1940 U.S. Federal Census of Villard, McHenry, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > McHenry County > 1940 Census of Villard

A Surnames B Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AnfinsonBertha born about 1910
AnfinsonClarence born about 1900
AnfinsonDonald born about 1935

B Surnames

BalckAnna born about 1898
BalckAnna Marieborn about 1921
BalckHelen born about 1939
BalckLawrence born about 1929
BalckLeo born about 1926
BalckLeocadia born about 1923
BalckPius born about 1935
BalckRaphel born about 1930
BalckWendelin Jr born about 1897
BoechlerAlphansus Pborn about 1923
BoechlerBertha Aborn about 1927
BoechlerElaine born about 1939
BoechlerEmanuel Fborn about 1918
BoechlerFances born about 1921
BoechlerFerdinand born about 1929
BoechlerIrene born about 1934
BoechlerJohn born about 1895
BoechlerJohn born about 1926
BoechlerJulian born about 1898
BoechlerKatherine born about 1887
BoechlerLeander Aborn about 1925
BoechlerMarion born about 1920
BoechlerMike Fborn about 1915
BoechlerMonica born about 1937
BoechlerOtto born about 1931
BoechlerPhillips Fborn about 1921
BoechlerVeronnica born about 1923
BoehmAlbert born about 1934
BoehmJohn born about 1900
BoehmJoseph Jborn about 1925
BoehmLeo born about 1936
BoehmMika born about 1926
BoehmRudolph born about 1930
BoehmWife born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EngelhardFrances born about 1921
EngelhardHelen born about 1889
EngelhardIsabelle born about 1933
EngelhardMicheal born about 1924
EngelhardOttilia born about 1926
EngelhardStephen born about 1882
EngelhardTheresa born about 1928

G Surnames

GanjeBertha Rborn about 1928
GanjeCarl Pborn about 1925
GanjeConrad Gborn about 1892
GanjeConrad G Jrborn about 1925
GanjeEdward born about 1931
GanjeJohn Cborn about 1922
GanjeMathias born about 1913
GanjeRegina born about 1892

H Surnames

HaberlockArton born about 1911
HaberlockHelen born about 1917
HaberlockJohn born about 1914
HaberlockRose Maryborn about 1939
HaberlockWendelin born about 1913
HeaffnerElizabeth born about 1892
HeaffnerElizabeth born about 1926
HeaffnerJacob born about 1888
HeaffnerMartina born about 1924
HeaffnerRosalia born about 1927
HeaffnerThomas born about 1931
HeilmanChristine born about 1928
HeilmanConrad Aborn about 1893
HeilmanJohanna Dborn about 1926
HeilmanJohn born about 1876
HeilmanJohn Tborn about 1919
HeilmanLawrence Fborn about 1939
HeilmanLeo Jr born about 1935
HeilmanMagdelina born about 1904
HeilmanTheresa born about 1881
HeilmanTheresa Aborn about 1910
HeitAdam born about 1916
HeitEdward born about 1926
HeitFrank born about 1873
HeitGeorge born about 1919
HeitKatherine born about 1924
HeitOdelia born about 1928
HeitRegarda born about 1885
HendricksonLauritz born about 1918
HendricksonLeon born about 1905
HendricksonLois born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KleinAlexander Jborn about 1933
KleinAlice born about 1931
KleinAlirius Mborn about 1936
KleinAndrew Sborn about 1892
KleinBertha born about 1922
KleinEdward Jborn about 1924
KleinEleanor born about 1920
KleinIrene born about 1928
KleinJohn Aborn about 1919
KleinJohn Jborn about 1922
KleinJohn Sborn about 1890
KleinManuel Jborn about 1929
KleinMargaret born about 1896
KleinMathilda Jborn about 1926
KleinPeipitina born about 1933
KleinPeter Pborn about 1935
KleinPius Jborn about 1918
KleinRegian Jborn about 1927
KleinRemigus Aborn about 1924
KleinTheodore Jborn about 1931
KleinTheresa Vborn about 1938
KleinWalberg born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LarsonChristine born about 1873
LarsonLauritz born about 1910
LarsonLuckas born about 1868

M Surnames

MackArton born about 1895
MackArton Fborn about 1928
MackDaniel Oborn about 1938
MackFabian born about 1922
MackKatherine born about 1899
MackLawrence born about 1926
MackMargaret Hborn about 1928
MackWendilen born about 1919
MarkusonAletha Sborn about 1922
MarkusonEdwin born about 1895
MarkusonErlind Pborn about 1939
MarkusonHnery born about 1886
MarkusonLawrence born about 1891
MarkusonLena born about 1891
MarkusonLeonard born about 1935
MarkusonLester Jborn about 1917
MarkusonLuis born about 1856
MarkusonPeter born about 1905
MarkusonWille Eborn about 1928
MarkusonWilliam Eborn about 1889
MeyerAlbert Jborn about 1937
MeyerAnna born about 1927
MeyerJohanna born about 1904
MeyerKatherine born about 1926
MeyerLawrence born about 1932
MeyerLeocadia Oborn about 1936
MeyerPeter born about 1901
MeyerPeter born about 1939
MeyerRegina Eborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchieleAlice Aborn about 1935
SchieleElizabeth born about 1903
SchieleFrank Lborn about 1938
SchieleGeorge born about 1929
SchieleHelen Jborn about 1932
SchieleJoseph born about 1928
SchieleMarcella Kborn about 1933
SchieleMary born about 1923
SchieleMathilda born about 1930
SchieleMonica Cborn about 1939
SchieleNicolas Hborn about 1900
SchieleNicolas H Jrborn about 1937
SchieleSebastian Mborn about 1936
SchmidtAnan born about 1893
SchmidtElizbeth born about 1923
SchmidtIda born about 1929
SchmidtJohn born about 1926
SchmidtPeter Jborn about 1893
SchmidtPhillip born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VolkDelores Aborn about 1938
VolkElizabeth born about 1891
VolkElizabeth born about 1934
VolkFrank Jborn about 1930
VolkLena born about 1916
VolkMagdeline born about 1926
VolkMargaret born about 1923
VolkNicolas born about 1925
VolkPeter Sborn about 1910
VolkSteve born about 1919
VolkThomas born about 1886
VolkThomas Jr born about 1937
VolkVeronnica born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WarnerFrank born about 1919

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