Genealogy Record Listing Update

We recently added many new records from many websites including the Texas Research Ramblers Genealogical Society, Rochester Genealogical Society, city and town maps from the Library of Congress, cemetery and burial records listings from Interment, records from, yearbooks from Classmates, newspapers from Advantage Preservation, newspapers from Fulton History, and the latest records from FamilySearch. We are now up to 1,071,527 records!

Genealogy Record Listing Update

We recently consolidated some of our links into one single link in order to make some of the longer pages easier to navigate. It reduced the number of total links so our overall number of records went down, but the quality of the links was improved.
We also added records from several public libraries in Connecticut, as well as the Connecticut State Library. We also added links to Sanborn maps from the Library of Congress, partial indexes for smaller localities from the 1940 census, transcriptions of some records in Massachusetts, books from, added indexes from Every Name Index, and added yearbooks from, E Yearbook, MyHeritage, and We also corrected some broken links that were no longer working.
We are now up to 1,000,719 records in our directory!

More Learning Articles Added

We have recently added the following learning articles to our site: