1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rusland, Wells, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Wells County > 1940 Census of Rusland

A Surnames F Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlveshereAlice Mborn about 1929
AlveshereArthur Lborn about 1927
AlveshereCaroline born about 1935
AlveshereIngebor born about 1895
AlveshereKermit Cborn about 1937
AlveshereLena Mborn about 1933
AlveshereLester Tborn about 1920
AlveshereTanner born about 1897

F Surnames

FaulArnil born about 1925
FehrBert Eborn about 1890
FehrMary Eborn about 1888
FehrRuth Eborn about 1920
FehrWalter Jborn about 1922
FischerAnna born about 1904
FischerArthur Rborn about 1919
FischerBlinda born about 1909
FischerLeonard born about 1928
FischerMike born about 1880
FischerPaul born about 1914
FischerRuth Jborn about 1921
FischerVictoria Aborn about 1924

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H Surnames

HegganWilliam born about 1911
HiebViola born about 1919
HirschkornAlex born about 1901

K Surnames

KisonErvin Hborn about 1914
KisonGenevieve born about 1913
KrollAlvin Cborn about 1920
KrollDan Fborn about 1890
KrollGust born about 1892
KrollIda born about 1898
KrollIda Rborn about 1925
KrollLillian Mborn about 1923
KrollLydia born about 1894
KrollSam born about 1895
KrollVirginia Pborn about 1931
KrollWillard Eborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LauttAlbert Eborn about 1905
LauttAlice born about 1935
LauttArt born about 1929
LauttBetty born about 1937
LauttCatherina born about 1909
LauttEvelyn born about 1939
LauttInfant born about 1940
LauttWesley born about 1933

M Surnames

MartinAlvin born about 1917
MartinBertha born about 1884
MartinDan Kborn about 1883
MartinErith born about 1919
MartinFlorence born about 1929
MartinIrene born about 1925
MartinJohn born about 1885
MartinJohn born about 1927
MartinLydia born about 1922
MartinMarvin born about 1929
MartinMary born about 1895
MartinReuben born about 1930
MartinRonald born about 1913
MartinRonald born about 1933
MartinRosie born about 1892
MartinRuth born about 1933
MayerAugust born about 1893
MayerFerne Vborn about 1923
MayerJames Aborn about 1930
MayerMary born about 1894
MayerRussell Hborn about 1921
MillerAlex Jborn about 1892
MillerAlvin Cborn about 1924
MillerBen Bborn about 1903
MillerClifford Cborn about 1933
MillerDale Bborn about 1927
MillerEmilie born about 1902
MillerEmma Rborn about 1902
MillerFloyd Vborn about 1927
MillerFred born about 1906
MillerHarlan Gborn about 1934
MillerHenry born about 1916
MillerKatherina born about 1879
MillerLilly born about 1906
MillerMildred Jborn about 1929
MillerMolly born about 1894
MillerMyron Kborn about 1935
MillerRoger born about 1935
MillerRoy born about 1912
MillerVernon Dborn about 1930
MillerWilliam born about 1877
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OppFrieda Rborn about 1923
OppJohn born about 1898
OppJohn Cborn about 1921
OppJulia born about 1899
OppLorraine Kborn about 1927
OpsalAnne born about 1887
OpsalMartha born about 1908
OpsalOle Lborn about 1877

R Surnames

RadtkeDonald Dborn about 1939
RadtkeMabel Jborn about 1916
RadtkeMuriel Mborn about 1939
RadtkeWallace Fborn about 1914
RikkeStanton Hborn about 1921
RollerAlbert born about 1908
RollerDena born about 1910
RollerEugene Aborn about 1932
RollerIda born about 1911
RollerJimmy Aborn about 1938
RollerMarlys Jborn about 1936
RollerNick Jr born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchindlerCarrie born about 1881
SchindlerCharles born about 1879
SchindlerElizabeth born about 1909
SchindlerFred born about 1915
SchindlerJulius born about 1905
SchindlerLouis born about 1929
SchindlerPearl born about 1927
SchindlerRuth Kborn about 1922
SchlenkerAndrew born about 1842
SchlenkerChristina born about 1882
SchlenkerEvangeline born about 1927
SchlenkerJake born about 1911
SchlenkerJohn Jborn about 1915
SchlenkerJohnny born about 1923
SchlenkerLoretta born about 1921
SchlenkerMary born about 1883
SchlenkerMike born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThanFred Mborn about 1892
ThanGordon Aborn about 1931
ThanInez Mborn about 1923
ThanJohanna Mborn about 1897
ThanLawernce Oborn about 1918
ThanMarvin Fborn about 1925

W Surnames

WagnerAgnes born about 1922
WagnerArdella born about 1939
WagnerBen born about 1899
WagnerBobby born about 1939
WagnerBuddy born about 1937
WagnerClarence born about 1926
WagnerDarlene born about 1928
WagnerDora born about 1901
WagnerDoris born about 1936
WagnerEsther born about 1917
WagnerGeorge Jborn about 1911
WagnerGoldie born about 1929
WagnerJoe born about 1898
WagnerJohn Cborn about 1894
WagnerLaverne born about 1933
WagnerLawernce born about 1926
WagnerLena born about 1892
WagnerLloyd born about 1924
WagnerLydia born about 1884
WagnerLydia born about 1904
WagnerMelvin Gborn about 1932
WagnerPhillipp born about 1874
WagnerRose born about 1908
WagnerRuby born about 1934
WagnerWesley born about 1924
WagnerWillys born about 1928
WinterDavid born about 1868
WinterEdwin born about 1903
WinterHilda born about 1906
WinterMarlyn Eborn about 1930
WinterSophia born about 1869

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