Newport Genealogy (in Newport County, RI)

USA (1,380,571) > Rhode Island (8,388) > Newport County (1,154) > Newport (472)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Newport are also found through the Newport County and Rhode Island pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Immigration Records Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Minority Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records Tax Records

Newport Birth Records

Filter By Year:

Arnold Collection - Births and Baptisms of United Brethren New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth : births of seamen 1798-1799, Job Townsend coffins 1803-1828, Benjamin Pearce coffin record 1835-1841, and deaths copied from Almanac no. 1, 1803-1844 FamilySearch Library

Births, 1590-1930, from Newport Common Burial Ground inscriptions FamilySearch Library

Births, marriages, deaths 1684-1894 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Births, marriages, deaths 1880-1915 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Newport Birth Records - From Settlement to 1850 Genealogy Trails online

Newport, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout; births or christenings, 1851-1876 FamilySearch Library

Newport, Rhode Island computer printout ; births, 1636-1850 FamilySearch Library

Newport, Rhode Island, death, marriage, birth indexes ca. 1700-1985 FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, and deaths of the Friends Meeting at Newport, R.I (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, deaths, 1670-1774 FamilySearch Library

Newport Cemetery Records

Arnold Burying Ground Billion Graves online

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth : births of seamen 1798-1799, Job Townsend coffins 1803-1828, Benjamin Pearce coffin record 1835-1841, and deaths copied from Almanac no. 1, 1803-1844 FamilySearch Library

Births, 1590-1930, from Newport Common Burial Ground inscriptions FamilySearch Library

Births, 1590-1930, from Newport Common Burial Ground inscriptions WorldCat

Bliss-Pierce Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Block Island cemetery records LDS Genealogy online

Block Island cemetery records Internet Archive online

Braman Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Braman Cemetery [NT004] Billion Graves online

Clifton Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Coddington Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Coggeshall Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Collins Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Colonial Jewish Burying Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Common Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Dixon Burial Place Find a Grave online

Dyre Family Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Fort Adams Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Fort Adams Cemetery Billion Graves online

Friends Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

G. E. Moravian Church Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Garde Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Genealogical collections (Daughters of the American Revolution (Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Goat Island Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Goat Island Pirate Graves Find a Grave online

Graves Point Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Island Cemetery Find a Grave online

Island Cemetery Billion Graves online

Island Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Island Cemetery Cemetery Find online

Island cemetery records Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Newport cemeteries LDS Genealogy online

Newport cemeteries Internet Archive online

Newport, Rhode Island colonial burial grounds FamilySearch Library

Newport, Rhode Island colonial burial grounds WorldCat

North burial (city cemetery) records and Trinity Church cemetery records Newport, Newport County Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Old City Cemetery (North Cemetery) Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Saint Mary's Cemetery [NT006] Billion Graves online

Saint Marys Cemetery Find a Grave online

Scrapbook of newspaper-clipping containing epitaphs from several cemeteries : the great majority being from the cemeteries of Newport, R.I. FamilySearch Library

St Mary's Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

St. Joseph Old Catholic Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

St. Josephs Cemetery -Barney Street Cemetery [NT019] Billion Graves online

Trinity Church Yard Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

United Congregational Churchyard Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Willow Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Willow Cemetery Find a Grave online

Newport Census Records

Newport County, Rhode Island 1790 Federal Census Newport Town US Gen Web Archives online

Programs, 2nd Baptist Church of Newport 1916 US Gen Web online

Newport Church Records

Filter By Year:

A history of the Unitarian Church in Newport, Rhode Island Ancestry online

A history of the Unitarian Church in Newport, Rhode Island : read in the church Sunday, January 10, 1875 FamilySearch Library

A sermon preached November 26, 1829 : being the day of Thanksgiving, containing a history of the origin and growth of the Second Baptist Church in Newport (R.I.) FamilySearch Library

A sermon preached [in] 1829 : . . . a history of the origin and growth of the Second Baptist Church in Newport Ancestry online

All Members of the Sabbatarian Church, Newport, RI, From 1671 to 1836 US Gen Web Archives online

Annals of Trinity Church : Newport, Rhode Island, 1698-1821 Ancestry online

Annals of Trinity Church, Newport Rhode Island 1698-1821 FamilySearch Library

Annals of Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1821-1892 : second series FamilySearch Library

Annals of Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1821-1892 : second series Genealogy Gophers online

Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island Genealogy Gophers online

Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1698-1821 LDS Genealogy online

Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1698-1821 Internet Archive online

Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1821-1892 LDS Genealogy online

Annals of Trinity church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1821-1892 Internet Archive online

Church records, 1709-1925 (Trinity Church (Newport, Rhode Island : Episcopal)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1844-1863 (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island : Wilburite)) FamilySearch Library

Early religious leaders of Newport : eight addresses delivered before the Newport Historical Society, 1917 FamilySearch Library

First Baptist Church records, 1725-1731 Archive Grid

History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Newport, R.I. FamilySearch Library

List of Members of the Sabbatarian Church, Newport, Rhode Island1671-1836 US Gen Web online

Monthly Meeting records, 1638-1899 (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Newport Seventh Day Baptist trilogy : entering into covenant -- membership records -- mother Hubbard's cupboard FamilySearch Library

Newport, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout; births or christenings, 1851-1876 FamilySearch Library

Records (microform) 1671-1937, Seventh-Day Baptists Archive Grid

Records (microform), 1644-1946, First (United) Baptist Church (Newport, Rhode Island) Archive Grid

Records of Newport Moravian Church, 1756-1838 Moravian Archives online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths of the Friends Meeting at Newport, R.I (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Records of the Church of Christ, 1725-1731 : the church book, no. 1, First Baptist Church (Newport, R.I.). Archive Grid

Sabbatarian Church (Seventh Day Baptist) Members, Newport, RI, 1671 to 1830 US Gen Web Archives online

Society of Friends : Newport, R.I. monthly meetings. WorldCat

St Peter Lutheran Church records (in U.S. Evangelical Lutheran Church, Swedish American Church Records collection) Ancestry online

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Newport, Rhode Island : a centennial of witnessing and grace FamilySearch Library

The Story of the Old Friends' Meeting House, printed 1922 US Gen Web online

Touro Synagogue of Congregation Jeshuat Israel, Newport, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Touro Synagogue of Congregation Jeshuat Israel, Newport, Rhode Island Internet Archive online

Transcript of district and branch record of members, 1940-1948 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. New England Mission) FamilySearch Library

Trinity church in Newport, Rhode Island; a history of the fabric LDS Genealogy online

Trinity church in Newport, Rhode Island; a history of the fabric Internet Archive online

Newport City Directories (161)

Newport Death Records

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Arnold Collection - Deaths of United Brethren New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Bill of mortality for Newport, R.I. for the years 1760 to 1764 WorldCat

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth : births of seamen 1798-1799, Job Townsend coffins 1803-1828, Benjamin Pearce coffin record 1835-1841, and deaths copied from Almanac no. 1, 1803-1844 FamilySearch Library

Births, marriages, deaths 1684-1894 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Births, marriages, deaths 1880-1915 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Deaths and marriages in Newport, Rhode Island WorldCat

Deaths and marriages in Newport, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Deaths and marriages in Newport, Rhode Island Internet Archive online

Newport, Rhode Island colonial burial grounds WorldCat

Newport, Rhode Island, death, marriage, birth indexes ca. 1700-1985 FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, and deaths of the Friends Meeting at Newport, R.I (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, deaths, 1670-1774 FamilySearch Library

Newport Histories and Genealogies

A dependent people : Newport, Rhode Island, in the Revolutionary era FamilySearch Library

A hand-book of Newport, and Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

A hand-book of Newport, and Rhode Island Internet Archive online

A handbook of Newport and Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

A preliminary guide to the records of the meetings in New England Yearly Meeting of Friends with their subordinate meetings FamilySearch Library

Commerce of Rhode Island : 1726-1800 FamilySearch Library

Documentary history of Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Early recollections of Newport, R.I. : from the year 1793 to 1811 Ancestry online

Early recollections of Newport, R.I. : from the year 1793 to 1811 FamilySearch Library

Ideal Newport in the eighteenth century FamilySearch Library

Inauguration of the Perry statue, 1885 (includes historical information and names of men who left Newport for service at Lake Erie with Perry in 1813) Ancestry online

Mallet & chisel : gravestone carvers of Newport, Rhode Island, in the 18th century FamilySearch Library

Merchants and mansions of bygone days; an authentic account of the early settlers of Newport, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Merchants and mansions of bygone days; an authentic account of the early settlers of Newport, Rhode Island Internet Archive online

Newport Chapter No. 2 Royal Arch Masons Roster 1918 US Gen Web online

Newport and Narragansett Bay : a guide to the principal places of interest in Newport and to the summer resorts of Narragansett Bay, with other information of value to visitors FamilySearch Library

Newport government, schools, wards, fire departments, and Custom House from city directory of 1856 US Gen Web online

Newport historic guide (revised), illustrated FamilySearch Library

Re-union of the sons and daughters of Newport, R.I. : August 23, 1859 FamilySearch Library

Reminiscences of Newport Ancestry online

Reminiscences of Newport FamilySearch Library

Rhode Island mariners & vessels : who sailed from the Port of Newport 1803-1820 FamilySearch Library

Sketches of Newport and its vicinity : with notices respecting the history, settlement and geography of Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Story of the old City Hall [and Historic Newport] LDS Genealogy online

Story of the old City Hall [and Historic Newport] Internet Archive online

The Newport Historical Society FamilySearch Library

The Vernon House : Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island 1758-1915 FamilySearch Library

The city by the sea, Newport : its approaches by sea and land; objects and points of interest including villa-residences and owners... FamilySearch Library

The controversy touching the Old Stone Mill in the town of Newport, Rhode Island Ancestry online

The story of the Jews of Newport : two and a half centuries of Judaism, 1658-1908 FamilySearch Library

The story of the Jews of Newport; two and a half centuries of Judaism, 1658-1908 LDS Genealogy online

The story of the Jews of Newport; two and a half centuries of Judaism, 1658-1908 Internet Archive online

Newport Immigration Records

Newport Town Records Collection, 1640-1888 Archive Grid

Petitions and records of naturalization, 1843-1906, United States District Court (Rhode Island) Archive Grid

Rhode Island, Davisville, Melville, Newport, and Quonset Point, Airplane Passenger and Crew Lists, 1955-1957 Family Search online

U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Newport 1820-1831, 1833-1835, 1837, 1842-1846, 1848-1852, 1857, 1919, 1922, 1924-1925, 1927-1931, 1933-1940, 1943, 1945-1954 ) Ancestry online

Newport Land Records

Colony mortgages 1715-1745 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Land evidence and miscellaneous records, 1701-1776 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Land evidence records, 1780-1900 (Newport, Rhode Island) FamilySearch Library

Mortgage land evidence, 1855-1880 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Newport Town Records Collection, 1640-1888 Archive Grid

Newport Map Records

City atlas of Newport, Rhode Island : from official records, private plans and actual surveys, based upon plans deposited in the Department of Surveys FamilySearch Library

Map of Newport, R.I. 1878. Library of Congress online

Map of Newport, R.I. : view from Fort Wolcott, Goat Island, 1860 Library of Congress online

Newport - Middletown - Portsmouth 1907 Map Historic Map Works online

Newport - Middletown - Portsmouth 1907 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Newport - Middletown - Portsmouth, 1907 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Newport 1876 Map Historic Map Works online

Newport 1876 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Newport 1878 Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works online

Newport 1878 Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Newport 1893 Map Historic Map Works online

Newport 1893 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Newport, 1876 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Newport, 1878 Bird's Eye View Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Newport, 1893 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Newport, Block Island and Narragansett Pier : a brief history and tourists' guide to points of interest, containing also maps of Newport and Block Island FamilySearch Library

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, 1903 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, 1903-1950 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, 1921 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, July 1896 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, May 1891 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, October 1884 Library of Congress online

The city by the sea, Newport : its approaches by sea and land, objects and points of interest, including villa-residences and owners, boating and fishing, bathing, polo, hotels, public conveyances, time-tables, etc., together with an index map of the city FamilySearch Library

The past and the present : Narragansett sea and shore, an illustrated guide to Providence, Newport, Narragansett Pier, Block Island, Watch Hill, Rocky Point, Silver Spring, and all the famous sea-side resorts of Rhode Island, with a map of Narragansett Bay FamilySearch Library

Newport Marriage Records

Filter By Year:

Arnold Collection - Marriages of United Brethren New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Births, marriages, deaths 1684-1894 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Births, marriages, deaths 1880-1915 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Deaths and marriages in Newport, Rhode Island WorldCat

Deaths and marriages in Newport, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Deaths and marriages in Newport, Rhode Island Internet Archive online

Newport, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout ; marriages, 1851-1878 FamilySearch Library

Newport, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout; marriages, 1636-1850 FamilySearch Library

Newport, Rhode Island, death, marriage, birth indexes ca. 1700-1985 FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, and deaths of the Friends Meeting at Newport, R.I (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages, deaths, 1670-1774 FamilySearch Library

Newport Military Records

Almanac for the Year 1894 (extracts from the Newport Mercury in 1893) US Gen Web online

Almanac for the Year 1898 (extracts from the Newport Mercury in 1897) US Gen Web online

Members of the Artillery Company of Newport, Rhode Island, 1741-1854 American Ancestors online

Newport county military records from the 1700's FamilySearch Library

Newport, Rhode Island, military rolls for militia: 1844, 1855, 1876, 1877 FamilySearch Library

Rhode Island mariners & vessels : who sailed from the port of Newport, 1803-1820 WorldCat

Newport Minority Records

The story of the Jews of Newport : two and a half centuries of Judaism, 1658-1908 FamilySearch Library

The story of the Jews of Newport; two and a half centuries of Judaism, 1658-1908 LDS Genealogy online

The story of the Jews of Newport; two and a half centuries of Judaism, 1658-1908 Internet Archive online

Newport Miscellaneous Records

A list of the polls and estates real and personal of the proprietors and inhabitants of the town of Newport in the colony of Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Newport City Manual (includes names of civil authorities) 1919 US Gen Web online

Newport illustrated in a series of pen & pencil sketches FamilySearch Library

Public notary certificates, 1755-1798, 1860-1866 FamilySearch Library

Town meeting records, 1682-1776 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Newport Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Companion and Commercial Centinel, 1789-1799 Google News Archive online

Gazette Francoise 11/17/1780 to 01/02/1781 Genealogy Bank online

Guardian of Liberty 10/03/1800 to 09/26/1801 Genealogy Bank online

Guardian of Liberty, 1800-1801 Google News Archive online

Herald of The Times 1830-1846 online

Herald of The Times 1849-1855 online

Herald of The Times, and Rhode Islander 1846-1849 online

Herald of the times 04/07/1830 to 03/19/1846 Genealogy Bank online

Herald of the times, and Rhode Islander. (Newport, R.I.) (from March 26, 1846 to Jan. 4, 1849) Chronicling America online

Herald of the times. (Newport, R.I.) (from April 7, 1830 to March 19, 1846) Chronicling America online

Herald of the times. (Newport, R.I.) (from Jan. 11, 1849 to Dec. 27, 1855) Chronicling America online

Mercury 02/26/2014 to 03/06/2018 Genealogy Bank online

Newport Daily News 05/14/2001 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Newport Daily News 1846-1977 online

Newport Daily News 1914, 1950-9, 1974) Ancestry online

Newport Gazette 01/16/1777 to 10/06/1779 Genealogy Bank online

Newport Gazette 1777-1779 online

Newport Herald 03/01/1787 to 09/17/1791 Genealogy Bank online

Newport Journal-Weekly News 1928-1928 online

Newport Mercury (Newport, Rhode Island), 1784, 1822, 1866, 1882-1928, 1972-1974 selections Ancestry online

Newport Mercury 06/19/1758 to 12/30/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Newport Mercury 1784-1977 online

Newport Mercury And Weekly News (Newport, Rhode Island), 1928-1977 Ancestry online

Newport Mercury and Weekly News 1972-1972 online

Newport Navalog 1974-1977 online

Rhode-Island Gazette 10/04/1732 to 03/01/1733 Genealogy Bank online

Rhode-Island Museum 07/07/1794 to 12/29/1794 Genealogy Bank online

Rhode-Island Republican 10/03/1801 to 12/29/1803 and 03/22/1809 to 04/21/1841 Genealogy Bank online

Rhode-Island Republican 1801-1806 online

Rhode-Island Republican 1809-1841 online

Rhode-Island Republican, 1801-1806, 1809-1841 Google News Archive online

The Newport gazette. (Newport [R.I.]) (from Jan. 16, 1777 to Oct. 6, 1779) Chronicling America online

Weekly Companion; and the Commercial Centinel 05/02/1798 to 07/20/1799 Genealogy Bank online

Workingman's Journal 03/08/1853 to 06/07/1853 Genealogy Bank online

Offline Newspapers for Newport

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Art Dept. (Newport, R.I.) 1980-1980s

Eagle. (Newport, R.I.) 1981-1980s

Guardian of Liberty. (Newport, R.I.) 1800-1801

Herald of the Times, and Rhode Islander. (Newport, R.I.) 1846-1849

Herald of the Times. (Newport, R.I.) 1830-1846

Herald of the Times. (Newport, R.I.) 1849-1856

Newport Advertiser. (Newport, R.I.) 1851-1864

Newport Advertiser. (Newport, R.I.) 1924-1920s

Newport Daily Advertiser. (Newport, R.I.) 1849-1850

Newport Daily Herald. (Newport, R.I.) 1847-1848

Newport Daily News. (Newport, R.I.) 1846-Current

Newport Daily Observer. (Newport, R.I.) 1888-1889

Newport Enterprise. (Newport, R.I.) 1886-1897

Newport Evening Mercury. (Newport, R.I.) 1853-1854

Newport Gazette. (Newport [R.I.]) 1777-1779

Newport Herald. (Newport, R.I.) 1787-1791

Newport Item. (Newport, R.I.) 1894-1890s

Newport Journal and Weekly News. (Newport, R.I.) 1877-1928

Newport Journal. (Newport [R.I.]) 1857-1859

Newport Journal. (Newport, R.I.) 1867-1877

Newport Mercury [Microform]. (Newport, R.I.) 1759-1928

Newport Mercury and Weekly News. (Newport, R.I.) 1928-1986

Newport Mercury, Or, the Weekly Advertiser [Microform]. (Newport, R.I.) 1758-1759

Newport Mercury, Or, the Weekly Advertiser. (Newport, R.I.) 1758-1759

Newport Mercury. (Newport, R.I.) 1759-1928

Newport Mercury. (Newport, R.I.) 1987-Current

Newport Navalog. (Newport, R.I.) 1944-Current

Newport Observer. (Newport, R.I.) 1889-1890s

Newport Recruit and Service Schools' Log. (Newport, R.I.) 1943-1940s

Newport Recruit. (Newport, R.I.) 1923-1943

Newport Weekly Advertiser. (Newport, R.I.) 1850-1851

Newport Weekly News. (Newport, R.I.) 1859-1860s

Newport, This Week. (Newport, R.I.) 1974-Current

Reservist. ([Newport, R.I.]) 1917-1910s

Rhode Islander. (Newport [R.I.]) 1841-1846

Rhode-Island Gazette. (Newport, R.I.) 1732-1733

Rhode-Island Republican. (Newport, R.I.) 1801-1806

Rhode-Island Republican. (Newport, R.I.) 1809-1841

Season. (Newport, R.I.) 1886-1880s

Weekly Companion ; and the Commercial Centinel. (Newport, R.I.) 1798-1799

Weekly Reporter. ([Newport, R.I.]) 1908-1910

Workingman's Journal. (Newport, R.I.) 1853-1840s

Newport Probate Records

Administration bonds and index 1728-1775, Newport, Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Miscellaneous inventories, 1721-1748 FamilySearch Library

Probate index, ca. 1700-ca. 1989 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Probate records, 1779-1915; index to probate records, 1779- 1973 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Town Council records, 1702-1776 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Newport School Records

Filter By Year:

City of Newport Grammar Graduation 1915 US Gen Web online

City of Newport Grammar Graduation 1916 US Gen Web online

City of Newport Grammar Graduation 1917 US Gen Web online

De La Salle Academy yearbooks, 1961, 1962 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Hatch School - Yearbook (Newport, RI), 1960, 1961 E Yearbook online

Hatch School yearbooks, 1960, 1961 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Naval Academy Preparatory School yearbooks, 1982, 1988 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Newport School Report, 1877-1878 (includes names of teachers and students of Rogers High School) US Gen Web online

Newport School Report: 1884-1885 (includes names of teachers and students of Rogers High School) US Gen Web online

Newport School for Girls yearbooks, 1962, 1963 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Recollections of the United States Naval Academy FamilySearch Library

Rogers High School - Binnacle Yearbook (Newport, RI), 1931, 1937, 1945, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1956 E Yearbook online

Rogers High School yearbook, 1931, 1937, 1945, 1950, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Rogers High School, Newport, Basketball Team 1916-17 and Graduating Class of 1921 US Gen Web online

Saint Catherines Academy yearbooks, 1949, 1950, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Salve Regina University - Regina Maris Yearbook (Newport, RI), 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 E Yearbook online

Salve Regina University yearbooks, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

St Catherine Academy - Cathedeme Yearbook (Newport, RI), 1949, 1950, 1958, 1959, 1962, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969 E Yearbook online

St Catherine Academy yearbooks, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1970 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

St George's School yearbook, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

The seachest : U.S. Naval Officer Candidate School, Newport, Rhode Island Internet Archive online

US Naval Academy and Preparatory School - Cruise Yearbook (Newport, RI), 1948, 1950 E Yearbook online

US Navy Officer Candidate School - Sea Chest Yearbook (Newport, RI), 1953 E Yearbook online

Newport Tax Records

City documents, ordinances passed during the municipal year 1884 : reports of the several officers and departments of the government of the city of Newport, Rhode Island for the municipal year commencing January 7th 1884 and ending January 5 1885 ; inagural address of Hon. Robert S. Franklin, Mayor ; list of city officers and committee for 1885 ; tax list for 1885. FamilySearch Library

Federal direct tax for Newport R.I. : schedules D and E. 1798 Archive Grid

Newport Town Records Collection, 1640-1888 Archive Grid

Tax List and City Officers for the City of Newport 1891 US Gen Web online

Tax List of Newport 1855 US Gen Web online

Tax assessment of the City of Newport, R.I Genealogy Gophers online

Tax book of the city of Newport for 1859 : to raise not less than $48,000 nor more than $49,000 (including state tax of $4,419,40 [sic]) FamilySearch Library

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