1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wayzetta, Mountrail, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Mountrail County > 1940 Census of Wayzetta

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

B Surnames

BartelsonFlorence Sborn about 1916
BartelsonGeorge born about 1908
BrunsellHenry born about 1906
BrunsellMartha Mborn about 1909
BuceAdeline Mborn about 1929

C Surnames

CorpronMaynard born about 1912

D Surnames

DisserudChristian Hborn about 1854
DisserudDavid born about 1912
DisserudMarra born about 1868
DisserudOscar born about 1901

E Surnames

EdingerAnna born about 1893
EdingerFred Hborn about 1889
ErhartFrank Oborn about 1872
ErhartFrankie born about 1908
ErhartPearl born about 1878

F Surnames

FevoldClara Aborn about 1917
FevoldHerman Oborn about 1912
FevoldJacob born about 1891
FevoldOlaf Jborn about 1913
FevoldOlai Oborn about 1885
FevoldSarah Jborn about 1924
FevoldSina born about 1878
FevoldSophie born about 1893

G Surnames

GalinDonna Cborn about 1920

H Surnames

HagleLizzie born about 1858
HaugeFloyd Eborn about 1907
HaugeFloyd Hborn about 1936
HaugeLillian Bborn about 1908
HaugeMaxine Lborn about 1932

K Surnames

KrinkeHelena born about 1881
KrinkeJoe born about 1876

L Surnames

LandakerMargaret born about 1884
LarsonBert born about 1890
LarsonCatherina Kborn about 1874
LarsonHans born about 1881
LarsonMara born about 1881
LarsonPedar born about 1874
LarsonRose Mborn about 1889
LindleyGertie born about 1883
LindleyPagen born about 1874

M Surnames

McNamaraAgatha Jborn about 1915
McNamaraDonald Mborn about 1911
McNamaraGordon Jborn about 1914
McNamaraJohn Jborn about 1912
McNamaraJohn Wborn about 1872
McNamaraSadie Mborn about 1877
MesheimEdward Olaiborn about 1920
MesheimGudrun born about 1916
MesheimGunhild born about 1884
MesheimHarold born about 1923
MesheimNels Hborn about 1879
MesheimPedar Bborn about 1926
MesheimTonnet born about 1918
MeyersJohnie Aborn about 1910
MoerkeAlbert born about 1885
MoerkeArthur born about 1925
MoerkeEmilge born about 1850
MoerkeIda born about 1887
MoerkeLynn born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonCaroline born about 1866
NelsonCecilie Mborn about 1888
NelsonHerman born about 1906
NelsonKenneth Gborn about 1927
NelsonLloyd Aborn about 1920
NelsonLynn Aborn about 1920

O Surnames

OberstElizabeth born about 1888
OberstJohn born about 1929
OberstPeter born about 1874
OlmsteadBernice born about 1929
OlmsteadDelores born about 1922
OlmsteadDena born about 1926
OlmsteadElmer born about 1873
OlmsteadErwin born about 1924
OlmsteadGladys born about 1931
OlmsteadGladys born about 1931
OlmsteadJoyce born about 1932
OlmsteadSusie born about 1892
OlmsteadWilliam born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PritchardAnna born about 1876
PritchardOwen Dborn about 1883

R Surnames

RosonoAugust born about 1875
RosonoAugust born about 1905
RosonoBud born about 1927
RosonoDorthy born about 1925
RosonoHelen born about 1928
RosonoJames born about 1914
RosonoJulias born about 1867
RosonoLeonard born about 1922
RosonoMaggie born about 1886
RosonoMinnie born about 1923
RuudChrist born about 1891
RuudEileen born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SkaarGertrude born about 1873
SkaarJohn born about 1870
StafanskiStella Iborn about 1926
StonerLawrence born about 1893
StonerMearle born about 1896

T Surnames

TygeHenry Hborn about 1883
TygeLizzie Bborn about 1883

W Surnames

WarbergGilbert Mborn about 1917
WarbergMarit born about 1891
WarbergMarvin Kborn about 1928
WarbergSever Gborn about 1888
WeflenChrist Cborn about 1877
WeflenOlav C Hborn about 1917
WeflenSigne Cborn about 1923
WeflenSigred born about 1876
WolfromMary Aliceborn about 1921
WollschlagerCorona born about 1920

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Y Surnames

YoungBeverly born about 1935
YoungEdna born about 1903
YoungIrene born about 1932
YoungShirley born about 1930
YoungWilliam Gborn about 1924
YoungWilliam Jborn about 1893

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