Albany Genealogy (in Albany County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Albany County (2,129) > Albany (1,120)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Albany are also found through the Albany County and New York pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Immigration Records Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Minority Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records

Albany Birth Records

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Baptisms and marriages performed in the First Reformed Church, organized 1642, and the Second Reformed Church, organized 1814, Albany, N.Y. 1888 Archive Grid

First Dutch Reformed Church, Albany, Albany, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1683-1799 FamilySearch Library

First Lutheran, Albany, Albany, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1774-1875 FamilySearch Library

First Presbyterian, Albany, Albany, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1785-1870 FamilySearch Library

First Reformed Dutch Church, Albany, Albany, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1797-1850 FamilySearch Library

Guardianship, birth certificates, affidavits, 1898-1919 (Albany, New York) FamilySearch Library

Lost and found : Albany (NY) area church and synagogue vital records, 1654-1925 WorldCat

Lost and found : Albany (NY) area church and synagogue vital records, 1654-1925- supplement WorldCat

Lutheran church records, 1703-1802 New York, Albany, and other places Archive Grid

Records, 1708-1915, St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church (Albany, N.Y.). Archive Grid

Records, 1827-1953, Trinity Episcopal Church of Albany Archive Grid

Records, 1827-1953, Trinity Episcopal Church of Albany Archive Grid

Second Dutch Reformed Church, Albany, Albany, New York computer printout births or christenings, 1814-1850 FamilySearch Library

State Street Presbyterian Church, Albany, Albany, New York computer printout; births or christenings, 1861-1875 FamilySearch Library

Albany Cemetery Records (61)

Albany Census Records

Albany, New York State Census, 1915 Ancestry online

Albany, New York State Census, 1915 Ancestry online

Census 1720 of Freeholders of City and County of Albany US Gen Web Archives online

Colonial Census, 1720 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Albany Church Records (225)

Albany City Directories (205)

Albany Court Records

Fort Orange court minutes, 1652-1660 FamilySearch Library

History of the police service of Albany from 1609 to 1902 : from ancient and modern authoritative records, illustrating and describing the economy, equipment and effectiveness of the police department of today, with reminiscences of the past, biographies and accounts of leading criminal cases and trials FamilySearch Library

Index to Court of Chancery records, plaintiff and defendant, Albany, New York, 1600's-1800's FamilySearch Library

Laying of the corner stone of the Albany County Court House, Albany, N.Y., May eighth, nineteen hundred fifteen FamilySearch Library

Minutes of the court : of Albany, Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady 1680-1685 v. 3 Genealogy Gophers online

Minutes of the court of Albany, Rensselaerswyck and Schenectady, 1668-1681 Ancestry online

Minutes of the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 1652-1660 FamilySearch Library

Minutes of the court of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, 1652-1660 Genealogy Gophers online

Minutes of the court of Rensselaerswyck, 1648-1652 Genealogy Gophers online

New York State Supreme Court register, 1798-1807 Archive Grid

Record of the papers, proceedings, etc. in cases of naturalization before the Justices' Court of the city of Albany, 1821-1826 FamilySearch Library

Albany Death Records

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Albany, New York Church Records, 1683-1700 (baptisms, marriages and deaths Dutch Reformed Church) Ancestry online

American deaths and marriages, 1784-1829 WorldCat

American deaths and marriages, 1784-1829 (from Albany newspapers) WorldCat

Burial Records, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 1855 - 1869 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Daily Albany Argus 1829-1831 vital records included in 10,000 Vital Records of Eastern New York, 1777-1834 Ancestry online

Deaths and marriages from Albany Argus, 1818-1825 FamilySearch Library

Early records of St Paul's Episcopal Church : Albany New York, 1828-1924 : communicants - 1830-1883, confirmands - 1834-1924, deaths/burials - 1828-1916 FamilySearch Library

Early records of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Albany, New York, 1828-1924 : communicants -- 1830-1883, confirmands --1834-1924, deaths/burials -- 1828-1916 WorldCat

Early records of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Albany, New York, 1768-1899 : members 1768-1894, deaths 1768-1899 WorldCat

Early records of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Albany, New York, 1768-1899 : members 1768-1894; deaths 1768-1899 FamilySearch Library

Joseph Gavit's American deaths and marriages, 1784-1829 : index to non-principals in microfilm copies of abstracts in the New York State Library, Albany, New York WorldCat

Lost and found : Albany (NY) area church and synagogue vital records, 1654-1925 WorldCat

Lost and found : Albany (NY) area church and synagogue vital records, 1654-1925- supplement WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from the Albany (N.Y.) Argus, 1818-1828 WorldCat

Marriages and deaths, 1794, Albany, New York FamilySearch Library

Obituaries from the Albany Times Union, Albany, New York WorldCat

Record of Deaths and Marriages from the Albany Argus, 1826-1828 American Ancestors online

Records of Second Reformed Church [Madison Avenue], Albany, New York, Albany County, 1749-1913 : members, 1749-1885 ; marriages, 1814-1913 ; deaths, 1816-1898 WorldCat

Records, 1708-1915, St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church (Albany, N.Y.). Archive Grid

Albany Histories and Genealogies (132)

Albany Immigration Records

Declarations of intention, 1827-1895 FamilySearch Library

Final applications to be admitted citizens, 1894-1906 FamilySearch Library

Petitions for naturalization, 1827-1895 FamilySearch Library

Records of aliens appearing before the court to swear intentions in the years 1850-1895 FamilySearch Library

Rensselaer County Court naturalizations, vols. 1-2 only FamilySearch Library

Albany Land Records

Early records of the city and county of Albany, and colony of Resselaerswyck, Volume 2 LDS Genealogy online

Early records of the city and county of Albany, and colony of Resselaerswyck, Volume 2 Internet Archive online

Early records of the city and county of Albany, and colony of Resselaerswyck, Volume 3 LDS Genealogy online

Early records of the city and county of Albany, and colony of Resselaerswyck, Volume 3 Internet Archive online

Slave Documents, 1765-1821 Archive Grid

Albany Map Records

Albany 1840 View Map Historic Map Works online

Albany 1840 View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Albany 1850 to 1899 - 94x070.2 Map Historic Map Works online

Albany 1850 to 1899 - 94x070.2 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Albany 1850 to 1899 Bird's Eye View - 79x258.4 Map Historic Map Works online

Albany 1850 to 1899 Bird's Eye View - 79x258.4 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Albany 1879 Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works online

Albany 1879 Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Albany and Rensselaer, New York 1926 Map American Geographical Society online

City map of Albany, New York, 1874 Library of Congress online

City map of Albany, New York, 1877 Library of Congress online

Map of Albany, New York 1879. Library of Congress online

Map of the city of Albany : with villages of Greenbush, East Albany & Bath, N.Y. FamilySearch Library

Map of the city of Albany, published by Joel Munsell, 1852 FamilySearch Library

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Albany, Albany County, New York, 1892 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Albany, Albany County, New York, 1908-1909 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Albany, Albany County, New York, 1934-1935 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Albany, Albany County, New York, 1934-1951 Library of Congress online

Albany Marriage Records (52)

Albany Military Records

Albany's part in the World War Ancestry online

Albany's part in the World War FamilySearch Library

Erection of Headstones to Civil War and Spanish American War Veterans Troy Irish Genealogy Society online

Revolutionary War, 1812: 8th Regiment of Albany US Gen Web Archives online

Roster of the Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic, Albany, New York, 1915 LDS Genealogy online

Roster of the Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic, Albany, New York, 1915 Internet Archive online

The Albany Zouave Cadets to the Rochester Union Blues Genealogy Gophers online

The heroes of Albany. A memorial of the patriot-martyrs of the city and county of Albany, who sacrificed their lives during the late war in defense of our nation 1861-1865 LDS Genealogy online

The heroes of Albany. A memorial of the patriot-martyrs of the city and county of Albany, who sacrificed their lives during the late war in defense of our nation 1861-1865 Internet Archive online

The history of the fighting Fourteenth (New York Civil War Infantry Regiment) Ancestry online

U.S. Civil War, Roll of Honor, Vol. X: Albany Rural Cemetery, New York Ancestry online

Albany Minority Records

Beverwijck : a Dutch village on the American frontier, 1652-1664 FamilySearch Library

Collections of Dutch Settlers Society of Albany, New York. WorldCat

Early Irish in old Albany, N.Y. : with special mention of Jan Andriessen, "De Iersman Van Dublingh" Ancestry online

Early Irish in old Albany, N.Y. : with special mention of Jan Andriessen, De lersman Van Dublingh FamilySearch Library

Jewish World. ([Albany, N.Y.]) 1965-Current US Newspaper Directory

Possessing Albany, 1630-1710, the Dutch and English experiences FamilySearch Library

Seventeenth century Albany : a Dutch profile FamilySearch Library

Slave Documents, 1765-1821 Archive Grid

The Negro population of Albany, New York Ancestry online

The Negro population of Albany, New York : a survey FamilySearch Library

Albany Miscellaneous Records

Cemetery and bible records FamilySearch Library

Early records of the city and county of Albany and colony of Resselaerswyck FamilySearch Library

List of Albany Freeholders in 1720 Olive Tree Genealogy online

List of Freeholdersof the City and County of Albany, 1763 Genealogy Trails online

Minutes of the Albany Committee of Correspondence, 1775 - 1778 FamilySearch Library

Proceedings of the Common Council, and the various religious corporations of the city of Albany Ancestry online

Proceedings of the Common Council, and the various religious corporations of the city of Albany, relative to the State Street Burial Grounds and the removal of remains to be interred in a rural Albany cemetery where the graves could be better cared for FamilySearch Library

Proceedings of the Legislature of the state of New York : in commemoration of its removal from the old to the new capitol, February, 12, 1879 FamilySearch Library

Albany Newspapers and Obituaries (161)

Albany Probate Records

Calendar of wills on file and recorded in the offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836 Genealogy Gophers online

Calendar of wills on file and recorded in the offices of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albany, and of the Secretary of State, 1626-1836 WorldCat

Guardianship, birth certificates, affidavits, 1898-1919 (Albany, New York) FamilySearch Library

Past and present of the Albany Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless : incorporated, November, 1852 FamilySearch Library

Albany School Records (64)

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