New Jersey Church Records

USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > New Jersey Church Records (3,267)

County Specific Church Records

Statewide Church Records

A History of the German Congregational Churches in the United States Ancestry online

A collection of memorials concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent from nearly the first settlement to the year 1787 : with some of the last expressions and exhortations of many of them LDS Genealogy online

A collection of memorials concerning divers deceased ministers and others of the people called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent from nearly the first settlement to the year 1787 : with some of the last expressions and exhortations of many of them Internet Archive online

An Outline History of the Presbyterian Church in West Or South Jersey, from 1700 To 1865 : A Discourse Delivered October 3, 186 Ancestry online

Baptist church records, ca. 1779-1812 FamilySearch Library

Church records in New Jersey : notices of the character, extent, and condition of the original records of about one hundred and fifty of the older churches and Friends' meetings ; with other data LDS Genealogy online

Church records in New Jersey : notices of the character, extent, and condition of the original records of about one hundred and fifty of the older churches and Friends' meetings ; with other data Internet Archive online

Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. Vol. II: (New Jersey and Pennsylvania Monthly Meetings) (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

History of the Parsippany Presbyterian Church LDS Genealogy online

History of the Parsippany Presbyterian Church Internet Archive online

Lutheran Church in New York and New Jersey, 1722-1760 : Lutheran records in the ministerial archives of the Staatsarchiv, Hamburg, Germany FamilySearch Library

Memorial of the centennial of the organization of the church in the state of New Jersey LDS Genealogy online

Memorial of the centennial of the organization of the church in the state of New Jersey Internet Archive online

Memorials of Methodism in New Jersey : from the foundation of the first society in the state in 1770, to the completion of the first twenty years of its history LDS Genealogy online

Memorials of Methodism in New Jersey : from the foundation of the first society in the state in 1770, to the completion of the first twenty years of its history Internet Archive online

New Jersey Birth and Christening Index online

New Jersey Births and Christenings Index, 1660-1931 Ancestry online

New Jersey Births and Christenings, 1660-1980 Family Search online

New Jersey Catholic baptismal records from 1759 to 1781 : index by surname of baptisms performed in the state of New Jersey from 1759 to 1781 by the Catholic missionaries of old St. Joseph's Church in Philadelphia ... FamilySearch Library

New Jersey, Calvary United Methodist Church Records, 1821-2003 Family Search online

New Jersey, Church Records, 1675-1970 Family Search online

New Jersey, United Methodist Church Records, 1800-1970 Ancestry online

Quaker Miscellany, New Jersey Ancestry online

Record of the Seventh-Day Adventist church schools in New Jersey from their beginnings in 1908 to 1961 FamilySearch Library

The ARDA (maps identifying locations of churches in the United States) Association of Religion Data Archives online

The Catholic Church in New Jersey Ancestry online

The Catholic Church in New Jersey FamilySearch Library

The Catholic Church in New Jersey LDS Genealogy online

The Catholic Church in New Jersey Internet Archive online

The Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania 1628-1776 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

The Early Germans of New Jersey; Their History, Churches and Genealogies Ancestry online

The Huguenots Or Early French in New Jersey Ancestry online

The Jew in America Ancestry online

The Negro church in New Jersey FamilySearch Library

The early Germans of New Jersey : their history, churches, and genealogies. LDS Genealogy online

The early Germans of New Jersey : their history, churches, and genealogies. Internet Archive online

U.S. and Canada, Quaker Monthly Meeting Historical Data (lists where the original Quaker records can be located) Ancestry online

U.S., Dutch Selected States Reformed Church Vital Records, 1660-1926 Ancestry online

U.S., Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol I-VI, 1607-1943 (vol 2 includes New Jersey) Ancestry online

U.S., Evangelical Covenant Church, Swedish American Church Records, 1868-1970 Ancestry online

U.S., Hinshaw Index to Selected Quaker Records, 1680-1940 Ancestry online

U.S., Selected States Dutch Reformed Church Membership Records, 1701-1995 Ancestry online

U.S., Surname Index to Quaker Records Ancestry online

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