USA (1,380,571) > New York (69,994) > Albany County (2,129) > Westerlo (38)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Westerlo are also found through the Albany County and New York pages.
Register of births, marriages & deaths in town of Westerlo, Albany County, N.Y., 1847-1881 FamilySearch Library
Register of births, marriages & deaths in town of Westerlo, Albany County, N.Y., 1847-1881 WorldCat
Brate Farm Burying Ground Find a Grave
Campbell Cemetery Find a Grave
Dunbar Cemetery Find a Grave
Gardner and Knowles Cemetery Find a Grave
Gould-Peck Burying Ground Find a Grave
Hopkins Farm Burial Ground Find a Grave
Horseshoe Bend Cemetery Find a Grave
Knowles-Hunt-Green Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Lake Family Burial Ground Find a Grave
Lawrence Farm Find a Grave
Lester Cemetery Find a Grave
Lounsbury-Harris Ground Find a Grave
Mabey-Bishop Farm Burying Ground Find a Grave
North Dunbar Hollow Cemetery Find a Grave
Onderdonk Cemetery Find a Grave
Quaker Cemetery Find a Grave
Shepard Family Plot Find a Grave
Snyder Cemetery Find a Grave
Snyder Cemetery New York Gravestones
Spalding Cemetery Find a Grave
Stanton Cemetery Find a Grave
Swartout Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Tan Hollow Road Cemetery Find a Grave
Tan Hollow Road Cemetery Records New Horizons Genealogical Services
Westerlo Central Cemetery Find a Grave
Westerlo Rural Cemetery Find a Grave
Westerlo Rural Cemetery New York Gravestones
Wooster Cemetery Find a Grave
Federal Census of 1940, Westerlo, New York LDS Genealogy
Anniversary year, 1800-1950 : Westerlo Baptist Church FamilySearch Library
One hundred and thirtieth anniversary, First Baptist Church, Westerlo, N.Y., 1800-1930 : anniversary and dedication service, November 15th and 16th, 1930 FamilySearch Library
Register of births, marriages & deaths in town of Westerlo, Albany County, N.Y., 1847-1881 FamilySearch Library
Register of births, marriages & deaths in town of Westerlo, Albany County, N.Y., 1847-1881 WorldCat
Town of Westerlo then and now FamilySearch Library
Register of births, marriages & deaths in town of Westerlo, Albany County, N.Y., 1847-1881 FamilySearch Library
Register of births, marriages & deaths in town of Westerlo, Albany County, N.Y., 1847-1881 WorldCat
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