1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lebanon, McHenry, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > McHenry County > 1940 Census of Lebanon

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AanerudHarry born about 1907
AmundsonPete born about 1873
ArnesonChrist born about 1866

B Surnames

BeuttnerJulius born about 1856
BohnerBenjamin born about 1924
BohnerCharles born about 1930
BohnerChrist Gborn about 1884
BohnerEmma born about 1887
BohnerFredrick born about 1918
BohnerGeorge Jborn about 1916
BohnerLilian born about 1926
BoucherCharles born about 1913

C Surnames

CleavengerCora born about 1878
ColeJulia born about 1872
ColeWilliam Aborn about 1864
CombsHarold Geneborn about 1930
CornishAlfred born about 1867
CowlesAlice born about 1895
CowlesJackie born about 1927

D Surnames

DoyleAlice Eborn about 1911
DoyleBernard Eborn about 1904
DoyleJohn born about 1873
DoyleMarian Eborn about 1935
DringGeorge born about 1876
DringRobert born about 1917

E Surnames

EllAgatha Bborn about 1918
EllAnton born about 1916
EllChrist Bborn about 1917
EllGabriel born about 1929
EllJohn Bborn about 1920
EllKatherine born about 1925
EllMary Eborn about 1894
EllMichael born about 1895
EllRoechus born about 1916
EllSteven born about 1922
EllWilliam born about 1923
EllisonAlma born about 1900
EllisonAxle born about 1905
EllisonElaine born about 1932
EllisonErie born about 1908
EllisonIvan born about 1939
EllisonJames born about 1936
EllisonLorraine born about 1934
EstersGundey Gborn about 1878

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G Surnames

GaubAlbert Lborn about 1918
GaubDelores Eborn about 1927
GaubJacob Jborn about 1889
GaubLeona Bborn about 1924
GaubLeota Rborn about 1924
GaubLydia born about 1894
GaubMildred Mborn about 1916
GaubRaymond Lborn about 1914
GaubShirley Lborn about 1922
GaubVernon Cborn about 1929
GaubWestlie Wborn about 1920
GenetzkyArthur born about 1901
GenetzkyMyrtle born about 1890
GrindbergEsther born about 1920
GrindbergIrene born about 1924
GrindbergMary born about 1898
GrindbergMelvin born about 1927
GrindbergOle Gborn about 1891
GrindbergOscar born about 1917
GrindbergVictor born about 1919
GrossEmil Hborn about 1864

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H Surnames

HalstengardAlvina born about 1916
HalstengardAndrey born about 1937
HalstengardBergit born about 1883
HalstengardBernice born about 1929
HalstengardClara born about 1920
HalstengardDe Lores born about 1936
HalstengardGoldie born about 1918
HalstengardOscar born about 1911
HalstengardTheodore born about 1939
HalstengardTom born about 1891
HalstengardTom born about 1915
HalstengardZona Marieborn about 1938
HammerEdmund Larryborn about 1939
HammerEdward born about 1896
HammerElla Sborn about 1922
HammerHelgo Mborn about 1925
HammerMyrtle Cborn about 1904
HammerNorman Hborn about 1920
HangHarold born about 1892
HansonAnna born about 1881
HansonCarl born about 1881
HeffnerBernard born about 1920
HemsingJohn Fborn about 1868
HoltaAbner born about 1911
HoltaAlfred born about 1898
HoltaAndrey Cborn about 1937
HoltaArdell born about 1929
HoltaArdis born about 1936
HoltaDeloris Jborn about 1922
HoltaEunice born about 1933
HoltaFreda born about 1907
HoltaHarold Mborn about 1923
HoltaIvan born about 1939
HoltaLillian born about 1917
HoltaLois Isabellborn about 1931
HoltaMarjorie Rborn about 1929
HoltaMelvin Rborn about 1893
HoltaRichard Aborn about 1924
HoltaRuth Oborn about 1898
HoweClayton Eborn about 1914
HoweIrving Sborn about 1917
HoweLynn Jborn about 1919
HoweMary Eborn about 1882
HveemSophus born about 1892

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I Surnames

IbsenPeder born about 1859

J Surnames

JensenBernice born about 1917
JensenElmer Mborn about 1911
JensenJeno Mborn about 1867
JensenJule Mborn about 1939
JensenLorette born about 1934
JensenMarvin born about 1937
JensenMillie born about 1909
JensenOlava born about 1883
JensenOscar born about 1907
JohnsonCharley born about 1876
JohnsonCora born about 1885

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K Surnames

KremerHenry Fborn about 1888
KremerKathryn Eborn about 1898
KremerMyrtle Jborn about 1898
KruegerGustor Juliusborn about 1878
KrumwiedeDelbert Vborn about 1919
KrumwiedeFredman born about 1887
KrumwiedeLa Vina Bborn about 1917
KrumwiedeWilliam Oborn about 1917
KuhnAugust born about 1869

L Surnames

LarsonJacob born about 1870
LarsonLaurene Mborn about 1937
LarsonLawrence Jborn about 1899
LarsonLoretta Fborn about 1939
LarsonMarion Lborn about 1912
LeibelClarence born about 1924
LeibelEddie born about 1930
LeibelHenry Kborn about 1899
LeibelRosey born about 1901
LeibelWilburt born about 1926
LokenDelores born about 1933
LokenFlorence born about 1909
LokenNordis born about 1931
LokenSelmer born about 1902
LokenYvonne born about 1928

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M Surnames

McDonaldAnne born about 1877
McDonaldJohn born about 1877
McDonaldMargaret born about 1919
MichaelsonBetty Louborn about 1933
MichaelsonBeverely Jborn about 1929
MichaelsonCora born about 1902
MichaelsonDonna Maeborn about 1935
MichaelsonKay Iborn about 1937
MichaelsonLe Roy born about 1903
MichaelsonMattie born about 1867
MichaelsonMorris born about 1898
MichaelsonPeggy Lborn about 1939
MichaelsonRuth Aborn about 1909
MichaelsonSelman born about 1889
MichaelsonShirley Rborn about 1931
MichaelsonWilliam Hborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonClarence Eborn about 1902
NelsonMyrtle born about 1903
NelsonNorlen Nborn about 1929

O Surnames

OaklandOle Aborn about 1884
OkeefeWilliam born about 1874
OlsonBruce Jborn about 1935
OlsonElizabeth born about 1901
OlsonLloyd Fborn about 1899
OpsalIda born about 1878

P Surnames

PatersonLloyd born about 1901
PetersonLilla Annborn about 1938
PetersonLouise born about 1915
PromEdith born about 1894
PromEstella born about 1921
PromEugene born about 1922
PromGenevieve born about 1923
PromGordon born about 1924
PromJohn Hborn about 1892
PromMarcella born about 1926
PromMarlene born about 1930

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R Surnames

RauwChristine born about 1882
RoebuckClinton born about 1912
RoebuckFern born about 1915
RoebuckLeona born about 1917
RoebuckMyra born about 1919
RoebuckOrville born about 1910
RossemHans born about 1866

S Surnames

SampselVina born about 1868
SchanMichael born about 1877
SetranGunder born about 1878
SetranPauline born about 1877
SjoholmAnna born about 1876
SjoholmNilo born about 1879
SkarstadBarba Dborn about 1933
SkarstadCameron Oborn about 1934
SkarstadGerda Eborn about 1911
SkarstadGerhard Oborn about 1906
SkarstadSharon Oborn about 1939
SteinbornBenjamin born about 1877
SteinbornWilliam born about 1886
StietzHenry born about 1864
SwansonLoren Fborn about 1923

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T Surnames

ThoresonBernadine Rborn about 1921
ThoresonEdna Mborn about 1909
ThoresonLa Verne Aborn about 1923
ThoresonSena born about 1884
ThoresonTabert Kborn about 1909
ThoresonVerdella born about 1938

V Surnames

VelanderMartin Sborn about 1888
VollertsenWillaim born about 1868

W Surnames

WeidemanDorothy born about 1922
WendlandtEmil born about 1880
WendlandtGladys born about 1913
WendlandtIda Lborn about 1891
WendlandtVida Roseborn about 1921

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