Voluntown Genealogy (in New London County, CT)

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > New London County (3,099) > Voluntown (134)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Voluntown are also found through the New London County and Connecticut pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Marriage Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records

Voluntown Birth Records

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Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1808-1943 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [47], Torrington 1740-1850, Union 1734-1850, Voluntown, 1708-1850 WorldCat

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) A US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) B US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) C US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) D US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) E US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) F US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) G US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) H US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) J US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) K US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) L US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) M US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) N US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) P US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) R US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) S US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) T US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) U US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) W US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) Y US Gen Web online

Voluntown: Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1708-1850 US Gen Web Archives online

Voluntown Cemetery Records

Bitgood Cemetery Billion Graves online

Bitgood Cemetery #1 Find a Grave online

Bitgood Cemetery #2 Find a Grave online

Bitgood Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Bly Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bly Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Brown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Brown Cemetery Billion Graves online

Brown Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Gallop Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Gallup Cemetery US Gen Web online

Gallup Cemetery Billion Graves online

Gallup Cemetery #1 Find a Grave online

Gallup Cemetery #2 Find a Grave online

John Tennant Lot / Phillips Lot Billion Graves online

Joseph Douglass Lot Find a Grave online

Joseph Douglass Lot Billion Graves online

Kennedy Cemetery Find a Grave online

Kennedy Cemetery US Gen Web online

Kennedy Cemetery Billion Graves online

Kennedy Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Kinne Cemetery Interment online

Kinne Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Lewis Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lewis Cemetery Billion Graves online

Lewis Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

New Kinne Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Kinne Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Kinne Cemetery US Gen Web online

Old Kinne Cemetery Billion Graves online

Palmer Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Palmer-Newton Cemetery Find a Grave online

Palmer-Newton Cemetery Billion Graves online

Palmer/Newton Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Phillips Cemetery Find a Grave online

Phillips Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Phillips Lot Billion Graves online

Potter Cemetery Billion Graves online

Potter Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Potter Cemetery -Voluntown Find a Grave online

Robbins Cemetery Find a Grave online

Robbins Cemetery US Gen Web online

Robbins Cemetery Billion Graves online

Robbins Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Tennant Cemetery Find a Grave online

Voluntown Cemetery Find a Grave online

Voluntown Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Voluntown, Connecticut LDS Genealogy online

Voluntown Church Records

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Church record, 1723-1902. WorldCat

Church records, 1727-1914, Voluntown and Sterling Congregational Church (Connecticut : Presbyterian) FamilySearch Library

Extracts from the records of the Voluntown and Sterling Congregational Church (The Line Church), 1779-1910 FamilySearch Library

First book records of the First Presbyterian Church of Voluntown, 1723 to 1764 FamilySearch Library

First book records of the first Presbyterian Church of Voluntown, 1723 to 1764. WorldCat

Marriages in Presbyterian Church of Voluntown prior to 1800 US Gen Web online

Voluntown & Sterling Congregational Church (the Line Church) Records, 1723-1905 (included in Connecticut Church Record Abstracts) Ancestry online

Voluntown, Connecticut church records : First Presbyterian Church, 1723-1764, First Congregational Church, 1779-1902 (now known as The Line Church) Archive Grid

Voluntown City Directories

Connecticut City Directories (includes Voluntown 1923) Ancestry online

Voluntown Court Records

Records of court proceedings, 1748-1852 FamilySearch Library

Voluntown Death Records

Filter By Year:

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1808-1943 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [47], Torrington 1740-1850, Union 1734-1850, Voluntown, 1708-1850 WorldCat

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) A US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) B US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) C US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) D US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) E US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) F US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) G US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) H US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) J US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) K US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) L US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) M US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) N US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) P US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) R US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) S US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) T US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) U US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) W US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) Y US Gen Web online

Voluntown: Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1708-1850 US Gen Web Archives online

Voluntown Histories and Genealogies

A compilation of facts and not so factual happenings concerning Voluntown, Connecticut FamilySearch Library

History of New London County (chapter on Voluntown) US Gen Web online

Voluntown Land Records

Land records, 1705-1901; general index, 1705-1920 FamilySearch Library

Voluntown Marriage Records

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Marriages in Presbyterian Church of Voluntown prior to 1800 US Gen Web online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1808-1943 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [47], Torrington 1740-1850, Union 1734-1850, Voluntown, 1708-1850 WorldCat

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) A US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) B US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) C US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) D US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) E US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) F US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) G US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) H US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) J US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) K US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) L US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) M US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) N US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) P US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) R US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) S US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) T US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) U US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) W US Gen Web online

Vital Records of Voluntown, Connecticut, 1708-1850 (Barbour Collection) Y US Gen Web online

Voluntown Marriage Records: 1729-1800 Genealogy Trails online

Voluntown: Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1708-1850 US Gen Web Archives online

Voluntown Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Voluntown

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Opposition, Air War. (Voluntown, Ct) 1972-1970s

Voluntown Probate Records

Probate records, 1748-1917 FamilySearch Library

Probate records, 1830-1889, Connecticut. Probate Court (Voluntown District) FamilySearch Library

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