1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hillsdale in Eddy County, Eddy, North Dakota
Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com
USA > North Dakota > Eddy County > 1940 Census of Hillsdale in Eddy County
A Surnames
Alberg | Ellen | born about 1931 |
Alberg | Elmer | born about 1890 |
Alberg | Marie | born about 1890 |
Anderson | Beverely | born about 1937 |
Anderson | Jesse | born about 1915 |
Anderson | Le Roy | born about 1939 |
Anderson | Mabel | born about 1912 |
Anderson | Paul | born about 1900 |
Anderson | Penken | born about 1912 |
Anderson | Ruby | born about 1913 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
B Surnames
Babbil | Charles | born about 1900 |
Babbil | Ethel | born about 1899 |
Babbil | Luverne | born about 1926 |
Belshiem | Nels | born about 1869 |
Berg | Christine | born about 1866 |
Berg | Herman | born about 1894 |
Berg | Victor | born about 1913 |
Birekeland | Doris | born about 1926 |
Birekeland | Dorothy | born about 1926 |
Birekeland | Harriet | born about 1891 |
Birekeland | Hazel | born about 1921 |
Birekeland | Joan | born about 1930 |
Birekeland | John | born about 1889 |
Birekland | Beverely | born about 1928 |
Birekland | Duane | born about 1927 |
Birekland | Helen | born about 1865 |
Birekland | Ilaf | born about 1896 |
Birekland | Mary E | born about 1896 |
Birekland | Mary Ellen | born about 1934 |
Birekland | Myron | born about 1934 |
Birekland | Norman | born about 1926 |
Birekland | Shirley | born about 1929 |
Briggs | Al Donna | born about 1930 |
Briggs | Arthur | born about 1898 |
Briggs | Betty | born about 1928 |
Briggs | Charles | born about 1939 |
Briggs | Coral | born about 1931 |
Briggs | Donna M | born about 1931 |
Briggs | Evelyn | born about 1929 |
Briggs | Jack | born about 1938 |
Briggs | Korah | born about 1865 |
Briggs | Laurence | born about 1935 |
Briggs | Lonna | born about 1933 |
Briggs | Opal | born about 1906 |
Briggs | Roland | born about 1903 |
Briggs | Roland | born about 1926 |
Briggs | Susie | born about 1868 |
Briggs | Twilia | born about 1903 |
Brown | Alfred | born about 1930 |
Brown | Boyd | born about 1911 |
Brown | Elmer | born about 1938 |
Brown | Eloise | born about 1939 |
Brown | Etta | born about 1885 |
Brown | Eugene | born about 1875 |
Brown | Floyd | born about 1911 |
Brown | Henry | born about 1907 |
Brown | John J | born about 1883 |
Brown | Joseph | born about 1928 |
Brown | Kermit | born about 1919 |
Brown | Marie | born about 1936 |
Brown | Mary | born about 1909 |
Brown | Patrick | born about 1932 |
Brown | Sylvia | born about 1931 |
Brown | Thelma | born about 1916 |
Brown | Winnie | born about 1904 |
Bruce | Gladys | born about 1922 |
Bruce | Howard | born about 1921 |
Bruce | Julia | born about 1883 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
C Surnames
Carlson | Frank | born about 1871 |
Cudworth | Clair | born about 1911 |
Cudworth | Edwin | born about 1912 |
Cudworth | Elsie | born about 1890 |
Cudworth | Elsie | born about 1923 |
Cudworth | Fred | born about 1879 |
Cudworth | Fred | born about 1927 |
Cudworth | Glenn | born about 1937 |
Cudworth | Jack | born about 1914 |
Cudworth | Leona | born about 1912 |
Cudworth | Marjorie | born about 1933 |
Cudworth | Marlys | born about 1939 |
Cudworth | Shirley | born about 1920 |
Cudworth | Wilbur | born about 1917 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
E Surnames
Eidom | Clara | born about 1907 |
Enstad | Elsie | born about 1903 |
Enstad | Oliver | born about 1901 |
G Surnames
Gardell | Chancey | born about 1930 |
Gardell | Erma | born about 1922 |
Gardell | Eugene | born about 1928 |
Gardell | Jessie | born about 1902 |
Gardell | John | born about 1892 |
Gardell | Lu Vern | born about 1923 |
Gardell | Richard | born about 1926 |
Gooby | Evelyn | born about 1915 |
Gooby | William | born about 1915 |
H Surnames
Hanson | A M | born about 1880 |
Hanson | Christine | born about 1882 |
Hanson | Laurence | born about 1915 |
Hanson | Vernon | born about 1912 |
Heart | Chancey | born about 1919 |
Heart | Donald | born about 1938 |
Heart | Joselda | born about 1917 |
Hubin | Albert | born about 1900 |
Hubin | Edwin | born about 1898 |
Hubin | Elsie | born about 1904 |
Hubin | Emma | born about 1873 |
Hubin | Rudolph | born about 1872 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
I Surnames
Ironheart | Joseph | born about 1878 |
Ironheart | Myrtle | born about 1878 |
Ironheart | Silas | born about 1921 |
J Surnames
Jackson | Amalda | born about 1912 |
Jackson | Annie | born about 1876 |
Jackson | Ignatuis | born about 1920 |
Jackson | James | born about 1906 |
Jackson | Joseph | born about 1874 |
Jackson | Lily | born about 1903 |
Jackson | Lucille | born about 1918 |
Jackson | Mike | born about 1896 |
Jackson | Theresa | born about 1918 |
Johnson | Albert | born about 1904 |
Johnson | Anna | born about 1908 |
Johnson | Hank | born about 1887 |
Johnson | Hans | born about 1855 |
Johnson | Helmae | born about 1897 |
Johnson | Henry | born about 1925 |
Johnson | Melvin | born about 1899 |
Johnson | Peter A | born about 1890 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
K Surnames
Kalstad | Adolph | born about 1885 |
Kalstad | Anna | born about 1882 |
Kalstad | Mervin | born about 1919 |
Knutson | Donald | born about 1931 |
Knutson | Elsie | born about 1904 |
Knutson | Nels | born about 1896 |
Kolstad | Dulcie | born about 1897 |
Kolstad | Edna | born about 1920 |
Kolstad | Gordon | born about 1918 |
Kolstad | Johnnie | born about 1886 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
L Surnames
Loe | Betty | born about 1932 |
Loe | David | born about 1940 |
Loe | Ellen | born about 1933 |
Loe | Emma | born about 1904 |
Loe | Gertrude | born about 1908 |
Loe | Gordon | born about 1902 |
Loe | Irene | born about 1900 |
Loe | Irvin | born about 1937 |
Loe | James | born about 1877 |
Loe | Jeskin | born about 1877 |
Loe | John | born about 1904 |
Loe | Laurel | born about 1928 |
Loe | Lloyd | born about 1903 |
Loe | Marilyn | born about 1936 |
Loe | Marlin | born about 1930 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
M Surnames
Marson | Melvin | born about 1917 |
Marson | Minnie | born about 1913 |
Mazakehomia | Charles | born about 1918 |
Mazakehomia | Florence | born about 1916 |
McKay | Florence | born about 1915 |
McKay | Inez | born about 1933 |
McKay | Joyce | born about 1936 |
McKay | Wilbur | born about 1937 |
McKelvey | Adelia | born about 1916 |
McKelvey | Audrey | born about 1936 |
McKelvey | Dayton | born about 1938 |
McKelvey | Harlan | born about 1935 |
McKelvey | Johnnie | born about 1909 |
McLaughlin | Alice | born about 1895 |
McLaughlin | Bernard | born about 1920 |
McLaughlin | James | born about 1891 |
Milelr | Jo Ann | born about 1937 |
Milelr | John Jr | born about 1915 |
Milelr | Mary | born about 1910 |
Milelr | Robert | born about 1931 |
Milelr | Silas | born about 1939 |
Milelr | Violeta | born about 1935 |
Moen | Alvina | born about 1923 |
Moen | Clarence | born about 1915 |
Moen | Evador | born about 1912 |
Moen | Peter | born about 1878 |
Moen | Ruth | born about 1918 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
N Surnames
Noland | Bert | born about 1910 |
Noland | Clarence | born about 1898 |
Noland | Gertrude | born about 1901 |
Noland | Mary | born about 1874 |
Noland | Robert | born about 1927 |
Noland | Roger | born about 1929 |
Noland | Timothy | born about 1915 |
O Surnames
Odegeard | Alma | born about 1893 |
Odegeard | Arne O | born about 1886 |
Odegeard | Norman | born about 1921 |
Oldstone | Harry | born about 1900 |
Oldstone | Mary | born about 1910 |
Olson | Bert | born about 1882 |
Olson | Inez | born about 1882 |
P Surnames
Peterson | Adeline | born about 1917 |
Peterson | David | born about 1940 |
Peterson | Ernest | born about 1911 |
Peterson | John Jr | born about 1920 |
Peterson | John Sr | born about 1878 |
Peterson | Theodore | born about 1875 |
Peterson | Tillie | born about 1880 |
Peterson | Wilma | born about 1918 |
Pramer | Carl | born about 1885 |
Pramer | Meta | born about 1918 |
Pramer | Roland | born about 1919 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
R Surnames
Rasmusson | Archie | born about 1921 |
Rasmusson | Arnold | born about 1925 |
Rasmusson | Ethel | born about 1916 |
Rasmusson | Fred | born about 1876 |
Rasmusson | Ida | born about 1887 |
Rasmusson | Shirley | born about 1938 |
Rasmusson | William | born about 1911 |
Reger | Paul | born about 1893 |
S Surnames
Salmonson | Elaine | born about 1930 |
Salmonson | Lucille | born about 1906 |
Salmonson | Martin | born about 1875 |
Sinclair | John | born about 1892 |
Sundel | Betty | born about 1933 |
Sundel | Edwin | born about 1930 |
Sundel | Gerald | born about 1935 |
Sundel | Harlan | born about 1936 |
Sundel | James E | born about 1897 |
Sundel | Lu Vern | born about 1931 |
Sundel | Patricia | born about 1940 |
Sundel | Petra | born about 1911 |
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W Surnames
Walde | John | born about 1886 |
Y Surnames
Ystaas | Al Donna | born about 1930 |
Ystaas | Bernice | born about 1919 |
Ystaas | Edna | born about 1923 |
Ystaas | Elwood | born about 1926 |
Ystaas | Mildred | born about 1928 |
Ystaas | Norris | born about 1921 |
Ystaas | Ole | born about 1885 |
Ystaas | Synneva | born about 1888 |
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