USA (1,380,571) > New Hampshire (12,337) > Rockingham County (2,286)
If you're not sure which records would be helpful, you can try our Ancestor Source Finder tool. Rockingham Records by TypeBirth Records (121)Cemetery Records (638) Census Records (79) Church Records (139) City Directories (312) Court Records (4) Death Records (125) Histories and Genealogies (202) Immigration Records (7) Land Records (7) Map Records (72) Marriage Records (142) Military Records (20) Minority Records (2) Miscellaneous Records (100) Newspapers and Obituaries (221) Probate Records (6) School Records (76) Tax Records (13) ![]() |
Rockingham County Records by City/TownAtkinson Genealogy (22)Auburn Genealogy (17) Brentwood Genealogy (43) Candia Genealogy (41) Chester Genealogy (42) Danville Genealogy (32) Deerfield Genealogy (75) Derry Genealogy (65) East Hampstead Genealogy (5) East Kingston Genealogy (19) Epping Genealogy (91) Exeter Genealogy (186) Fremont Genealogy (31) Greenland Genealogy (35) Hampstead Genealogy (32) Hampton Genealogy (102) Hampton Falls Genealogy (42) Kensington Genealogy (23) Kingston Genealogy (65) |
Londonderry Genealogy (79) New Castle Genealogy (39) Newfields Genealogy (23) Newington Genealogy (24) Newmarket Genealogy (95) Newton Genealogy (40) North Hampton Genealogy (52) Northwood Genealogy (53) Nottingham Genealogy (50) Plaistow Genealogy (34) Portsmouth Genealogy (359) Raymond Genealogy (38) Rye Genealogy (67) Salem Genealogy (59) Sandown Genealogy (14) Seabrook Genealogy (34) South Hampton Genealogy (28) Stratham Genealogy (36) Windham Genealogy (42) |