Van Etten Genealogy (in Chemung County, NY)

USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Chemung County (924) > Van Etten (45)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Van Etten are also found through the Chemung County and New York pages.

Van Etten Cemetery Records

Barnes Cemetery Find a Grave online

Barnes Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Barnes Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Barnes Hill Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Canfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Canfield Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Elston Hill Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Elston Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ennis Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Goldsmith Find a Grave online

Hicks Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jenkins Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jenkins Cemetery Joyce Tice online

La Row Cemetery Find a Grave online

Larue (Larow) Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Lonesome Cemetery, Rev. Sniffen Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Mount Hope Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mt. Hope Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Rumsey Getman Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rumsey-Swartwood Find a Grave online

Rumsey/Getman Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Rumsey/Swartwood Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Seeley Hill Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Seely Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shoemaker Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shoemaker Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Swartwood Cemetery Find a Grave online

Swartwood Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Swartwood Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Swartwood Family Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Westbrook Cemetery Find a Grave online

Westbrook Cemetery Joyce Tice online

White Cemetery Joyce Tice online

White Cemetery Find a Grave online

Woodin Cemetery Joyce Tice online

Van Etten Census Records

Census Town of Van Etten 1880 Joyce Tice online

Census, Veterans in Town of Van Etten 1890 Joyce Tice online

Census-Town of Van Etten 1860 Joyce Tice online

Federal Census of 1940, Van Etten, New York LDS Genealogy online

Van Etten Church Records

Record of the First Church of Jackson Hollow, Town of Van Etten, Chemung Co., NY, founded July 22, 1865 WorldCat

Record of the First Church of Jackson Hollow, town of Van Etten, Chemung, Co., N.Y., founded July 22, 1865 FamilySearch Library

Van Etten Newspapers and Obituaries

The Valley Breeze. Van Etten, Chemung County : 1891-1979 New York State Library

The Valley breeze. Van Ettenville, N.Y. 1891-09-11 to 1913-07-18 NYS Historic Newspapers online

Van Etten School Records

Van Etten High School - Torch Yearbook (Van Etten, NY), 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951 E Yearbook online

Van Etten High School yearbooks, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1969, 1970, 1974, 1991, 1992 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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