USA (1,380,571) > Montana (9,851) > Cascade County (455) > Great Falls (235)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Great Falls are also found through the Cascade County and Montana pages.
Cemetery Records | Church Records | City Directories | Death Records | Immigration Records | Map Records | Newspapers and Obituaries | School Records |
Calvary Cemetery Billion Graves
Cascade County, Montana Cemeteries : Old and New Highland Cemetery FamilySearch Library
Church of the Incarnation Billion Graves
Episcopal Church of the Incarnation Columbarium Find a Grave
First Congregational Christ United Methodist Billion Graves
First Congregational UCC Columbarium Find a Grave
First Presbyterian Church Columbarium Find a Grave
Hebrew Cemetery Find a Grave
Highland Cemetery Find a Grave
Highland Cemetery Interment
Highland Cemetery (Old and New) Billion Graves
Hillcrest Lawn Memorial Find a Grave
Hillcrest Lawn Memorial Association Billion Graves
Holy Spirit Catholic Church Columbarium Find a Grave
Manchester Cemetery Find a Grave
Memory Gardens Pet Cemetery Find a Grave
Mount Olivet Cemetery Find a Grave
Mount Olivet Cemetery Billion Graves
Mount Olivet Cemetery Interment
Old Highland Cemetery Find a Grave
Our Savior Lutheran Billion Graves
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Columbarium Find a Grave
Red Butte Cemetery Find a Grave
Red Butte Cemetery Billion Graves
Sand Coulee Cemetery Billion Graves
Sun River Cemetery Billion Graves
Sunrise Presbyterian Church Columbarium Find a Grave
Sunset Memorial Gardens Billion Graves
Record of members, 1947-1957 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Great Falls District (Montana)) FamilySearch Library
Record of members, 1948-1950 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Great Falls Branch (Montana)) FamilySearch Library
Record of members, 1957-1958 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Great Falls Ward (Montana)) FamilySearch Library
Caritas - 1964, College of Great Falls (Great Falls, Montana) Genealogy Gophers
Great Falls (Cascade County, Montana) city directory : contains buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory FamilySearch Library
Great Falls (Montana) city directories FamilySearch Library
Great Falls City Directory 1928 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1929 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1930 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1932 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1934 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1935 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1944 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1946 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1949 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1953 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1954 MyHeritage
Great Falls City Directory 1955 MyHeritage
Great Falls, MT 1903-1906, 1908-1911, 1913-1916, 1918-1919, 1923, 1925-1932, 1934-1935 City Directories Allen County Public Library
Great Falls, MT 1937, 1940, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1949, 1953-1959 City Directories Allen County Public Library
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1903 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1904 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1906 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1908 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1910 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1911 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1913 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1914 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1915 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1916 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1918 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1919 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1923 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1925 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1927 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1928 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1929 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1930 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1931 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1932 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1934 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1935 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1937 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1940 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1942 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1944 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1946 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1949 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1953 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1954 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1955 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1956 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1957 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Great Falls, Montana, City Directory, 1959 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
Obituaries from Billings Gazette Newspaper, 1963, 1981-2001 FamilySearch Library
Indexes to naturalization records of the Montana territorial and federal courts, 1868-1929 FamilySearch Library
Great Falls 1891 Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works
Great Falls 1891 Bird's Eye View Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry
Great Falls 1891 Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage
Perspective map of Great Falls, Mont. 1891. Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, 1900 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, 1929 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, May 1891 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, November 1888 Library of Congress
Contact 1959-1961
Contact 1959-1961
Daily Tribune 1894-1894
Eastern Montana Catholic Register 1954-1960
Great Falls Call 1921-1922
Great Falls Daily Tribune 1902-1917
Great Falls Daily Tribuneᅠ(1919-1921) Newspaper Archive
Great Falls Evening Leader 1907-1907
Great Falls Leader 1888-1889
Great Falls Leader 1888-1900
Great Falls Leader 1952-1969
Great Falls Leader 1983-1984
Great Falls Leader-Entertainer 1984-1984
Great Falls Leaderᅠ(1888-1890) Newspaper Archive
Great Falls News 1892-1900
Great Falls Pennant, 1974-1974 Google News Archive
Great Falls Progressive 1912-1912
Great Falls Tribune 1885-2019
Great Falls Tribune 1887-1890
Great Falls Tribuneᅠ(1885-1922) Newspaper Archive
Great Falls Weekly Tribune 1894-1896
Great Falls Weekly Tribuneᅠ(1891-1896) Newspaper Archive
Great Falls Weekly tribune (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Nov. 30, 1894 to Dec. 25, 1896) MyHeritage
Great Falls daily tribune (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 1, 1919 to Jan. 10, 1921) MyHeritage
Great Falls daily tribune 05/14/1885 to 12/31/1922 Genealogy Bank
Great Falls daily tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 1, 1919 to Jan. 10, 1921) Chronicling America
Great Falls leader (Great Falls, Mont.) (from June 16, 1888 to Oct. 20, 1888) MyHeritage
Great Falls leader (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Oct. 21, 1888 to Dec. 31, 1889) MyHeritage
Great Falls leader 06/16/1888 to 10/13/1888 and 12/31/1889 Genealogy Bank
Great Falls tribune (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 11, 1921 to Dec. 31, 1922) MyHeritage
Great Falls tribune (Great Falls, Mont.) (from May 14, 1885 to Jan. 11, 1890) MyHeritage
Great Falls tribune (Great Falls, Mont.) (from May 18, 1887 to Jan. 11, 1890) MyHeritage
Great Falls tribune 05/18/1887 to 12/25/1896 Genealogy Bank
Great Falls tribune 1968-2023
Great Falls tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 11, 1921 to Dec. 31, 1922) Chronicling America
Great Falls tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from May 14, 1885 to Jan. 11, 1890) Chronicling America
Great Falls tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from May 18, 1887 to Jan. 11, 1890) Chronicling America
Great Falls weekly tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Nov. 30, 1894 to Dec. 25, 1896) Chronicling America
Indland Posten 1916-1917
Indlandsposten 1915-1916
Jet Line 1953-1959
Malmstrom Contact 1959-1959
Malmstrom Minuteman 1969-1969
Minuteman 1961-1969
Montana Catholic Register 1962-1962
Montana Equity News 1916-1919
Montana Farmer 1913-1947
Montana Farmer Stockmanᅠ(1948-1956) Newspaper Archive
Montana Farmer-Stockman 1948-1963
Montana Farmeᅠ(1948-1949) Newspaper Archive
Montana Herold 06/29/1893 to 07/11/1901 Genealogy Bank
Montana Leader 1918-1918
Montana Leaderᅠ(1918-1918) Newspaper Archive
Montana Nonpartisan 1918-1922
Montana Oil Journal 1921-1931
Montana Oil and Mining Journal 1931-1953
Montana Oil and Mining Journal 1931-1953
Montana farmer-stockman. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 1, 1948 to Dec. 15, 1963) Chronicling America
Montana leader (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Sept. 14, 1918 to Oct. 12, 1918) MyHeritage
Montana leader 09/14/1918 to 10/05/1918 Genealogy Bank
Montana leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Sept. 14, 1918 to Oct. 12, 1918) Chronicling America
Montana nonpartisan (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Oct. 19, 1918 to Dec. 20, 1919) MyHeritage
Montana nonpartisan 10/19/1918 to 12/20/1919 Genealogy Bank
Montana oil and mining journal. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from March 28, 1931 to Dec. 28, 1946) Chronicling America
Montana oil journal. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 3, 1931 to March 21, 1931) Chronicling America
Newspaper Index for the Great Falls Tribune (1987-2006) Montana State Unversity
Obituaries from Billings Gazette Newspaper, 1963, 1981-2001 FamilySearch Library
Prairie Star 01/29/2001 to Current Genealogy Bank
Register 1932-1953
Rocky Mountain Husbandmanᅠ(1875-1884) Newspaper Archive
Semi-Weekly tribune 1890-1891
Semi-weekly tribune (great falls, mont.) (from april 12, 1890 to feb. 14, 1891) MyHeritage
The Great Falls leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from June 16, 1888 to Oct. 20, 1888) Chronicling America
The Great Falls leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Oct. 21, 1888 to Dec. 31, 1889) Chronicling America
The Montana Nonpartisanᅠ(1918-1919) Newspaper Archive
The Montana nonpartisan. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Oct. 19, 1918 to Dec. 20, 1919) Chronicling America
The Semi Weekly Tribuneᅠ(1890-1891) Newspaper Archive
The semi-weekly tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from April 12, 1890 to Feb. 14, 1891) Chronicling America
The tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Jan. 15, 1890 to April 9, 1890) Chronicling America
The weekly tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Feb. 21, 1891 to Nov. 23, 1894) Chronicling America
Tribune (great falls, mont.) (from jan. 15, 1890 to april 9, 1890) MyHeritage
Tribune 1890-1890
Weekly Great Falls Leader 1888-1888
Weekly Great Falls Leader 1888-1888
Weekly tribune (Great Falls, Mont.) (from Feb. 21, 1891 to Nov. 23, 1894) MyHeritage
weekly tribune 1891-1891
Offline Newspapers for Great FallsAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Contact. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1959-1961 Daily Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1890-1895 Great Falls Call. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1919-1922 Great Falls Daily Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1895-1921 Great Falls Evening Leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1900-1909 Great Falls Leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1888-1890 Great Falls Leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1888-1900 Great Falls Leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1909-1969 Great Falls Leader. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1983-1984 Great Falls News. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1892-1900 Great Falls News. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1933-1940s Great Falls Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1885-1890 Great Falls Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1887-1890 Great Falls Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1921-Current Indland Posten. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1916-1917 Indlandsposten. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1915-1916 Minuteman. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1961-1969 Montana Farmer. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1913-1947 Montana Nonpartisan. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1918-1920s Montana Oil Journal. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1920s-1931 Montana Oil and Mining Journal. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1931-1953 Semi-Weekly Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1890-1891 Weekly Tribune. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1891-1894 |
Central Catholic High School yearbook, 1951 Classmates
Central Catholic High School yearbook, 1951 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage
Charles M. Russell High School yearbooks, 1991, 1992, 1995 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
East Junior High School - Ram Yearbook (Great Falls, MT), 1959 E Yearbook
East Junior High School yearbook, 1959 Classmates
East Junior High School yearbook, 1959 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
East Junior High School yearbook, 1959 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage
Great Falls Central Catholic High School - Chimes Yearbook (Great Falls, MT), 1951, 1955, 1956, 1961 E Yearbook
Great Falls Central Catholic High School yearbook, 1955, 1956 Classmates
Great Falls Central Catholic High School yearbook, 1955, 1956 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage
Roundup, 1910-1914 Internet Archive
Roundup, Great Falls High School Genealogy Gophers
St Mary's High School yearbook, 1923, 1942 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
St Marys High School - Chimes Yearbook (Great Falls, MT), 1942 E Yearbook
St Marys High School yearbook, 1942 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
St. Mary's High School yearbook, 1923, 1942 Classmates
St. Mary's High School yearbook, 1923, 1942 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage
The roundup, Great Falls High School Genealogy Gophers
University of Great Falls yearbook, 1959, 1982, 1986 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry
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