USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Monroe County (2,360) > Penfield (33)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Penfield are also found through the Monroe County and New York pages.
Burial records of Oakwood Cemetery US Gen Web
Griswold Cemetery Find a Grave
Griswold Cemetery US Gen Web
Johnston Cemetery US Gen Web
Johnston Cemetery Billion Graves
Oakwood Cemetery Find a Grave
Oakwood Cemetery Billion Graves
Oakwood Cemetery ; Smith Cemetery ; First Presbyterian Church, Penfield, N.Y. WorldCat
Penfield Burial Ground Cemetery Transcriptions from NEHGS
Saint Josephs Roman Catholic Cemetery Find a Grave
Smith Cemetery Find a Grave
Smith Cemetery US Gen Web
Smith Cemetery, Penfield, New York WorldCat
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Cemetery US Gen Web
Veterans burials in the Town of Penfield US Gen Web
Church records, 1841-1910 (Catholic Church. St. Joseph's (Penfield, New York)) FamilySearch Library
Oakwood Cemetery ; Smith Cemetery ; First Presbyterian Church, Penfield, N.Y. WorldCat
Parish records of the Baptist churches in Penfield, Yates, Geneva, Middlesex & Victory, N.Y. WorldCat
Records of the Freewill Baptist Church, East Penfield, Monroe County, New York WorldCat
Penfield's past, 1810-1960 FamilySearch Library
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Penfield, Monroe County, New York, 1909 Library of Congress
Voter Enrollment List for the Town of Penfield 1946-1947 US Gen Web
Penfield Post 07/13/2000 to 08/18/2016 Genealogy Bank
Penfield Post-Republican. Penfield, Monroe County : 1971-1980 New York State Library
Penfield Press (Penfield, N.Y. : 1951) Penfield, Monroe County : 1951-1979 New York State Library
The Penfield Republican. Penfield, Monroe County : 1952-1971 New York State Library
Offline Newspapers for PenfieldAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Penfield Post-Republican. (Penfield, N.Y.) 1971-Current Penfield Press. (Penfield, N.Y.) 1951-Current Penfield Republican. (Penfield, N.Y.) 1952-1971 |
Penfield High School - Junction Yearbook (Penfield, NY), 1950, 1952, 1960, 1969, 1971 E Yearbook
Penfield High School, The Junction, 1968 Internet Archive
Index to the tax records of Ontario County, New York : towns of Boyle, Brighton, Henrietta, Penfield, Perinton, and Pittsford FamilySearch Library
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