New Jersey Histories and Genealogies

USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > New Jersey Histories and Genealogies (1,593)

County Specific Histories and Genealogies

Statewide Histories and Genealogies

A History of Baptists in New Jersey Ancestry online

A New Jersey biographical index : covering some 100,000 biographies and associated portraits in 237 New Jersey cyclopedias, histories, yearbooks, periodicals, and other collective biographical sources published to about 1980 FamilySearch Library

A civil and political history of New Jersey: embracing a compendious history of the state, from its early discover and settlement by Europeans, brought down to the present time LDS Genealogy online

A civil and political history of New Jersey: embracing a compendious history of the state, from its early discover and settlement by Europeans, brought down to the present time Internet Archive online

A gazetteer of the state of New Jersey. Comprehending a general view of its physical and moral condition, together with a topographical and statistical account of its counties, towns, villages, canals, rail roads, &c., accompanied by a map LDS Genealogy online

A gazetteer of the state of New Jersey. Comprehending a general view of its physical and moral condition, together with a topographical and statistical account of its counties, towns, villages, canals, rail roads, &c., accompanied by a map Internet Archive online

A history of Baptists in New Jersey LDS Genealogy online

A history of Baptists in New Jersey Internet Archive online

American Colonists in English Records Ancestry online

American Colonists in English Records, 2 volumes in 1 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) Ancestry online

American Population Before the Federal Census of 1790 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

An Alphabetical Listing of Local Places and Incorporated Municipalities in the State of New Jersey Ancestry online

Bench and Bar of New Jersey, 1942 Ancestry online

Bicentennial Celebration of the New Jersey Legislature Ancestry online

Biographical, Genealogical and Descriptive History of the State of New Jersey Ancestry online

Biographical, genealogical and descriptive history of the first congressional district of New Jersey, Volume I LDS Genealogy online

Biographical, genealogical and descriptive history of the first congressional district of New Jersey, Volume I Internet Archive online

Biographical, genealogical and descriptive history of the first congressional district of New Jersey, Volume II LDS Genealogy online

Biographical, genealogical and descriptive history of the first congressional district of New Jersey, Volume II Internet Archive online

Biography & Genealogies Master Index (BGMI) Ancestry online

Compilation of Published Sources MyHeritage online

Condition of the Public Records in the State of New Jersey Ancestry online

Cyclopedia of New Jersey Biography LDS Genealogy online

Cyclopedia of New Jersey Biography Internet Archive online

Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of New York and New Jersey MyHeritage online

Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.) Ancestry online

Directory of Scots Banished To the American Plantations, 1650-1775 Ancestry online

Directory of Scottish Settlers in North America, 1625-1825 Ancestry online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XX LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XX Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXIV LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXIV Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXV LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXV Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXVII LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXVII Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXVIII LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the Colonial History of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XXVIII Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XII LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. XII Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume II LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume II Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume VIII LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume VIII Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. I LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. I Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. II LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. II Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. III LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. III Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. IV LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. IV Internet Archive online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. V LDS Genealogy online

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. V Internet Archive online

Early historical events in the Delaware Valley LDS Genealogy online

Early historical events in the Delaware Valley Internet Archive online

English Origins of American Colonists Ancestry online

Founders and Patriots of America Index Ancestry online

Genealogical Guide To the Early Settlers of America Ancestry online

Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey Ancestry online

Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume 3 MyHeritage online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume I LDS Genealogy online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume I Internet Archive online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume II LDS Genealogy online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume II Internet Archive online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume III LDS Genealogy online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume III Internet Archive online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume IV LDS Genealogy online

Genealogical and memorial history of the state of New Jersey, Volume IV Internet Archive online

General Index To the Documents Relating To the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey Ancestry online

General Index to the Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, First Series, in Ten Volumes (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

General index to the Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, first series, in ten volumes Genealogy Gophers online

General index to the Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, first series, in ten volumes LDS Genealogy online

General index to the Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, first series, in ten volumes Internet Archive online

Guide To Vital Statistics Records in New Jersey Ancestry online

Historical And Genealogical Miscellany, Data Relating To the Settlement And Settlers of New York And New Jersey, Volume 1 MyHeritage online

Historical And Genealogical Miscellany, Data Relating To the Settlement And Settlers of New York And New Jersey, Volume 2 MyHeritage online

Historical And Genealogical Miscellany: Data Relating To the Settlement And Settlers of New York And New Jersey, Volume 3 (1903) MyHeritage online

Historical And Genealogical Miscellany: Data Relating To the Settlement And Settlers of New York And New Jersey, Volume 5 (1903) MyHeritage online

Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey : Containing A General Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions Ancestry online

Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Maritime Colonies of British America Ancestry online

Historical and Genealogical Miscellany , early settlers of New Jersey and their descendants, Vol. V LDS Genealogy online

Historical and Genealogical Miscellany , early settlers of New Jersey and their descendants, Vol. V Internet Archive online

Historical and genealogical miscellany : data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey LDS Genealogy online

Historical and genealogical miscellany : data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey Internet Archive online

Historical and genealogical miscellany : early settlers of New Jersey and their descendants, Vol. III LDS Genealogy online

Historical and genealogical miscellany : early settlers of New Jersey and their descendants, Vol. III Internet Archive online

Historical and genealogical miscellany : early settlers of New Jersey and their descendants, Vol. V LDS Genealogy online

Historical and genealogical miscellany : early settlers of New Jersey and their descendants, Vol. V Internet Archive online

Historical and genealogical miscellany; data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, Vol. I LDS Genealogy online

Historical and genealogical miscellany; data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, Vol. I Internet Archive online

Historical and genealogical miscellany; data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, Vol. II LDS Genealogy online

Historical and genealogical miscellany; data relating to the settlement and settlers of New York and New Jersey, Vol. II Internet Archive online

Historical collections of New Jersey : past and present, containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to the history and antiquities... LDS Genealogy online

Historical collections of New Jersey : past and present, containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to the history and antiquities... Internet Archive online

Historical collections of the state of New Jersey : containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc. relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical desciptions of every township in the state. LDS Genealogy online

Historical collections of the state of New Jersey : containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc. relating to its history and antiquities, with geographical desciptions of every township in the state. Internet Archive online

History of the Jews in America : from the Period of the Discovery of the New World To the Present Time Ancestry online

History of the men of Co. F, with description of the marches and battles of the 12th New Jersey Vols. Dedicated to "our dead." LDS Genealogy online

History of the men of Co. F, with description of the marches and battles of the 12th New Jersey Vols. Dedicated to "our dead." Internet Archive online

Immigrants To the Middle Colonies Ancestry online

In the Olden Days : Papers Colonial and Revolutionary Ancestry online

Memorial cyclopedia of New Jersey, Volume I LDS Genealogy online

Memorial cyclopedia of New Jersey, Volume I Internet Archive online

Memorial cyclopedia of New Jersey, Volume II LDS Genealogy online

Memorial cyclopedia of New Jersey, Volume II Internet Archive online

Memorial cyclopedia of New Jersey, Volume III LDS Genealogy online

Memorial cyclopedia of New Jersey, Volume III Internet Archive online

Memorials of Methodism in New Jersey Ancestry online

Minutes of the Council of Safety of the state of New Jersey LDS Genealogy online

Minutes of the Council of Safety of the state of New Jersey Internet Archive online

More Emigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775 Ancestry online

Narratives of early Pennsylvania, West New Jersey and Delaware, 1630-1707 LDS Genealogy online

Narratives of early Pennsylvania, West New Jersey and Delaware, 1630-1707 Internet Archive online

New Jersey : A Guide To Its Present and Past Ancestry online

New Jersey As A Colony and As A State : One of the Original Thirteen Ancestry online

New Jersey Biographical Index Ancestry online

New Jersey Biographical Sketches, 1665-1800 Ancestry online

New Jersey Biographical Sketches, 1916 Ancestry online

New Jersey and the rebellion : a history of the service of the troops and people of New Jersey in aid of the Union cause, Pt. 1 LDS Genealogy online

New Jersey and the rebellion : a history of the service of the troops and people of New Jersey in aid of the Union cause, Pt. 1 Internet Archive online

New Jersey and the rebellion : a history of the service of the troops and people of New Jersey in aid of the Union cause, Pt. 2 LDS Genealogy online

New Jersey and the rebellion : a history of the service of the troops and people of New Jersey in aid of the Union cause, Pt. 2 Internet Archive online

New Jersey as a colony and as a state; one of the original thirteen LDS Genealogy online

New Jersey as a colony and as a state; one of the original thirteen Internet Archive online

New Jersey biographical and genealogical notes from the volumes of the New Jersey archives : with additions and supplements LDS Genealogy online

New Jersey biographical and genealogical notes from the volumes of the New Jersey archives : with additions and supplements Internet Archive online

New Jersey first citizens : biographies and portraits of the notable living men and women of New Jersey with informing glimpses into the state's history and affairs, 1917-1918, Vol. I LDS Genealogy online

New Jersey first citizens : biographies and portraits of the notable living men and women of New Jersey with informing glimpses into the state's history and affairs, 1917-1918, Vol. I Internet Archive online

New Jersey's first citizens and state guide, Vol. II, 1919-1920 LDS Genealogy online

New Jersey's first citizens and state guide, Vol. II, 1919-1920 Internet Archive online

New Jersey, Published Archives Series, 1631-1782 Ancestry online

Periodical Source Index (index to 3.1 million articles in historical and genealogical publications) Allen County Public Library online

Personal names of Indians of New Jersey: being a list of six hundred and fifty such names, gleaned mostly from Indians deeds of the seventeenth century LDS Genealogy online

Personal names of Indians of New Jersey: being a list of six hundred and fifty such names, gleaned mostly from Indians deeds of the seventeenth century Internet Archive online

Pioneer Families of Northwestern New Jersey Ancestry online

Pre-Revolutionary Dutch Houses and Families in Northern New Jersey and Southern New York Ancestry online

Prominent Families of New Jersey Vol. II Ancestry online

Reminiscences of Methodism in West New Jersey Ancestry online

Scannell's New Jersey First Citizens, Volume 1, 1917 - 1918 MyHeritage online

Scannell's New Jersey first citizens : biographies and portraits of the notable living men and women of New Jersey with informing glimpses into the state's history and affairs, 1917-1918, Vol I LDS Genealogy online

Scannell's New Jersey first citizens : biographies and portraits of the notable living men and women of New Jersey with informing glimpses into the state's history and affairs, 1917-1918, Vol I Internet Archive online

Scannell's New Jersey first citizens : biographies and portraits of the notable living men and women of New Jersey with informing glimpses into the state's history and affairs, 1919-1920, Vol II LDS Genealogy online

Scannell's New Jersey first citizens : biographies and portraits of the notable living men and women of New Jersey with informing glimpses into the state's history and affairs, 1919-1920, Vol II Internet Archive online

Scheyichbi and the strand : or, early days along the Delaware ; with an account of recent events at Sea Grove ; containing sketches of the romantic adventures of the pioneer colonists ; the wonderful origin of American society and civilization LDS Genealogy online

Scheyichbi and the strand : or, early days along the Delaware ; with an account of recent events at Sea Grove ; containing sketches of the romantic adventures of the pioneer colonists ; the wonderful origin of American society and civilization Internet Archive online

Scots in the Mid-Atlantic Colonies, 1635-1783 Ancestry online

Scots in the Mid-Atlantic States, 1783-1883 Ancestry online

Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors, of Members of the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century, 1915-1975. With Supplements to 1988 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

Soul-Liberty Restored Ancestry online

The Biographical Cyclopedia of New Jersey : Being An Account of the Lives of Individuals Who Have Contributed To the Advancement Ancestry online

The Biographical Encyclopedia of New Jersey of the Nineteenth Century Ancestry online

The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution, 1770-1800 Ancestry online

The Early Germans of New Jersey; Their History, Churches and Genealogies Ancestry online

The General Society of the War of 1812, 1976 Bicentennial Supplement To the 1972 Register Robert Glenn Thurtle Editor Ancestry online

The History of New Jersey, from Its Earliest Settlement To the Present Time Ancestry online

The Huguenots Or Early French in New Jersey Ancestry online

The Jew in America Ancestry online

The Judicial and Civil History of New Jersey Ancestry online

The New Jersey Conference Memorial Ancestry online

The New Jersey coast in three centuries; history of the New Jersey coast with genealogical and historic-biographical appendix, Vol. I LDS Genealogy online

The New Jersey coast in three centuries; history of the New Jersey coast with genealogical and historic-biographical appendix, Vol. I Internet Archive online

The New Jersey coast in three centuries; history of the New Jersey coast with genealogical and historic-biographical appendix, Vol. II LDS Genealogy online

The New Jersey coast in three centuries; history of the New Jersey coast with genealogical and historic-biographical appendix, Vol. II Internet Archive online

The New Jersey coast in three centuries; history of the New Jersey coast with genealogical and historic-biographical appendix, Vol. III LDS Genealogy online

The New Jersey coast in three centuries; history of the New Jersey coast with genealogical and historic-biographical appendix, Vol. III Internet Archive online

The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, 1612-1783 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

The Original Scots Colonists of Early America. Supplement 1607-1707 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

The Story of New Jersey Ancestry online

The Swedes and Finns in New Jersey Ancestry online

The Swedes and Finns in New Jersey FamilySearch Library

The biographical cyclopedia of New Jersey : being an account of the lives of individuals who have contributed to the advancement of the intellectual, moral and material interests of the commonwealth LDS Genealogy online

The biographical cyclopedia of New Jersey : being an account of the lives of individuals who have contributed to the advancement of the intellectual, moral and material interests of the commonwealth Internet Archive online

The biographical encyclopaedia of New Jersey of the nineteenth century LDS Genealogy online

The biographical encyclopaedia of New Jersey of the nineteenth century Internet Archive online

The colonial clergy of the middle colonies : New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania 1628-1776 FamilySearch Library

The constitution of Sons of the Revolution, and by-laws and register of the Society in the State of New Jersey Genealogy Gophers online

The history of New Jersey : from its earliest settlement to the present time : including a brief historical account of the first discoveries and settlement of the country, Vol. I LDS Genealogy online

The history of New Jersey : from its earliest settlement to the present time : including a brief historical account of the first discoveries and settlement of the country, Vol. I Internet Archive online

The history of New Jersey : from its earliest settlement to the present time : including a brief historical account of the first discoveries and settlement of the country, Vol. II LDS Genealogy online

The history of New Jersey : from its earliest settlement to the present time : including a brief historical account of the first discoveries and settlement of the country, Vol. II Internet Archive online

The history of New Jersey from its earliest settlement to the present time LDS Genealogy online

The history of New Jersey from its earliest settlement to the present time Internet Archive online

The history of New Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the federal Constitution LDS Genealogy online

The history of New Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the federal Constitution Internet Archive online

The history of New Jersey, from its earliest settlement to the present time : including a brief historical account of the first discoveries and settlement of the country FamilySearch Library

Thirty Years of Scout Camping : History of Glen Gray and Other Camps in Northern New Jersey With Memoirs of Frank F. Gray Ancestry online

U.S., Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol I-VI, 1607-1943 (vol 2 includes New Jersey) Ancestry online

U.S., Select Family History and Bible Records Index Ancestry online

West New Jersey Baptist Association : One Hundred-Fiftieth Anniversary Ancestry online

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