USA (1,380,571) > Alabama (33,640) > Alabama Military Records (1,112)
Autauga County Military Records
Baldwin County Military Records
Barbour County Military Records
Blount County Military Records
Bullock County Military Records
Butler County Military Records
Calhoun County Military Records
Chambers County Military Records
Cherokee County Military Records
Chilton County Military Records
Choctaw County Military Records
Clarke County Military Records
Cleburne County Military Records
Coffee County Military Records
Colbert County Military Records
Conecuh County Military Records
Covington County Military Records
Crenshaw County Military Records
Cullman County Military Records
Dallas County Military Records
DeKalb County Military Records
Elmore County Military Records
Escambia County Military Records
Etowah County Military Records
Fayette County Military Records
Franklin County Military Records
Geneva County Military Records
Greene County Military Records
Houston County Military Records
Jackson County Military Records
Jefferson County Military Records
Lauderdale County Military Records
Lawrence County Military Records
Limestone County Military Records
Lowndes County Military Records
Madison County Military Records
Marengo County Military Records
Marion County Military Records
Marshall County Military Records
Mobile County Military Records
Monroe County Military Records
Montgomery County Military Records
Morgan County Military Records
Pickens County Military Records
Randolph County Military Records
Russell County Military Records
Shelby County Military Records
St Clair County Military Records
Sumter County Military Records
Talladega County Military Records
Tallapoosa County Military Records
Tuscaloosa County Military Records
Walker County Military Records
Washington County Military Records
1890 Veterans Schedules Ancestry
A Dictionary of All Officers Who Have Been Commissioned, in the Army of the United States Ancestry
A History of the Sixtieth Alabama Regiment Ancestry
A history of the Sixtieth Alabama Regiment, Gracie's Alabama Brigade BYU Family History Archives
A rich man's war, a poor man's fight : desertion of Alabama troops from the Confederate Army FamilySearch Library
Administrators of Confederate soldiers, 1862-1864 FamilySearch Library
Alabama : her history, resources, war record, and public men, from 1540 to 1872 (Brewer, Willis) FamilySearch Library
Alabama Active Military Service Reports, 1940-1966 Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Alabama Civil War Muster Rolls, 1861-1865 Ancestry
Alabama Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865 Family Search
Alabama Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865 Family Search
Alabama Revolutionary War Soldiers Ancestry
Alabama Soldiers in the Korean War, 1950-1952 Ancestry
Alabama World War I Gold Star Files Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Alabama World War I Service Records Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Alabama soldiers : Revolution, War of 1812, and Indian wars (Gandrud, Pauline Myra Jones, 1904-1980) FamilySearch Library
Alabama state militia, 1820-1865 FamilySearch Library
Alabama state troops (militia), 1873-1898 FamilySearch Library
Alabama volunteers in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 : a history and annotated roster (Butler, Steven R) FamilySearch Library
Alabama volunteers, Cherokee disturbances and removal, 1836-1839 (Alabama (State). Militia. Norwood's Battalion) FamilySearch Library
Alabama, Census of Confederate Soldiers, 1907, 1921 Ancestry
Alabama, Census of Confederate Veterans, 1907, 1921, 1927 Family Search
Alabama, Civil War Soldiers, 1860-1865 Ancestry
Alabama, Confederate Pension Applications, ca. 1880-1930's Family Search
Alabama, Confederate Pension and Service Records, 1862-1947 Ancestry
Alabama, Her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men : From 1540 to 1872 Ancestry
Alabama, Military Card Files,1917-1918 Ancestry
Alabama, Military Discharge Records, ca.1918 - ca.1962 Family Search
Alabama, National Guard Index Cards, 1897-1924 Ancestry
Alabama, Questionnaires of Widows of Confederate Soldiers, 1927 Ancestry
Alabama, Revolutionary War Residents, 1776-1783 Ancestry
Alabama, Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims, 1871-1880 Family Search
Alabama, Texas and Virginia, Confederate Pensions, 1884-1958 Ancestry
Alabama, WWI Gold Star Index, 1917-1918 Ancestry
Alabama, WWII Military Dead and Wounded, 1944-1946 Ancestry
Alabama, World War I Service Cards, 1917-1919 Family Search
Alabama, World War II Draft Registration Cards,1940-1945 Family Search
American Civil War General Officers Ancestry
American Civil War Regiments Ancestry
American Civil War Soldiers Ancestry
American Soldiers of World War I Ancestry
Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1812-1855 Fold3
Brief Historical Sketches of Military Organizations Raised in Alabama During the Civil War Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Brief historical sketches of military organizations raised in Alabama during the Civil War Ancestry
Brief historical sketches of military organizations raised in Alabama during the Civil War FamilySearch Library
British Aliens in the United States During the War of 1812 Ancestry
Civil War "Widows' Pensions", 1861-1910 Fold3
Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Ancestry
Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry
Civil War Service Records, Confederate, Alabama Fold3
Civil War Service Records, Union, Alabama Fold3
Civil War Service Records, Union, Colored Troops 47th-55th Infantry Fold3
Civil War Service Records, Union, Colored Troops: Artillery Organizations Fold3
Civil War Soldiers Database National Park Service
Civil War and Later Veterans Pension Index 1860-1900 Fold3
Civil War and Later Veterans Pension Index 1860-1934 Fold3
Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama Ancestry
Civil War and reconstruction in Alabama BYU Family History Archives
Civil War and reconstruction in Alabama (Fleming, Walter Lynwood, 1874-1932) FamilySearch Library
Confederate Applications For Presidential Pardons, 1865-1867 Ancestry
Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry
Confederate Soldier Death Records
Confederate States Army Casualties: Lists and Narrative Reports, 1861-1865 Fold3
Confederate States Citizens File Fold3
Confederate pension records, 1928-1921 FamilySearch Library
Confederate soldiers in Alabama, 1907-1927 (Alabama. State Auditor) FamilySearch Library
Deceased soldiers files, 10th-18th Alabama Infantry Regiment Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Deceased soldiers files, 1st-3rd, 19th-39th Alabama Infantry Regiment Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Deceased soldiers files, 4th-9th Alabama Infantry Regiment Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, Unaccounted-for Remains, 1941-1975 Fold3
Distinguished Conduct Medal Citations 1914-1920 MyHeritage
Final Payment Vouchers Index for Military Pensions, 1818-1864 Fold3
Final statements of deceased soldiers of the U.S. Infantry, 1862-1899 Fold3
Index for compiled service records, Alabama units - Florida War BYU Family History Archives
Index for compiled service records, Alabama units - Florida War (Achee, Benjamin) FamilySearch Library
Index to Civil War Service Records, Confederate, Alabama Fold3
Index to Indian Wars Pension Files, 1892-1926 Fold3
Index to Rendezvous Reports (Navy), Armed Guard Personnel, 1917-1920 Fold3
Index to Rendezvous Reports (Navy), Before and After the Civil War, 1846-1861, 1865-1884 Fold3
Index to Rendezvous Reports, Naval Auxiliary Service, 1917-1918 Fold3
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers who served in organizations from the state of Alabama (United States. Adjutant General's Office) FamilySearch Library
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served during the Cherokee removal in organizations from the state of Alabama (United States. Adjutant General's Office) FamilySearch Library
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served during the Creek War in organizations from the state of Alabama (United States. Adjutant General's Office) FamilySearch Library
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served during the Florida War in organizations from the state of Alabama (United States. Adjutant General's Office) FamilySearch Library
Index to compiled service records, Alabama units; Creek War, 1836-1837, volume I (Achee, Benjamin) FamilySearch Library
Indian War Service Records Index, 1815-1858 Fold3
Indian Wars: Soldiers In The Florida War US Gen Web Archives
Indian war service, 1812-1814 FamilySearch Library
Indiana's Civil War Soldiers Buried In Mobile National Cemetery Indiana Genealogical Society
Korean Casualty, National Military Personnel Records
Korean Conflict Casualty Records
Korean War Casualties Fold3
Korean War Casualties, 1950-1957 Ancestry
Korean War Casualties, 1950-1957 MyHeritage
Korean War Data File of American Prisoners of War
Korean War Prisoners of War, 1950-1954 Ancestry
List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900 Fold3
List of Pensioners On the Roll, January 1, 1883, Vols. 1-5 Ancestry
List of Staff Officers of the Confederate States Army Ancestry
Medal of Honor Recipients, 1863-2013 Fold3
Mexican War Service Records Index 1846-1848 Fold3
Military Personnel Who Died During the Vietnam War
Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army (1860s) Ancestry
Military Yearbooks, 1900-2000 Fold3
Missing Air Crew Reports (MACRs) of the U.S. Army Air Forces, 1942-1947 Fold3
Muster rolls of Alabama volunteers in the Spanish-American War of 1898 (Alabama. Adjutant General's Office) FamilySearch Library
Nationwide Gravesite Locator (burial locations of veterans) National Cemetery Administration
Naval Enlistment Weekly Returns 1855-1891 Fold3
Naval Pensioners of the United States 1800-1851 Ancestry
Naval Records of Officers from 1775-1910 Fold3
Navy Casualty Reports, 1776-1941 Fold3
Navy Courts Martial Records, 1799-1867 Fold3
Navy Survivors' Certificates, 1861-1910 Fold3
Navy Widows' Certificates, 1861-1910 Fold3
Navy and Marine Corps Officer Registers Fold3
Negroes in the Confederate Army, 1860-1907 FamilySearch Library
Officers of the Continental and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 1775-1900 Ancestry
Official Army Register of the Volunteer Force of the United States Army, 1861-1865, Parts 1-8 Ancestry
Official Army register of the volunteer force of the United States Army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65 (United States. Adjutant General's Office) FamilySearch Library
Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the War of the Rebellion. Ser. 1 V. 24 BYU Family History Archives
Parents of Confederate soldiers, 1862-1864 FamilySearch Library
Pension List of 1820 Ancestry
Records of Naval Officers, 1798-1893 Fold3
Records of Naval Officers, 1829-1924 Fold3
Registers of Enlistments in the United States Army, 1798-1914 Fold3
Registers of Patients at Naval Hospitals, 1812 - 1934 Ancestry
Returns from Regular Army Coast Artillery Corps Companies, 1901-1916 Fold3
Returns from Regular Army Regiments, 1821-1916 Ancestry
Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama (included in My GPC Library subscription)
Revolutionary Soldiers in Alabama : Being A List of Names, Compiled From Authentic Sources Ancestry
Revolutionary War Pension Records MyHeritage
Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files Fold3
Revolutionary War service, 1776-1783 FamilySearch Library
Revolutionary patriots who resided in Alabama (Hageness, MariLee Beatty, 1942-) FamilySearch Library
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Alabama FamilySearch Library
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Alabama Genealogy Gophers
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Alabama LDS Genealogy
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Alabama Internet Archive
Revolutionary soldiers in Alabama : being a list of names, compiled from authentic sources BYU Family History Archives
Service Records of Confederate Soldiers MyHeritage
Southeast Asia Combat Area Casualties
Spanish American War Service Records Fold3
Spanish-American War service, 1898-1899 FamilySearch Library
Territorial militia and civil service, 1818 FamilySearch Library
The Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Ancestry
The Pension Roll of 1835, The Indexed Edition in Four Volumes (included in My GPC Library subscription)
The memorial war book : as drawn from historical records and personal narratives BYU Family History Archives
Two Confederate hospitals and their patients : Atlanta to Opelika (Welsh, Jack D., 1928-) FamilySearch Library
U.S. Army Casualties 1961-1981 MyHeritage
U.S. Army Casualty Records
U.S. Army Indian Campaign Service Records Index, 1815-1858 Ancestry
U.S. Army Personnel and Dependent Casualties, 1961-1981 Ancestry
U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914 Ancestry
U.S. Casualties from Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts, Oct 2001 - Mar 2009 Ancestry
U.S. Civil War Jewish-American Veterans, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles Ancestry
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S. Civil War, The Unpublished Roll of Honor (soldier burial records) Ancestry
U.S. Compiled Revolutionary War Military Service Records Ancestry
U.S. Index to General Correspondence of the Record and Pension Office, 1889-1904 Ancestry
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls Ancestry
U.S. Military Burial Registers, 1768-1921 Ancestry
U.S. Military Records, 1925: Official National Guard Register Ancestry
U.S. Military and Naval Academies, Cadet Records and Applications, 1805-1908 Ancestry
U.S. Naval Deaths, World War I Ancestry
U.S. Navy Cruise Books, 1918-2009 Fold3
U.S. Navy Cruise Books, 1950-2009 Ancestry
U.S. Navy Muster Rolls, 1949-1963 Ancestry
U.S. Navy Pensions Index, 1861-1910 Ancestry
U.S. Navy Support Books, 1901-1902, 1917-2010 Ancestry
U.S. Pensioners, 1818-1872 Ancestry
U.S. Returns from Regular Army Infantry Regiments, 1821-1916 Ancestry
U.S. Rosters of World War II Dead, 1939-1945 Ancestry
U.S. Southern Claims Commission Master Index, 1871-1880 Ancestry
U.S. Southern Claims Commission, Allowed Claims, 1871-1880 Ancestry
U.S. Southern Claims Commission, Disallowed and Barred Claims, 1871-1880 Ancestry
U.S. Veterans Burial Sites, 1775-2013 MyHeritage
U.S. Veterans Gravesites, Ca.1775-2006 Ancestry
U.S. Veterans' Gravesites, ca.1775-2019 Fold3
U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 Ancestry
U.S. WWII Hospital Admission Card Files, 1942-1954 Ancestry
U.S. World War I Burial Cards Fold3
U.S. World War I Mothers' Pilgrimage, 1930 Ancestry
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment MyHeritage
U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Ancestry
U.S. World War II Military Personnel Missing in Action or Lost At Sea, 1941-1946 Ancestry
U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 Fold3
U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963 Fold3
U.S., Adjutant General Military Records, 1631-1976 Ancestry
U.S., Army Transport Service, Passenger Lists, 1910-1939 Ancestry
U.S., Buffalo Soldiers, Returns From Regular Army Cavalry Regiments, 1866-1916 Ancestry
U.S., Burial Registers, Military Posts and National Cemeteries, 1862-1960 Ancestry
U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Ancestry
U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Civil War and Later Wars Index to Remarried Widow Pension Applications, 1860-1934 Ancestry
U.S., Colored Troops Military Service Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Confederate Army Casualty Lists and Reports, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Confederate Army Payrolls for Enslaved Labor, 1840-1883 Ancestry
U.S., Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 Ancestry
U.S., Final Accountability Rosters of Evacuees at Relocation Centers, 1942-1946 Ancestry
U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963 Ancestry
U.S., Headstone and Interment Records for U.S. Military Cemeteries on Foreign Soil, 1942-1949 Ancestry
U.S., Index to General Correspondence of the Record and Pension Office, 1889-1904 Ancestry
U.S., Jewish Welfare Board, War Correspondence, 1917-1954 Ancestry
U.S., Lists of Men Ordered to Report to Local Board for Military Duty, 1917-1918, Select States Ancestry
U.S., Marine Corps Casualty Indexes, 1940-1958 Ancestry
U.S., Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891 Ancestry
U.S., Naval Hospital Tickets and Case Papers, 1825-1889 Ancestry
U.S., Navy Casualties Books, 1776-1941 Ancestry
U.S., Navy and Marine Corps Registries, 1814-1992 Ancestry
U.S., Navy and Marines Awards and Decorations, 1942-1994 Ancestry
U.S., Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Registers of Deaths of Volunteers, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Residents Serving in the British Expeditionary Forces, 1917-1919 Ancestry
U.S., Returns from Military Posts, 1806-1916 Ancestry
U.S., Select Military Registers, 1862-1985 Ancestry
U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 Ancestry
U.S., Spanish American War Volunteers, 1898 Ancestry
U.S., The Pension Roll of 1835 Ancestry
U.S., Union Provost Marshal Files of Individual Civilians, 1861-1866 Ancestry
U.S., Union Provost Marshal Files of Two or More Civilians, 1861-1866 Ancestry
U.S., Union Provost Marshals' Papers, 1861-1867 Ancestry
U.S., Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 Ancestry
U.S., Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940 Ancestry
U.S., World War I Soldier Naturalizations, 1918 Ancestry
U.S., World War II Cadet Nursing Corps Card Files, 1942-1948 Ancestry
US Army Military Registers, 1798-1969 Fold3
US Army WWI Transport Service, Passenger Lists Fold3
US Navy Support Books Fold3
US Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards 1907-1933 Fold3
US World War II Prisoners of War, 1941-1946 MyHeritage
US, African American Civil War Sailor Index, 1861-1865 Ancestry
US, Register of Civil, Military, and Naval Service, 1863-1959 Ancestry
United States Army Morning Reports 1912-1939 Fold3
United States Casualties of Army Personnel, Dependents and Civilian Employees, 1961-1981 Family Search
United States Casualties of the Vietnam War, 1956-1998 Family Search
United States Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War, 1890 Family Search
United States Civil War Confederate Applications for Pardons, 1865-1867 Family Search
United States Civil War Confederate Papers of Citizens or Businesses, 1861-1865 Family Search
United States Civil War Records of Confederate Nonregiment Soldiers, 1861-1865 Family Search
United States Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865 Family Search
United States Civil War Service Records of Union Colored Troops, 1863-1865 Family Search
United States Civil War Unfiled Papers of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865 Family Search
United States Civil War Widows and Other Dependents Pension Files, 1861-1934 Family Search
United States Confederate Navy and Marine Service Records, 1861-1865 Family Search
United States Confederate Officers Card Index, 1861-1865 Family Search
United States General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 Family Search
United States Headstone Applications for U.S. Military Veterans, 1925-1949 Family Search
United States Index to General Correspondence of the Pension Office, 1889-1904 Family Search
United States Index to Indian Wars Pension Files, 1892-1926 Family Search
United States Index to Naturalizations of World War I Soldiers, 1918 Family Search
United States Index to Service Records, War with Spain, 1898 Family Search
United States Korean War Battle Deaths, 1950-1957 Family Search
United States Korean War Dead and Army Wounded, 1950-1953 Family Search
United States Korean War Repatriated Prisoners of War, 1950-1954 Family Search
United States Mexican War Index and Service Records, 1846-1848 Family Search
United States Mexican War Pension Index, 1887-1926 Family Search
United States Military Personnel who Died During the Vietnam War, 1956-2003 Family Search
United States Muster Rolls of the Marine Corps, 1798-1937 Family Search
United States National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 Family Search
United States Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891 Family Search
United States Naval Enlistment Rendezvous, 1855-1891 MyHeritage
United States Navy Widows' Certificates, 1861-1910 Family Search
United States Old War Pension Index, 1815-1926 Family Search
United States Register of Confederates and Civilians Who Died in the North,1861-1865 Family Search
United States Registers of Enlistments in the U.S. Army, 1798-1914 Family Search
United States Remarried Widows Index to Pension Applications, 1887-1942 Family Search
United States Veterans Administration Pension Payment Cards, 1907-1933 Family Search
United States War of 1812 Index to Pension Application Files, 1812-1910 Family Search
United States War of 1812 Index to Service Records, 1812-1815 Family Search
United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Family Search
United States World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 Family Search
United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Family Search
United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 Family Search
United States World War II Prisoners of War of the Japanese, 1941-1945 Family Search
United States, Burial Registers for Military Posts, Camps, and Stations, 1768-1921 Family Search
United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939 Family Search
United States, Indexes to Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers, 1784-1858, 1899-1901 Family Search
United States, Spanish-American War, Soldiers who Served in Volunteer Organizations MyHeritage
United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940 Family Search
United States, War of 1812, Soldiers who Served in Volunteer Organizations MyHeritage
United States, World War I American Expeditionary Forces Deaths, 1917-1919 Family Search
United States, World War II Prisoners of War, 1941-1945 Family Search
Veterans Burial Records
Vietnam Casualties, 1956-1998 MyHeritage
Vietnam Service Awards 1965-1975 Fold3
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fold3
Vietnam War, Awards and Decorations of Honor, 1965-1972 Ancestry
Vietnam War, Casualties Returned Alive, 1962-1979 Ancestry
Volunteer soldiers in the Cherokee War, 1836-39 (Douthat, James L.) FamilySearch Library
War Casualties from World War II for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel, 1941-1946 Fold3
War of 1812 Military Bounty Land Warrants, 1815-1858 Fold3
War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files Fold3
War of 1812 pensioners living in Alabama during the 1880s FamilySearch Library
Widows of Confederate soldiers, 1862-1864 FamilySearch Library
World War I Draft Registration Cards
World War I Draft Registration Cards Fold3
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Ancestry
World War I service records, 1918-1919 FamilySearch Library
World War II Army Enlistment Records
World War II Army Enlistment Records Fold3
World War II Cadet Nursing Corps Card Files, 1942-1948 Fold3
World War II Draft Registration Cards 1940-1943 (for men born between 1898 and 1925) Fold3
World War II Draft Registration Cards 1942 (for men born between 1877 and 1897) Fold3
World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel, 1946 Fold3
World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949 Fold3
World War II Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Casualties, 1941-1945 Ancestry
World War II Prisoners of War
World War II Prisoners of War, 1941-1946 Ancestry
World War II Prisoners of the Japanese Records
World War II Prisoners of the Japanese, 1941-1945 Ancestry
World War II U.S. Navy Muster Rolls, 1939-1949 Ancestry
World War II Young American Patriots, 1941-1945 Ancestry
World War II and Korean Conflict Veterans Interred Overseas Ancestry
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