We recently added many new records including more yearbooks from MyHeritage, Ancestry, and E Yearbook; city directories from several sites including Archive.org; and details from specific collections on Ancestry.com. We are now up to 1,053,656 records in our directory!
Category: Site updates
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We recently consolidated some of our links into one single link in order to make some of the longer pages easier to navigate. It reduced the number of total links so our overall number of records went down, but the quality of the links was improved.
We also added records from several public libraries in Connecticut, as well as the Connecticut State Library. We also added links to Sanborn maps from the Library of Congress, partial indexes for smaller localities from the 1940 census, transcriptions of some records in Massachusetts, books from Archive.org, added indexes from Every Name Index, and added yearbooks from Ancestry.com, E Yearbook, MyHeritage, and Classmates.com. We also corrected some broken links that were no longer working.
We are now up to 1,000,719 records in our directory!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We have added more cemetery records, particularly from Billion Graves and Cemetery Census. We also made some changes to our larger pages to make them easier to navigate. We are now up to 1,060,369 records in our directory!
More Learning Articles Added
We have recently added the following learning articles to our site:
- 10 Free Useful Websites for U.S. Genealogy Research There are many free and useful genealogy websites available for U.S. researchers. We are listing here a few of our favorites.
- Y-DNA Testing: The Useful DNA Test You Might Not Be Using Yet Basics of Y-DNA testing
- Brick Wall Ancestor Series #30: Finding the parents of an adopted child born in the 1870s in Ohio Emma was listed in the census in an adopted family and her marriage record listed her as having unknown parents. Birth records, studying the nearby families, and autosomal DNA evidence pointed to her biological family.
- Brick Wall Ancestor Series #31: Identifying the family of a man with a common name There were many men named Charles Miller so it was difficult to determine which one he was. A draft registration card gave clues to identify the correct man.
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We added new records from Newspapers.com, the Internet Archive, and records from many public libraries in Massachusetts. We now have 1,015,348 records in our directory!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We added many records specific to the state of Massachusetts, as well as making some further refinements throughout the site. We have now passed the milestone of 1 million records! We have 1,012,695 records in our directory from this newest update.
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We did a small update and refined some of our pages, as well as adding a few new records. We are now up to 996,792 records in our directory!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We did a small update and added new records this week from various sites. We are now up to 995,905 records in our directory!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We added new records this week from the Nashville Public Library, Florida Memory, Shelby County Register of Deeds, Sumner County Archives, and other sites. We are now up to 994,159 records in our directory!
Genealogy Record Listing Update
We have added many new records this week from several websites including MyHeritage, Alachua County Clerk of Court, Plano Public Library, Collin County Clerk, Chronicling America, and others. We are now up to 988,409 helpful links. We hope these new records will help you in your research.