1940 U.S. Federal Census of St Mary in Ward County, Ward, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Ward County > 1940 Census of St Mary in Ward County

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
F SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AhmannAlice born about 1928
AhmannAlvin born about 1923
AhmannAngeline born about 1939
AhmannAnna born about 1902
AhmannAnna born about 1928
AhmannAnna born about 1935
AhmannCatherine born about 1933
AhmannCorneilous born about 1932
AhmannDaniel born about 1926
AhmannDelmer born about 1931
AhmannDennis born about 1937
AhmannDonald born about 1936
AhmannDorthy born about 1936
AhmannDwaine born about 1930
AhmannEmil born about 1900
AhmannEverett born about 1921
AhmannFred born about 1892
AhmannHarriet born about 1901
AhmannIrene born about 1924
AhmannJerome born about 1935
AhmannJohn born about 1933
AhmannJoseph born about 1930
AhmannKenneth born about 1939
AhmannLaurence born about 1934
AhmannLeo born about 1896
AhmannLeona born about 1922
AhmannLoraine born about 1925
AhmannMartha born about 1905
AhmannMary Eborn about 1927
AhmannRosemary born about 1925
AhmannThomas born about 1937
AhmannValetta born about 1928
AhmannVirginia born about 1930
AhmannWillora born about 1926
AlbersErnest born about 1919
AlbersLucille born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BockAlvina born about 1910
BockAnselm born about 1907
BockLyle born about 1937
BockMyrtle born about 1933
BockPatrick born about 1914
BockWillma born about 1935
BrannAlice born about 1871
BrannAnna born about 1886
BrannEdmund born about 1908
BrannEwald born about 1910
BrannHerbert born about 1922
BrannHerman born about 1920
BraunRose Maryborn about 1927
BraunSylvester born about 1929
BraunThresa born about 1924
BraunVeronica born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FlemingPhilip born about 1907

G Surnames

GalvinDaniel born about 1918
GalvinEdmund born about 1924
GalvinNed born about 1884
GalvinOlive born about 1895
GalvinPatrick born about 1926
GegreeCarol born about 1939
GegreeDonald born about 1930
GegreeEdward born about 1923
GegreeJoy Jborn about 1891
GegreeMarvin born about 1925
GegreeVeronica born about 1901
GordeDavid born about 1930
GordeElmer born about 1920
GordeFred born about 1893
GordeGeorge born about 1918
GordeIda born about 1924
GordeThresa born about 1896
GremanAnna born about 1939
GremanEdmund born about 1924
GremanElizabeth born about 1929
GremanJacob born about 1930
GremanJulia born about 1935
GremanMargaret born about 1908
GremanMartin born about 1891
GremanMay born about 1897
GremanMike born about 1893
GremanNorbert born about 1922
GremanRosena born about 1932
GremanSteve born about 1858
GustafsonAlbert born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HauserAlbert born about 1913
HauserAmanda born about 1880
HauserGrace born about 1916
HauserIgnatz born about 1873
HauserRaymond born about 1938

K Surnames

KonstadPeter born about 1892

L Surnames

LiebelAlfred born about 1929
LiebelBernice born about 1924
LiebelCaroline born about 1898
LiebelCatherine born about 1919
LiebelCharles born about 1894
LiebelCharles born about 1920
LiebelCleo born about 1922
LiebelDwaine born about 1931
LiebelEloine born about 1927

P Surnames

PritschetRose born about 1918

R Surnames

RoggenbockAlbert born about 1909
RoggenbockHerman born about 1877
RoggenbockLavina born about 1880
RoggenbockRaymond born about 1924
RostadAdeline born about 1928
RostadAlice born about 1938
RostadClayton born about 1936
RostadCora born about 1901
RostadErvin born about 1924
RostadGlenn born about 1934
RostadLester born about 1929
RostadOle Oborn about 1890
RostadSanford born about 1922
RostadSigne born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SauerFred born about 1904
SauerFredrick born about 1930
SauerVeronica born about 1910
SchablJoseph born about 1885
SchmitzAdeline born about 1930
SchmitzAlvin born about 1925
SchmitzAnna born about 1890
SchmitzBernard born about 1922
SchmitzCarol born about 1937
SchmitzClifford born about 1922
SchmitzDavid born about 1928
SchmitzDoris born about 1938
SchmitzEvelyn born about 1936
SchmitzGertrude born about 1896
SchmitzHenry born about 1900
SchmitzHerman born about 1892
SchmitzJulia born about 1883
SchmitzMary born about 1907
SchmitzRobert born about 1926
SchmitzRuth born about 1920
SchmitzWilliam born about 1923
StammenHenry born about 1899
StammenIrene born about 1904
StammenLavern born about 1925
StammerPhillip born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VichaAnthonia born about 1882
VichaFrancis born about 1926
VichaFrank born about 1876
VichaJohn born about 1916
VichaJoseph born about 1918
VichaMarie born about 1914
VichaRaymond born about 1922

Z Surnames

ZinningerCl?? born about 1914
ZinningerMay born about 1890
ZinningerThelma born about 1925
ZinningerWilliam born about 1920

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