sborn about 1926
BuettnerRaymond Hborn about 1924
BuettnerRichard Jborn about 1929
BuettnerUrsula Jborn about 1937
BunnyAdeline born about 1917
BunnyCarol Janeborn about 1937
BunnyDorothy Jborn about 1936
BunnyErnest born about 1911
BunnyVivian Jborn about 1938
BusekAlbert born about 1921
BusekCharles born about 1919
BusekFrank born about 1894
BusekHelen born about 1922
BusekJoseph born about 1917
BusekLucille born about 1928
BusekTracie born about 1892
ButtlerCarold born about 1901
ButtlerD Jborn about 1866
ButtlerHelena born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainJoseph Lborn about 1871
CainSusan Lborn about 1875
ChandlerGilbert born about 1895
ChandlerLevina born about 1913
ChandlerMildred born about 1940
ChandlerRolla born about 1928
ChandlerRomana born about 1939
ChandlerThera born about 1929
ChristeansonGoldie born about 1926
ChristeansonHarry born about 1929
ChristeansonNels born about 1890
ChristeansonRita born about 1930
ChristeansonRobbert born about 1923
ChristeansonRokona born about 1935
ChristeansonVethone born about 1894
ChristensonAlbert born about 1874
ChristensonCaroline born about 1880
ChristiansonEugene born about 1900
CollinsBetty Jeanborn about 1927
CollinsCarl Cborn about 1929
CollinsFlora Gborn about 1890
CollinsJess Rborn about 1925
CollinsKatherine born about 1911
CollinsMarjorie Eborn about 1931
CollinsMark Cborn about 1907
CollinsRuth born about 1936
CormanyDean born about 1937
CormanyGaillord born about 1896
CormanyGaillord born about 1936
CormanyIva born about 1900
CormanyWillis born about 1934
CreedAnna born about 1913
CreedCarol born about 1939
CreedHerbert born about 1935
CreedLloyd born about 1934
CreedRobert born about 1938
CreedVictor born about 1910
CurryEmma born about 1904
CurryHenry born about 1890
CurryHenry born about 1930
CurryMarie Lborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlyDonovan born about 1928
DahlyGorman born about 1898
DahlyOrville born about 1937
DahlyWilfred Lborn about 1925
DargelBetty Mborn about 1936
DargelBeverly Cborn about 1934
DargelClarence born about 1899
DargelClayton Cborn about 1938
DargelMabel born about 1904
DavickCarl born about 1913
DavickConnie Cborn about 1938
DavickEsther born about 1913
DavickWade Eborn about 1936
DeeterAmos born about 1878
DeeterFannie Mborn about 1883
DeeterRaymond born about 1916
DickeyGlen born about 1920
DornfeldEvelyn Mborn about 1922
DornfeldLaura born about 1891
DornfeldLeroy Wborn about 1929
DornfeldMartin born about 1887
DutterJoseph born about 1860
DutterLura born about 1872

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E Surnames

EberhardtGladys born about 1897
EberhardtLee born about 1924
EberhardtLester born about 1895
EideJohn born about 1860
EideSarah born about 1865
EldevickAlvin born about 1927
EldevickEmily born about 1928
EldevickMarvin born about 1926
EldevickOlaf born about 1899
EldevickSelma born about 1903
ElmMargaret born about 1920
ElsberryBarbara Dborn about 1936
ElsberryDarene born about 1931
ElsberryDouglas Jborn about 1932
ElsberryHelen Jborn about 1938
ElsberryJohn Dborn about 1934
ElsberryLloyd born about 1903
ElsberryLloyd Jr born about 1929
ElsberryMyrtle born about 1908
ElsberryPatricia born about 1935
ElsberryPaul Aborn about
ElsberryPauline born about
ElsberryRolbert born about 1937
ElsberryTitus born about 1908
ElsberryVanette born about 1928
ElsberryVivian born about 1905
EndersLouis Aborn about 1869
EndersWalter born about 1914
EricksonBelle born about 1877
EvansCarrie born about 1868
EvansCharles Eborn about 1874

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F Surnames

FelberFred Eborn about 1909
FelberFred E Jrborn about 1937
FelberMargaret born about 1910
FelberSusanne born about
FenkAnnette born about 1924
FjeldJames born about 1918
FjeldJean Marieborn about 1933
FjeldJulius born about 1885
FjeldMary born about 1879
FrantsvogAlfred born about 1890
FrantsvogKenneth born about 1921
FrantsvogMartha born about 1900

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G Surnames

GanzAlfred born about 1914
GanzIrene born about 1921
GilbertsonInga born about 1892
GrondahlSeverona born about 1869
GronenthalFlossie born about 1904
GronenthalJerry born about 1899
GudmunsenServert born about 1883
GundersonJohanna born about 1884

H Surnames

HallPaul born about 1890
HallPaula born about 1899
HallanPeter Sborn about 1875
HalvorsonBertha born about 1875
HalvorsonOle born about 1878
HansonPauline born about 1906
HarmesonAdolph born about 1897
HarmesonMollie born about 1901
HarmesonVernon born about 1928
HarmesonVivian born about 1921
HarstadJohn Aborn about 1880
HartgroveMary born about 1883
HauglandBrynhild born about 1906
HauglandNels born about 1877
HauglandS??urd born about 1877
HeacockFrank Jborn about 1910
HeacockJackie born about 1936
HeacockPearl born about 1909
HeacockSusan born about 1939
HelkethMelvin born about 1916
HellicksonBessie born about 1922
HennessyCatherine born about 1883
HennessyJames Bborn about 1879
HetlandAlan born about 1934
HetlandJohn Sborn about 1905
HetlandLillian born about 1910
HillAgnes born about 1851
HillBernice born about 1928
HillClarence born about 1901
HillCornelius born about 1870
HillDarius born about 1856
HillKermit born about 1930
HillLester born about 1913
HillLloyd born about 1913
HillLouise born about 1874
HillPearl born about 1914
HillRodne born about 1939
HillRosella born about 1909
HillRoy born about 1884
HillSadie born about 1908
HillsBeverly born about 1937
HillsForest born about 1911
HillsGeneva born about 1913
HitsonAnna Pborn about 1926
HitsonCarrie born about 1900
HitsonJames Hborn about 1920
HitsonMildred born about 1928
HitsonMorris Wborn about 1924
HitsonRussell Jborn about 1921
HitsonWilliam born about 1878
HoeyEmma Jborn about 1873
HoeyFrank Nborn about 1871
HofCarl born about 1911
HofHildegard born about 1933
HofMartha born about 1903
HolbackEilene born about 1937
HolbackJohn born about 1905
HolbackJulane born about 1935
HolbackLarry born about 1939
HolbackMargaret born about 1910
HolcombDonna Jeanborn about 1939
HolcombEvelyn born about 1907
HolcombGladys born about 1911
HolcombHorace Bborn about 1875
HolcombKenneth born about 1913
HolcombLeana born about 1874
HolmesLucille born about 1911
HoodleyClara born about 1867
HoodleyEdna born about 1887
HoodleyHenry born about 1891
HoodleyLyle born about 1918
HoodleyOrville born about 1920
HoppmanAnnie born about 1877
HoppmanDora born about 1917
HoppmanWilliam born about 1905
HowellAveline Bborn about 1908
HowellClifford Lborn about 1907
HowellDyron Lborn about 1935
HunterAmbruse born about 1904
HunterTillie born about 1897
HurtovenkoElizabeth born about 1905
HurtovenkoLydia born about 1937
HurtovenkoMike born about 1885
HurtovenkoVictor born about 1938
HustadErik born about 1857
HustadGunhild born about 1861
HustadRewben born about 1902

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J Surnames

JellumAlpha born about 1914
JellumAndy born about 1903
JellumAnna born about 1877
JellumHugh born about 1933
JellumJames born about 1869
JellumJoanne born about 1935
JellumSharon born about 1937
Jensen born about 1914
JensenAlfred Aborn about 1889
JensenFannie born about 1893
JensenHarold born about 1913
JensenLyle Mborn about 1917
JensenV Eileenborn about 1918
JensonAnna born about 1911
JensonEdwin born about 1911
JensonRichard Cborn about 1937
JohnsonAlice born about 1877
JohnsonAlvin Wborn about 1890
JohnsonC Johnborn about 1871
JohnsonEdwin born about 1916
JohnsonEthel born about 1913
JohnsonIrwin Hborn about 1914
JohnsonIverta born about 1879
JohnsonJermiher Nborn about 1861
JohnsonJohn Mborn about 1909
JohnsonLloyd born about 1913
JohnsonMabel Jborn about 1894
JohnsonNorman born about 1921
JohnsonObert born about 1920
JohnsonPearl born about 1922
JohnsonVerna born about 1926

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K Surnames

KirkebyAllan born about 1917
KittelsonDolores born about 1932
KittelsonEarl born about 1921
KittelsonHalbert born about 1890
KittelsonJennie born about 1893
KlempelHerbert born about 1904
KlempelJosephine born about 1906
KnightErna born about 1913
KnightKenneth born about 1935
KnightLyle born about 1911
KnightRobert born about 1938
KnightShirley born about
KnopfleEmil born about 1916
KolandDesha Vborn about 1895
KolandHarold Vborn about 1921
KolandPatricia Kborn about 1915
Kolobakken??? born about 1874
KolobakkenBertha born about 1883
KottsickCora born about 1890
KottsickGeorge born about 1889
KottsickGrace born about 1922
KottsickJacquline born about 1936
KottsickQuentin born about 1931
KottsickVirgil born about 1928
KrumweideBarbara born about 1914
KrumweideDoloris born about 1936
KrumweideDonald born about 1935
KrumweideLawrence born about 1910
KvamenAlma born about 1927
KvamenAnna born about 1923
KvamenJune born about 1929
KvamenMargt born about 1896
KvamenMargt born about 1935
KvamenSandre born about 1881
KvamenThelma born about 1924

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L Surnames

LacountNorma Mborn about 1919
LacountRonnie Rayborn about 1940
LacountVicki Jeanborn about 1937
LacountVictor Fborn about 1918
LambertLee born about 1917
LandblomAnna Sborn about 1889
LandblomWilliam born about 1887
LandphereEdmund born about 1908
LandphereEthel born about 1909
LandphereJames born about 1929
LandpherePeggy born about 1933
LandphereRichard born about 1877
LandphereRoy born about 1928
LangsethGeorge born about 1909
LangsethHelen born about 1918
LarsonAletta Cborn about 1894
LarsonAllen born about 1933
LarsonAnna Mborn about 1881
LarsonBertha born about 1891
LarsonDoris born about 1923
LarsonEnza born about 1908
LarsonEsther born about 1927
LarsonIver born about 1911
LarsonLe Roy Cborn about 1918
LarsonLewis born about 1876
LarsonLewis born about 1904
LarsonLoraine born about 1934
LarsonLouis Bborn about 1894
LarsonLowell Bborn about 1929
LarsonRodger born about 1935
LeeArthur born about 1923
LeeAslak born about 1867
LeeClara born about 1887
LeeGeorge born about 1927
LeeHarold born about 1920
LeeSelmer born about 1917
LeibhamRoy born about 1919
LersenClaudius Cborn about 1896
LersenDaisy Eborn about 1896
LeversonAlice Kborn about 1904
LeversonHelen Joanborn about 1936
LeversonMarey Fborn about 1932
LeversonMaynard Aborn about 1905
LeversonMyron Gborn about 1929
LindsleyAdeline born about 1865
LinkaDolores born about 1899
LinkaEllen Fborn about 1914
LinkaFilomena born about 1879
LinkaFrank born about 1883
LinkaJurovaer??? Bborn about 1906
LinkaRudolph born about 1885
LinkaRudolph Jr born about 1928
LinkaTeresa born about 1858
LochtoweClara born about 1904
LochtoweClara Jeanborn about 1932
LochtoweDonald born about 1928
LochtoweElaine born about 1929
LochtoweJames born about 1927
LochtoweJohn born about 1931
LochtoweOtto born about 1898
LochtoweTeresa born about 1934
LorensonMagnus born about 1910
LundeenAdolf born about 1896
LundeenDelia born about 1908
LundeenJames born about 1930
LundeenWallace born about 1928

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M Surnames

MalakFrank born about 1909
MalakGerald born about
MalakJoan born about 1933
MalakMellie born about 1913
MarshallJohn born about 1901
MarshallJohn Oborn about 1936
MarshallMartha born about 1907
MartinsonEthel born about 1920
MartinsonJennie born about 1880
MartinsonMagnus born about 1881
MatternCharles born about 1917
MatternElmer born about 1923
MatternHarry born about 1887
MatternHarry born about 1921
MatternJane Annborn about 1887
MattewsBetty Eborn about 1930
MattewsChristine Cborn about 1912
MattewsCleo Pborn about 1934
MattewsPaul Aborn about 1903
McIntoshMary born about 1864
McLaughlinBeulah born about 1913
McLaughlinClark born about 1934
McLaughlinDonna Lonborn about 1932
McLaughlinRobert born about 1912
McLeodMinnie born about 1878
McLeodWilliam born about 1867
MederEd born about 1886
MelhusJosephine born about 1892
MelhusPalmer born about 1898
MickelsonBonnie born about 1897
MillerHarry Mborn about 1892
MillerHirman born about 1876
MillerIda Hborn about 1898
MillerVernice born about 1922
MurfittDennis born about 1873
MurfittHilma born about 1887

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N Surnames

NeilsenBarbara born about 1936
NeilsenDarell born about 1932
NeilsenDorothy born about 1928
NeilsenJessie born about 1900
NeilsenKenneth born about 1934
NeilsenLeroy born about 1929
NeilsenOpel born about 1900
NeilsenRaymond born about 1938
NeilsenRussell born about 1925
NeilsenViolet born about 1921
NelsonBlanche born about 1898
NelsonFrancis Cborn about 1921
NelsonGenevieve born about 1932
NelsonGeorge Lborn about 1889
NelsonLarry born about 1931
NelsonMorris born about
NelsonOlga Aborn about 1896
NelsonRuth born about 1934
NewmanCecil Bborn about 1894
NewmanIryl born about 1901
NewmanMarian born about 1924
NewmanRichard born about 1928
NewmanRobert born about 1922
NewmanVence born about 1926
NordrumEnoch born about 1873
NovakAlbert born about 1903
NovakCheryl Annborn about 1936
NovakDelores born about 1932
NovakEileine born about 1909
NovakWilliam born about 1898

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O Surnames

OathoudtAddison C Srborn about 1867
OathoudtMargaret Jborn about 1870
Olson??? born about 1919
OlsonBessie born about 1882
OlsonElaine born about 1928
OlsonFlorence born about 1921
OlsonHerbert born about 1925
OlsonJulia born about 1898
OlsonMargaret Gborn about 1924
OlsonNora Kborn about 1892
OlsonOle born about 1895
OlsonOscar born about 1882
OlsonOscar born about 1905
OlsonOtto born about 1887
OlsonPhyllis born about 1929
OlsonWilbur born about 1917
OmerElmer born about 1903
OmerMarjie born about 1910
OnstadChalmer born about 1925
OnstadEdward born about 1892
OnstadMinnie born about 1901
OplandArnold born about 1909
OplandDennis born about 1939
OplandEsther born about 1915
OverchinerDewey born about 1920
OverchinerLucy born about 1882
OverchinerSam born about 1878

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P Surnames

PelersonAlbin born about 1893
PeopleAplonia born about 1895
PeopleBurton born about 1931
PeopleElaine born about 1928
PeopleEsther born about 1921
PeopleGeorge born about 1932
PeopleIris born about 1924
PeopleJean born about 1922
PeopleKathleen born about 1926
PeopleNeal born about 1935
PeopleNora born about 1920
PeopleRalph born about 1892
PetersonClaus Fborn about 1898
PetersonIda born about 1864
PetersonIda Maeborn about 1932
PetersonIrma born about 1900
PetersonNettie born about 1908
PetronCharles born about 1874
PetronClara born about 1884
PetronFrank born about 1907
PetronGenevieve born about 1916
PetronGeorge born about 1909
PickonJohn born about 1891
PietchCarl born about 1907
PietchGrace born about 1914
PietchKoren born about 1939
PolsfutEdna born about 1912
PolsfutHenry born about 1902
PorterBethana born about 1909
PorterBeverly born about 1929
PorterCarolyn born about 1939
PorterEdwin born about 1938
PorterGeorge born about 1932
PorterJames born about 1901
PorterJames born about 1931
PorterMarlayne born about 1928
PorterMildred born about 1935
PorterRichard born about 1934
PriceBella born about 1910
PriceJean born about 1934
PriceJune born about 1934
PriceMarie born about 1935
PriceRay Wborn about 1909

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R Surnames

RamosWilliam born about 1892
RandallGeorge born about 1913
RandallKaren born about 1936
RandallRengina born about 1913
ReidEmma born about 1890
ReinhardBernice born about 1909
ReinhardCharles born about 1929
ReinhardDelores born about 1927
ReinhardIrwin born about 1900
RennichEmma born about 1918
RennichKarl born about 1876
RennichWalter born about 1926
RennichWilliam Dborn about 1913
RenzHelen born about 1874
RenzHerman born about 1906
RenzJohn born about 1871
ResteyTalmer born about 1917
RiceAlvin born about 1907
RiceBeverly born about 1937
RiceClara born about 1913
RiceGerald born about 1935
RiceLe Roy born about 1936
RiceRalph born about 1913
RiceRoy born about 1913
RiceRuby born about 1936
RiceRuth born about 1911
RiceViola born about 1918
RiebeEsther born about 1909
RiebeJ Chesterborn about 1907
RiebeJimmie born about 1934
RollmanDorothy born about 1921
RollmanLonza born about 1940
RollmanRaymond born about 1914
RoloffEmma born about 1892
RommingMyrtle born about 1918
RongstadMelvin born about 1907
RydingArthur born about 1907
RydingBorghild born about 1913
RydingMarlene born about 1938
RydingRonald born about 1935

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S Surnames

SandlandAnna born about 1914
SandlandGary born about 1936
SandlandNorman born about 1910
SandlandVirginia Annborn about 1934
SchlazAlton Cborn about 1936
SchlazCarl born about 1911
SchlazDarvin Rborn about
SchlazMary Annborn about 1916
SchlazRose Marieborn about 1938
SchmitzJulia Hborn about 1893
SchmitzTaresa born about 1924
ScottLee born about 1871
SeboCharlene born about 1938
SeboCharley born about 1883
SeboClifford born about 1923
SeboCora born about 1924
SeboDonald born about 1933
SeboIone born about 1928
SeboJosie born about 1903
SeboKenneth born about 1925
SeboKirmett born about 1929
SeboRolland born about 1935
SeedCarrie Mborn about 1874
SeedDavid Aborn about 1931
SeedDavid Fborn about 1873
SeedHuldah born about 1909
SeedJohn Rborn about 1908
SemingsonAlice Yvonneborn about 1934
SemingsonClairice born about 1939
SemingsonGilbert born about 1891
SemingsonLela born about 1913
SemingsonLola Gayborn about 1932
ShieldsMarie born about 1899
ShieldsWilliam born about 1889
ShirleyCaroline Jborn about 1938
ShirleyDonald born about 1915
ShirleyJulia Nborn about 1916
SimonsonDonald born about
SimonsonEvelyn born about 1919
SimonsonLloyd born about 1918
SimonsonMary born about 1894
SimonsonOscar born about 1881
StearnsCharles born about 1882
StearnsDagney born about 1918
StearnsGordon born about 1918
StiaRay born about 1906
StordalGerald born about 1934
StordalOscar born about 1899
StordalVera born about 1905
StrandbergCarol La born about 1933
StrandbergDonald Wborn about 1930
StrandbergEdgar Jborn about 1902
StrandbergJohn Eborn about 1928
StrandbergMabel born about 1905
StronCharley born about 1876
SundChrist Nborn about 1891
SundGladys born about 1918
SundJune born about 1924
SundLillian born about 1920
SundMagla born about 1899
SwanSara born about 1886

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T Surnames

TagueErnest born about 1919
TaylorClarice born about 1932
TaylorMyrtle born about 1914
TaylorRalph born about 1911
TaylorRay born about
TaylorRobert born about 1937
TeetsDennis Pborn about 1937
TeetsEsther born about 1900
TeetsFrank Dborn about 1936
TeetsJoan born about 1932
TeetsMiles born about 1904
TesarikMary born about 1918
TesarikPickus born about 1898
TesarikRoss born about 1895
TeuksburyMark born about 1868
ThompsonDale Lborn about 1924
ThompsonHarlon Gborn about 1927
ThompsonHenry born about 1886
ThompsonJoyce Rborn about 1933
ThompsonMabel Aborn about 1893
ThompsonRaymond Jborn about 1929
ThompsonYvonne Gborn about 1916
TompkinsAlma born about 1907
TompkinsMarjorie born about 1934
TrierwilerDaniel Bborn about 1939
TrierwilerEllen H Aborn about 1918
TrierwilerGeorge Pborn about 1882
TriesMabel born about 1922
TwidtNora born about 1915
TwidtRaymond born about 1913
TwidtRaymond born about 1936

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U Surnames

UnderdahlAlvin Gborn about 1920
UnderdahlAndy born about 1890
UnderdahlJohn born about 1879
UnderdahlMarg??? Fborn about 1886
UnderdahlMarie born about 1856
UnderdahlMary Cborn about 1927
UnderdahlMelton Hborn about 1922
UnderdahlRonald Jborn about 1925
UnderdahlSheldon Jborn about 1917

V Surnames

VanbuskirkDelores born about 1934
VanbuskirkDorothy born about 1908
VanbuskirkRichard born about 1933
VanbuskirkRobert born about 1931
VanbuskirkVernon born about 1909
VanbuskirkWilfred born about 1930
VannettClarence born about 1903
VannettHarriet born about 1904
VarbergBarney born about 1879
VarbergByron born about 1917
VarbergMary born about 1877
VernerAdam Fborn about 1901
VernerFlorence born about 1908
VernerRobert born about 1931
VernerWilliam Dborn about 1929
VeseyRonald born about 1921
VollmerEmil born about 1895
VollmerGerald born about 1936
VollmerRobert born about 1938
VollmerRonald born about 1938
VollmerSepha born about 1907

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W Surnames

WallinMollie born about 1902
WallinR Edwin Rborn about 1902
WalshAnnie born about 1868
WalshCuba born about 1896
WalshEugene born about 1899
WalshLuana born about 1927
WalshRichard born about 1929
WartchowEffie Mayborn about 1873
WartchowJohn Hborn about 1911
WasvickAnna born about 1896
WasvickRichard born about 1895
WasvickShirley born about 1927
WatlandCarrie born about 1883
WatlandClara born about 1909
WatlandClarence born about 1905
WatlandGlen born about 1932
WatlandJenette born about 1918
WatlandLevis born about 1872
WeintzFred born about 1894
WeintzJennie born about 1881
WeintzMary born about 1855
WetmurPearl born about 1901
WetmurRay Aborn about 1896
WhiteAfred Gborn about 1924
WhiteAlfred Eborn about 1892
WhiteFern Gborn about 1898
WhiteJohn Aborn about 1930
WhiteMyron Eborn about 1921
WitlandAlice born about 1912
WitlandDeane born about 1930
WitlandJudy born about 1937
WitlandMelvin born about 1911
WoodsClarence born about 1877
WoodsEugene born about 1918
WoodsHartie Aborn about 1887
WoodsIva born about 1925
WoodsMarjorie born about 1921
WoodsMary born about 1920
WoodsThomas born about 1924

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Z Surnames

ZastersArthur born about 1925
ZastersEva born about 1890
ZastersFrances born about 1924
ZastersFrank born about 1888
ZastersKenneth born about 1931

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