1940 U.S. Federal Census of Heimdal, Wells, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Wells County > 1940 Census of Heimdal

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamIn??? born about 1875
AbrahamWilliam born about 1876
AlbusBilly born about 1932
AlbusSusie born about 1904
AlbusWilliam born about 1903
AlostadAmanda Oborn about 1886
AlostadKnute born about 1876
AlostadLorane Vborn about 1926
AlostadVivian Sborn about 1917
AmbersBetty born about 1935
AmbersLeona born about 1927
AmbersMargaret born about 1906
AmbersNorma born about 1940
AmbersOscar born about 1905
AmbersSander born about 1928
AndersonAlfred born about 1904
AndersonAndrew born about 1886
AndersonBritta born about 1864
AndersonClarence Mborn about 1903
AndersonErle Odellborn about 1934
AndersonHerbert born about 1900
AndersonLouise born about 1904
AndersonMathilda born about 1888
AndersonVerdale Cborn about 1938
ArneAnna born about 1912

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B Surnames

BachenAudrey born about 1931
BachenErnest born about 1896
BachenLyle born about 1922
BachenMartha born about 1896
BachenRegina born about 1886
BachlundAnttia born about 1893
BachlundHelmer born about 1883
BeckSam born about 1887
BensonEd born about 1876
BerglendArdell born about 1939
BerglendHarold born about 1935
BerglendHattie born about 1916
BerglendHenry born about 1901
BerglendLeo born about 1937
BerglundEugene born about 1935
BerglundHoward born about 1936
BerglundMeller born about 1901
BerglundNannie born about 1911
BerglundNorna born about 1938
BergrudElma born about 1906
BergrudFreeman born about 1899
BerveCasper born about 1902
BerveEilert born about 1936
BilligmeierCarline born about 1906
BilligmeierEsther born about 1918
BilligmeierLudwig born about 1876
BilligmeierRose born about 1882
BockerHanna born about 1870
BockerHarold born about 1908
BockerOle Hborn about 1866
BockerOlene born about 1912
BonefieldNora born about 1911
BrandvoldAllan Cborn about 1933
BrandvoldBernice Lborn about 1927
BrandvoldEmil Lborn about 1939
BrandvoldGlenn Iborn about 1936
BrandvoldLevon Aborn about 1930
BrandvoldPearl Mborn about 1908
BrandvoldTheodore Aborn about 1904
BrogetJohn born about 1883
BrogetMallie born about 1888

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C Surnames

CarlsonGust born about 1896
CarlsonMabel born about 1903
ChristiansonAnnie born about 1877
ChristiansonMathas born about 1869

E Surnames

EllingsonAmaryllis born about 1934
EllingsonElvin Pborn about 1898
EllingsonLily Eborn about 1929
EllingsonPearl Lborn about 1906
EllingsonViolet Eborn about 1931

F Surnames

FaarsumLloyd born about 1917
FiebishAlma born about 1904
FiebishEmil born about 1902
FiebishFrancis born about 1927
FiebishRalph born about 1931
FossBernard born about 1919
FossGilma born about 1923
FossHelen born about 1926
FossLila born about 1927
FossOdell born about 1932
FossOle Oborn about 1882
FossOlette born about 1890
FossOlga born about 1897
FossOscar born about 1918
FossSyvert born about 1930
FossenAndrew born about 1885
FossenArdin born about 1921
FossenArline born about 1922
FossenCora born about 1919
FossenDella born about 1930
FossenDonald born about 1935
FossenFrancis born about 1933
FossenHarriet born about 1938
FossenHildur born about 1905
FossenJulius Sborn about 1904
FossenLillian born about 1914
FossenLois born about 1932
FossenMarvin born about 1928
FossenOlive born about 1926
FossenOrvin Sborn about 1908
FossenOtina born about 1890
FossenRobert born about 1914

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G Surnames

GaarderClarence born about 1909
GaarderLief born about 1907
GaarderMarie born about 1876
GeorgesonEvice born about 1931
GeorgesonGertrude born about 1926
GeorgesonGrant born about 1901
GeorgesonHannah born about 1867
GeorgesonJosie born about 1910
GeorgesonLawrence Mborn about 1896
GeorgesonLorraine born about 1928
GeorgesonSarah born about 1896
GigstadAndrew born about 1865
GigstadClarence born about 1904
GigstadEngeborg born about 1872
GoorderBuniah born about 1918
GoorderOtto born about 1915
GrinaAntonie born about 1882
GrinaArthur Eborn about 1918
GrinaEdward Oborn about 1867
GustahsonConrad born about 1897
GustahsonEmelia born about 1912
GustahsonLillian born about 1932
GustahsonWilliam born about 1939

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H Surnames

HavsonAnna born about 1897
HavsonEmil Nborn about 1864
HazenHarry Aborn about 1912
HendricksonHolvar born about 1868
HendricksonMartha born about 1871
HilleslandAndrew born about 1895
HilleslandArlene born about 1928
HilleslandCarl Lborn about 1923
HilleslandLena born about 1898
HilleslandSenora born about 1934
HogenJohny born about 1906
HogenNels born about 1877

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I Surnames

IngeboAmanda born about 1918
IngeboAnna born about 1884
IngeboCora born about 1926
IngeboIngvald born about 1910
IngeboLilah born about 1923
IngeboLouis born about 1907
IngeboMae born about 1927
IngeboOscar born about 1905
IversonCarl Gborn about 1901
IversonClarence born about 1905

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J Surnames

JohnsonCarl Fborn about 1880
JohnsonDoris born about 1930
JohnsonEveret Dborn about 1938
JohnsonFrank Oborn about 1872
JohnsonFred Oborn about 1913
JohnsonGordon Vborn about 1940
JohnsonHilbert born about 1897
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1931
JohnsonJohn born about 1883
JohnsonMabel born about 1909
JohnsonMartha born about 1935
JohnsonMarvin Cborn about 1933
JohnsonMelvin born about 1898
JohnsonNorris Oborn about 1936
JohnsonOscar Cborn about 1903
JohnsonOscar Eborn about 1901
JohnsonSelma born about 1915
JohnsonShirley Fayborn about 1937
JohnsonSigna Mborn about 1908

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K Surnames

KanwiskherEmma born about 1889
KanwiskherHenry born about 1887
KanwiskherLawrence born about 1920
KranceAnton born about 1895
KranceJoyce born about 1925
KranceLois born about 1929
KranceLydia born about 1908

L Surnames

LagesonMary Janeborn about 1937
LagesonMyrtle born about 1906
LagesonRobert born about 1930
LagesonRoger born about 1934
LansundHjahnar born about 1884
LargenAda born about 1907
LargenJeris born about 1932
LargenJervel born about 1907
LargsethSenia born about 1886
LarsindAlbert born about 1886
LarsindKain born about 1863
LarsonChester Lborn about 1920
LarsonDuane Nborn about 1934
LarsonEdna born about 1911
LarsonElaine Mborn about 1926
LarsonEmil Fborn about 1893
LarsonGladys born about 1910
LarsonHennie born about 1906
LarsonHilis born about 1939
LarsonIlene born about 1937
LarsonJoan born about 1933
LarsonKenneth Mborn about 1922
LarsonL Morrisborn about 1896
LarsonLeslie Lborn about 1932
LarsonMary born about 1895
LarsonMylo born about 1934
LarsonObed born about 1904
LillemonElsie born about 1913
LillemonJudith Jborn about 1937
LillemonKaron born about 1936
LillemonRoy born about 1915
LillemonShergh Aborn about 1940
LimmellErick born about 1873
LimmellHulda born about 1876
LindgienBernice born about 1911
LindgienRody Wborn about 1908
LindgrenArthur Aborn about 1910
LindgrenAxia born about 1884
LindgrenMartin born about 1881
LindgrenRolf born about 1924
LindgrenVivi Annborn about 1919
LindquistAnna born about 1873
LogesonErnest born about 1916
LogesonIda born about 1882
LogesonSelver born about 1905
LogesonTheodore born about 1900
LonningBernice born about 1922
LundEdward born about 1890

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M Surnames

MattsonTheodore born about 1920
MoenArnold born about 1923
MoenDelbert born about 1927
MoenFlorence born about 1920
MoenHarry born about 1904
MoenMartin born about 1873

N Surnames

NelsonIda Cborn about 1918
NelsonLloyd Aborn about 1914
NelsonNellie born about 1898
NelsonRobert Dborn about 1938
NelsonShirely Maeborn about 1938

O Surnames

OdegardAlbert Oborn about 1882
OdegardAmelia born about 1882
OlsonGail Hborn about 1929
OlsonMeta Hborn about 1905
OlsonWalfred Iborn about 1903
OslahosonAgnes born about 1904
OttoJohn born about 1890
OttoRuth born about 1897

P Surnames

PetheCarl born about 1881
PetheErvin born about 1920
PetheHelen born about 1924
PetheJuslia born about 1881
PetzheLilly born about 1917
PrillJohn born about 1868

R Surnames

RamsfieldMarie born about 1909
RamsfieldMarlyn Jeanborn about 1940
RamsfieldOrdean born about 1908
RingGerdia born about 1874
RisaviAnton born about 1893
RisaviFrank born about 1920
RisaviIrene born about 1925
RisaviLoraine born about 1930
RisaviRaymond born about 1924
RisaviRose born about 1898
RogelatadBreth born about 1864
RogelatadJohn Sr born about 1869
RogelstadBetty Louborn about 1930
RogelstadHelen born about 1897
RogelstadJoe born about 1927
RogelstadJohn Jr born about 1896
RogelstadMuriel born about 1925
RostvedtMarta C Sborn about 1926
RustvedtGunla born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalbergAlbert Cborn about 1884
SalbergEllen Cborn about 1892
SalbergLe Verne born about 1925
SandstronAndrew Pborn about 1871
SchraedesCaroline born about 1856
SchraedesEmil born about 1896
SchraedesVern born about 1918
SchroederCameron Wborn about 1937
SchroederHenry born about 1876
SchroederMaude Jborn about 1909
SchroederNatalie born about 1888
SchroederRudolp born about 1907
SchroederWanen born about 1938
SchroederWillis born about 1915
SolinAllan born about 1923
SolinBetty born about 1930
SolinCyril born about 1935
SolinJohn Aborn about 1892
SolinMarian born about 1928
SolinMinnie born about 1893
SorensonArthur born about 1919
StromKaroline born about 1868
StromOlaf Lborn about 1874
SweenAndrew Oborn about 1884

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T Surnames

TheiseElla born about 1898
TheiseGavald Iborn about 1920
TheiseVerna born about 1924
TheiseWilliam Hborn about 1894
ThomasAllan Jborn about 1937
ThomasColleen Mborn about 1933
ThomasJohn Eborn about 1904
ThomasMabelle born about 1903
ThomasMarjorie Jborn about 1936
TryhusAlvin Hborn about 1908
TryhusJanice Eborn about 1938
TryhusShirely Ann Lborn about 1932
TryhusSylvia Lborn about 1908

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W Surnames

WignersOscar born about 1893

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