North Hampton Genealogy (in Rockingham County, NH)

USA (1,380,571) > New Hampshire (12,337) > Rockingham County (2,286) > North Hampton (52)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to North Hampton are also found through the Rockingham County and New Hampshire pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Marriage Records Miscellaneous Records

North Hampton Birth Records

North Hampton, N.H. vital statistics, 1742-1942 WorldCat

North Hampton, N.H., vital statistics, 1742-1942 FamilySearch Library

Records of deaths, marriages, and births 1816-1900 FamilySearch Library

The vital records of North Hampton, NH FamilySearch Library

North Hampton Cemetery Records

Dearborn Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

East Cemetery Find a Grave online

East Cemetery Billion Graves online

Fogg Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gravestone inscriptions from a small cemetery in North Hampton, New Hampshire FamilySearch Library

Haines Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lamprey Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lamprey Family Plot Billion Graves online

Marston Cemetery Find a Grave online

North Hampton Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Post Road Burial Ground Find a Grave online

Post Road Cemetery Billion Graves online

Shaw Cemetery Find a Grave online

North Hampton Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, North Hampton, New Hampshire LDS Genealogy online

North Hampton Church Records

A Genealogical abstract of the North Hampton church records, North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1947 FamilySearch Library

North Hampton, N.H. vital statistics, 1742-1942 WorldCat

The vital records of North Hampton, NH FamilySearch Library

North Hampton City Directories

Filter By Year:

Exeter (New Hampshire) city directories FamilySearch Library

New Hampshire City Directories (includes Hampton Falls, North Hampton 1960) Ancestry online

New Hampshire City Directories (includes North Hampton 1915-17, 1930) Ancestry online

New Hampshire City Directories (includes North Hampton, Rye 1960) Ancestry online

North Hampton City Directory 1915 MyHeritage online

North Hampton City Directory 1918 MyHeritage online

North Hampton City Directory 1924 MyHeritage online

North Hampton City Directory 1946 MyHeritage online

North Hampton City Directory 1952 MyHeritage online

North Hampton City Directory 1955 MyHeritage online

North Hampton City Directory 1960 MyHeritage online

North Hampton Death Records

North Hampton, N.H. vital statistics, 1742-1942 WorldCat

North Hampton, N.H., vital statistics, 1742-1942 FamilySearch Library

Records of deaths, marriages, and births 1816-1900 FamilySearch Library

The vital records of North Hampton, NH FamilySearch Library

North Hampton Marriage Records

North Hampton, N.H. vital statistics, 1742-1942 WorldCat

North Hampton, N.H., vital statistics, 1742-1942 FamilySearch Library

Records of deaths, marriages, and births 1816-1900 FamilySearch Library

The vital records of North Hampton, NH FamilySearch Library

North Hampton Miscellaneous Records

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1896 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1896 Internet Archive online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1901 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1901 Internet Archive online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1903 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1903 Internet Archive online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1907-1911 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1907-1911 Internet Archive online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1914-1922 LDS Genealogy online

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents, and board of education of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire, 1914-1922 Internet Archive online

Reports of the receipts and expenditures of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire 1882 LDS Genealogy online

Reports of the receipts and expenditures of the town of North Hampton, New Hampshire 1882 Internet Archive online

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