Dodge County WI Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,379,301) > Wisconsin (26,619) > Dodge County (679) > Dodge County Newspapers and Obituaries (69)

USA (1,379,301) > Wisconsin (26,619) > Wisconsin Newspapers and Obituaries (4,151) > Dodge County Newspapers and Obituaries (69)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Dodge County are also on the Wisconsin Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Beaver Dam Fox Lake Horicon Hustisford Juneau Lebanon Lomira Mayville Neosho Reeseville Waupun

Dodge County Newspapers and Obituaries Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Wisconsin Genealogy Index (biographical sketches, obituaries, and newspaper articles before 2000) Wisconsin Historical Society online

Beaver Dam Newspapers and Obituaries

Fox Lake Newspapers and Obituaries

Horicon Newspapers and Obituaries

Hustisford Newspapers and Obituaries

Mayville Newspapers and Obituaries

Waupun Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Dodge County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Beaver Dam: Beaver Dam Argus. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1860-1956

Beaver Dam: Beaver Dam Daily Citizen. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1911-1915

Beaver Dam: Beaver Dam Daily Citizen. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1930-1971

Beaver Dam: Beaver Dam Democrat. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1858-1861

Beaver Dam: Beaver Dam Republican. (Beaver Dam, Dodge Co., Wis.) 1853-1855

Beaver Dam: Beaver Dam Sentinel. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1854-1855

Beaver Dam: Daily Citizen. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1915-1930

Beaver Dam: Dodge County Citizen. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1856-1861

Beaver Dam: Dodge County Citizen. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1862-1929

Beaver Dam: Republican and Sentinel. (Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wis.) 1855-1856

Beaver Dam: Weekly Republican and Sentinel. (Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wis.) 1856-1857

Beaver Dam: Whig of Seventy-Six. (Beaver Dam, Wis.) 1862-1863

Fox Lake: Fox Lake Breeze. (Fox Lake, Dodge Co., Wis.) 1886-1887

Fox Lake: Fox Lake Gazette. (Fox Lake, Wis.) 1858-1865

Fox Lake: Fox Lake Representative. (Fox Lake, Dodge Co., Wis.) 1887-1964

Fox Lake: Fox Lake Representative. (Fox Lake, Dodge County, Wis.) 1866-1885

Fox Lake: Fox Lake Representative. (Fox Lake, Wis.) 1969-1981

Fox Lake: Representative. ([Fox Lake, Wis.]) 1964-1968

Horicon: Horicon Argus. (Horicon, Wis.) 1854-1860

Horicon: Horicon Gazette. (Horicon, Wis.) 1861-1862

Hustisford: Hustisford Journal. (Hustisford, Wis.) 1909-1911

Hustisford: Hustisford News. (Hustisford, Dodge County, Wis.) 1908-1962

Juneau: Burr Oak. (Juneau, Dodge County, Wis.) 1853-1854

Juneau: Dodge County Democrat. (Juneau, Wis.) 1869-1879

Juneau: Dodge County Gazette. (Juneau, Dodge County, Wis.) 1852-1853

Juneau: Dodge County Independent-News. (Juneau, Wis.) 1962-Current

Juneau: Independent. (Juneau, Wis.) 1893-1962

Juneau: Juneau Telephone. (Juneau, Wis.) 1880-1918

Juneau: Wisconsin Granger. (Juneau, Wis.) 1872-1874

Lebanon: Lebanon Leader. (Lebanon, Wis.) 1988-Current

Lomira: Lomira Review. (Lomira, Wis.) 1903-1942

Mayville: Dodge County Banner. (Mayville, Wis.) 1901-1919

Mayville: Dodge County Pionier. (Mayville, Wis.) 1876-1945

Mayville: Mayville News. (Mayville, Wis.) 1892-2000s

Mayville: Telephone. (Mayville, Wis.) 1877-1880

Neosho: Neosho Standard. (Neosho, Wis.) 1900-1908

Reeseville: Reeseville Weekly Review. (Reeseville, Wis.) 1895-1896

Reeseville: Review. (Reeseville, Wis.) 1893-1895

Reeseville: Weekly Review. (Reeseville, Wis.) 1889-1893

Waupun: Euen's Prison City Item. (Waupun, Wis.) 1858-1860

Waupun: Little Badger. (Waupun, Wis.) 1860-1861

Waupun: Prison City Item. (Waupun, Dodge County, Wis.) 1860-1861

Waupun: Prison City Leader. (Waupun, Wis.) 1866-1870

Waupun: Waupun Democrat. (Waupun, Wis.) 1900-1923

Waupun: Waupun Leader-News. (Waupun, Wis.) 1929-Current

Waupun: Waupun Leader. (Waupun, Wis.) 1870-1929

Waupun: Waupun News. (Waupun, Wis.) 1923-1929

Waupun: Waupun Times. (Waupun, Wis.) 1857-1903

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