1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kottke, McHenry, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > McHenry County > 1940 Census of Kottke

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAndrew born about 1874
AndersonBernice born about 1925
AndersonHenrietta born about 1883
AndersonSamuel Cborn about 1903

B Surnames

BrekkeChristian born about 1938
BrekkeClarice born about 1909
BrekkeDale born about 1935
BrekkeDavid born about 1888
BrekkeDonna Clarieborn about 1932
BrekkeEileen born about 1939
BrekkeJohn born about 1934
BuschEsther born about 1871
BuschGeorge Eborn about 1870

C Surnames

CrossClara born about 1888
CrossClarence born about 1880
CrossKenneth born about 1916

E Surnames

ErlandsonAndrew born about 1937
ErlandsonBernhard born about 1939
ErlandsonDonald born about 1934
ErlandsonEmma born about 1907
ErlandsonGeorge born about 1897
ErlandsonGeorge Eborn about 1930
ErlandsonGordon born about 1932
ErlandsonKareen born about 1935

F Surnames

FoldenBelinda born about 1908
FoldenEmma born about 1877
FoldenIlla born about 1918
FoldenJulia born about 1916
FoldenKate born about 1877
FoldenOlina born about 1912
FoldenOscar born about 1900
FredricksonEdna born about 1913
FredricksonFred born about 1911

G Surnames

GartnerRueben born about 1921

H Surnames

HellerudNels born about 1865
HillIrene born about 1933
HillLeon born about 1897
HillLouise born about 1929
HillMarian born about 1908
HillOliver Sborn about 1872
HineyElsie born about 1913
HineyHenrietta born about 1906
HineyHenry born about 1892
HolumHarley born about 1924
HolumJohn born about 1874
HolumLouise born about 1885
HovdeDe Lice born about 1935
HovdeLeonore born about 1915
HovdeLeonore born about 1934
HovdeMarjorie born about 1938
HovdeMaxine born about 1936
HovdeValdermar born about 1909
HovdestadDonalda born about 1936
HovdestadEllen born about 1913
HovdestadJoe born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobsonHalftan born about 1912
JacobsonHartvig born about 1875
JacobsonHoward born about 1939
JacobsonOthele born about 1885
JacobsonThelma born about 1913
JacobsonWarner born about 1940
JohnsonAda born about 1869
JohnsonAlvin born about 1938
JohnsonArlye born about 1932
JohnsonEunice born about 1935
JohnsonHalver born about 1877
JohnsonJulian born about 1904
JohnsonLouis born about 1933
JohnsonRachel born about 1908
JohnsonRobert born about 1939
JohnsonSina born about 1875
JohnsonThowald born about 1907
JohnsonWilliam born about 1874
JurgensEva born about 1889
JurgensFrank born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KemperHazel born about 1925
KemperMargaret born about 1928
KemperRose Lborn about 1899
KemperWalter Cborn about 1894
KinzellDonald born about 1929
KinzellKatherine born about 1867
KinzellMarcella born about 1915
KinzellPeter born about 1864
KinzellRodger born about 1937
KinzellRoy born about 1904
KinzellSharon born about 1940
KinzellThomas born about 1939
KinzellVioler born about 1931
KringbeAllen born about 1924
KringbeLenore born about 1893
KringbeMarilyn born about 1933
KringbeNicholas born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LattendrassLeo born about 1916
LundAnnetta born about 1895
LundClarine born about 1923
LundFrancis born about 1931
LundGilbert born about 1895
LundJoseph born about 1933
LundJoseph Aborn about 1897
LundJoyce born about 1939
LundMildred born about 1929
LundPearl born about 1898
LundPearl born about 1924
LundVereen born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

McCartyAlexander born about 1874
McCartyAlice born about 1873
MijieFrank born about 1915
MijieNick born about 1911
MuellerDorothy born about 1909
MuellerGeorge born about 1917
MuellerJohn Wborn about 1909
MuellerVirginia Leeborn about 1937

N Surnames

NestingerBetsy born about 1877
NestingerHarold born about 1913
NestingerPalma born about 1918

O Surnames

OlimbChrist born about 1858
OlsonAryliss born about 1932
OlsonElenora born about 1907
OlsonMary Janeborn about 1936
OlsonPhilis born about 1939
OlsonSam Jr born about 1934
OlsonSelmer born about 1899
OlsonVelma born about 1930

P Surnames

PetersonJ Georgianaborn about 1880
PetersonPeter born about 1879
PetersonPeter Eborn about 1915

R Surnames

RollinsAddie born about 1877

S Surnames

SchultzLaverne born about 1928
SmithAnnie born about 1885
SmithFrank born about 1884
SmithJames born about 1884
SmithJohn born about 1910
SmithKate born about 1887
StensethArnold born about 1926
StensethLais Aborn about 1877
StensethLister born about 1931
StensethOle Annborn about 1888
StensethRuby born about 1924
StokkeAdolph born about 1903
StokkeAndrew born about 1931
StokkeArlene born about 1938
StokkeDonald born about 1939
StokkeMary Annborn about 1930
StokkeMyrtle born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorEdith born about 1908
TaylorMary Aliceborn about 1928
TorgrimsonArdeth born about 1937
TorgrimsonCasper born about 1873
TorgrimsonChristina born about 1874
TorgrimsonClara born about 1915
TorgrimsonEric born about 1913
TorgrimsonRaymond born about 1935
TrefzTheodore Lborn about 1880

W Surnames

WoodallDuane born about 1932
WoodallE Yvonneborn about 1930
WoodallEarl Eborn about 1876
WoodallEmma born about 1880
WoodallEunice born about 1912
WoodallJanice born about 1938
WoodallPaul born about 1911
WoodsAllan born about 1935
WoodsLouis born about 1897
WoodsMarie born about 1899

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